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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 18:59 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
259 Answers
The Club is now Open

Welcome once more to each and every one of you.

I am sure that the fort was held in excellent and robust fashion in my absence and that Matron and the Butler did all the necessary paperwork and stocktaking at the end of proceedings.

So far for tonight's raffle I have:

Four dressings (large, non-adhesive)
Three tubes of Savlon
Two rolls of cotton wool
and 54 plastic pinnies.

I have had no word yet of a speaker this evening, but no doubt a member will step into the breach if no one turns up.

Now where are my raffle prizes from the last 2 weeks ?


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Maj, you are so capable! The Pride of the Pride! A small sup if you please.
Welcome back, Mr excel - your flagon, sir.

Mr tony - I had been wondering why the pig was unable to sit down...
if you are very very good Tone ..the scratchings may come with an "extra"....mmmm
I keep bumping into the invisable lady,where does she come from,her accent seems faamiliar
I look forward to it, miss mints hope it doesn't involve an half nelson again !.
Buttle, a large one please, dt you've swept me off my feet
I know sibo, I saw him trip you.
Canada, petal? The town of Spirit is a thriving community in northwestern Alberta, Canada.
Into my bardic arms.......tony.
DOH, he's done it again.
Now then all this flirtation, we do let out the old gamekeepers cottage ( a nice romantic nest, I may say) reasonable charges too.
Refills for the misses Daisy & sibton - I hope you're enjoying the evening, ladies?
What on earth is in that drink??..feeling decidedly iffy...why is the sky spinning green around me...where is that bucket ???..
You are all very kind! (I don't have an accent!!!!) lol
Tell me more about the old gamekeepers cottage, your matronship she seems to know a lot about it.
Oi, that's my bucket!!

May I have a fresh bucket your felineship?
Yes, mamya, one must do something about the red light bulbs in there and the rusty condom machine from the Poachers Arms is not that conducive to passionate, poetic love making. It is more apropos for the village flunkies.
A game keepers lodge makes me think of Sean Bean...why is that? lol
I know the town of Spirit well,passed through it a few months back,on the way to Jackknife
And one must remember to make sure the microphones to His Lordships 30000 watt amplication system are switched off. The sound of "oooooooooooh, oooooooh, I'll have what she is having" can put a man right of his tennis stroke, so to speak.

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