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Mamyalynne | 19:59 Sat 08th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
210 Answers
Good evening members new and old.

Once more the drawbridge is down and I am throwing the doors open to you all. Her Ladyship is a little delayed - no doubt high tea has developed into an evening soiree, such is the way with the aristocracy. However I did not want anyone to be waiting outside in this chill damp air.

The buffet sideboard is as usual laden with delights and I have a huge pot of freshly made wild mushroom soup on the Aga.

This week's guest Tailcock is the 'Biker-boot' a real kick-start to the night and does 0-60 erm, very quickly.

My contribution to the Rofl:
4 rolled up newspapers
Empty cookie tin (model of a tractor)
2 pairs of fishnet pop sox (one lilac one lime)

So gather round and we shall have fun.


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Tailcocks, tailcocks! Get 'em while there's an awful lot of 'em, they're lovely!
At last, I have managed to break loose!!!
A biker boot please, I need all the strength I can get.
For the rofl (??) my, things change, I donate a pair of handcuffs.
Good evening, Miss meg, please allow me hide your coat, while you sample tonight's tailcock...
Hello everyone.
Sorry to be so late in arriving. I see that Matron and the Butler have been doing a sterling job holding the fort...despite serious illness...
In fact there seems to be quite a lot of illness about this week...hope the viruses don't creep into t'internet or we could all be in Queer Street.
I recommend alcohol for all the sufferers and am looking forward to a bucketful of Biker-boot.
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Meg how wonderful to have you back, thought you had fallen off Wigan Pier - ooh Handcuffs, this night gets better and better
Did the bewildered have you imprisoned again, Miss Meg ?
You really must give them a wide derth in future.
I hope herladyship's not using her squeezy board again,last time his ludship grew ears!
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Good evening Milady- is his Ludship safe to go to his boudoir alone, how many tinctures has he consumed.
(bow, scrape)

Good evening, m'lady. One bucket of tailcock & a bendy straw.
lordalex is usally safe to go to his room alone. It's when he gets others to go there with him that there is sometimes trouble.....Uncle Joe excepted, that is.
Talking of whom, haven't seen Uncle Joe for some time now..was he with his niece wherever she was ?
Hi mamya, I did take a tumble from the pier but that was a long time ago, still suffering.
Mr Lion, are you the sort of person who hides coats, I've met your sort before. Nice to meet you though, keep your germs to yourself, I'm not immune to everything.
Thank you LIK.

Be assured, petals that my squeezy board remains under lock and key.
Hello Milady, nice to see you. Can't remember how many Tailcocks I've had. I'd better start again.
had my rabees jab last week,in aid of something or other
Alas, Miss meg, it is one of the terms of my interminable contract to hide coats.

So I do.
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I thought his Ludship had the full complement of ears already.
Evening all excuse tardiness, have been helping a young wizard on his quest. Mlady have filled the logcabin with logs so that yout lum may long reek if we have a harsh winter
hello PB I won't ask about the iceberg this week as I know it upsets you.

I'm sure the Lion will provide as many tailcocks as are possible for a bear to drink...
Hi Milady, nice to see you. Must admit Unk has spent some time with me, oh, what tales of life in the big house!! Made my toes curl.
Pity that tardy paper has finished.

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