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Mad over fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 13th Aug 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
259 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Good evening to all members , old and older.

There is yet again no speaker arranged for this week. (I blame the Committee).

Raffle prizes are a little thin at the moment, but no doubt will flesh out as the evening progresses.
So far we have:

A box of wafer thin mints
A roll of tissue paper (white)
Half a packet of sewing needles.

No doubt our usual array of drinks and nibbles will arrive shortly, courtesy of our dear Matron and the furry butler.

Apologies have been received from Petal who has been transported to a galaxy far, far away.
No word so far of ttfn, who has been so frequently rusticated that I fear for her colouring.


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Pastie and mushy peas that,ll do for me and a glass of whatever is left
Coming right up. napkins at the ready.
Lubbly Jubbly
giveup - hmmm, I believe I may have tried the odd glass of sloe gin before ;) Best not to mix my drinks tonight though, thank you all the same. I can drink any amount of alcohol so long as I stick to the one sort - years of careful practise - thudddddddddddddd ☺
Evening, Miss Ena!

Did someone mention cognac?..
Alex would you like gravy on your pasty?
And me, and me, and me!!
Food eaten, I have had my 5-a-day(one each of whisky,rum,brandy,gin and matrons tailcocks) so I shall wend my way home and say goodnight and thankyou all for the company
hugs and kisses to the female members
The sloe gin is in an old cognac bottle,hang on I'll dust it off and smell it . if theres any left you can have it for next weeks raffle.
Alex - like your style young man! Glad you enjoyed your MOTD (mouth of thunder drink) sweet dreams and ttfn ♥
Maj - nice to see you too :) - one dare not say owt more interesting than that for fear of upsetting Mamya (again - lol)
giveup - you do realise that bottles left for the riff ruff never get beyond her ladyship's grasp? Nice thought, anyway ☺
Indeed! I have no wish to be de-trousered again...
aww shucks, just the gravy then?
How can you all party. Leonardo De Caprio is going to drown soon.
Ice in their drink, anyone?
one berg coming up.
anything left? just swam the moat
Maj - put ice in my drink and de-bagging will be the last of your problems!
Hello sibton - Mamya has some nibbles and my balloon is reasonably full - not a bad night. Leonardo, giveup? Sorry, I don't do artists lol
Hi Sibton, you do know Maj's lawyers have your comments in print and action is to be started? Like a pasty?
Good morning, sibton!!!
oh no a cognac double please
hi ttfn and mamya

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