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Jude123 | 17:38 Sun 13th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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Can somebody please give me that answer to 11 ac.

In the former USSR etc.....



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First of all let me thank everybody for your Good Wishes on our 6oth W.A. I am now walking in the same circles as jno i.e. after a phone call to Buckingham Palace (made by daughter) we have received a Congratulatory Letter and Photo of the Queen and also one from the Governor -General of Australia and one from our Prime Minister on the occasion of Our Diamond...
00:24 Wed 04th Aug 2010
Hi Shaney, glad you are back with the Biddies. I'll email you later, or at the very latest in the morning. Much love to you both xxxxx
that is distressing news for both of you, shaney. I hope they've caught it early enough to act on it. I'm thinking of you both.
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HI Shaney. I'm so sorry to hear. about Mr. S. I'm not very good with words but I think you're a very brave lady coming on here and telling us. I know that thiings can be done to help Mr. S. and am sure that everything will be. Take care, Love Jude x
She is very brave Jude, isn't she, and take it from me she's a very special person indeed (and a very, very special friend to me).
Helo shaney, as previously stated, I'm also not very good with words, but we are all with you and wishing mr s all the best and a speedy recovery x
I'm not really brave ,on the contrary .I'm slowly losing it :)
But .... as my dear old Dad used to say .Never sh!t yourself in advance .And he was usually right .Bless him .
Mr S is more reserved and just says "Male nicht den Teufel an die Wand."Don't paint the devil on the wall ......and stop nagging :)
He's so much stronger than me and seems to be taking it all in his stride while I witter whine,weep and worry
It's all in someones hands somewhere .
I'm off to my bed .I'm so tired .
Once again thank you all and I think we ought to make an offer on next door Robinia :)
We can can gripe over the fence, swop Womans Weeklies ,share the mangle and gossip about Vinnie . But I'm not sharing my blue bags :)

At least we still have a laugh .This morning he was looking in the fridge and he said were we having Leg Gel on toast for breakfast with Aloe Vera garnish .

Nite all ..take care
Good morning all. Well I still got up at 4 am even after the firework nonsense last night.
Anyway quick cuppa and back to bed....
Shaney ,my thoughts and prayers are with you both at this sad time but look at it this way the cancer hasn't got Mr.S. LIVING with Cancer and he will beat it .Much love to you both xxx
Morning Woofy. You will be zzzzzzz'ing by now.
Good morning Dolly. We managed to post at exactly the same time!! Your words to Shaney are so true and very wise. xxxx
Good morning everyone, wise words indeed Dolly. Indeed a worrying time for you shaney, but positivity will help you both! (I'm one to talk, I would be an utter screaming miumbling wreck) Like my sister's breast cancer , it was inconvenient to her, and she's doing OK now.

woofy I have read several times that when dogs or cats are frightened by fireworks you have to ignore it and treat everything as normal. We had a Flemish Bouvier once, a huge, hairy dog it was and such a coward, at the first clap of thunder or a firework he'd rush in and upset all the furniture trying to hide. Of course we consoled him, even after 39 yrs there are still claw marks on the doors!!!

Hope all the rest of the biddies are feeling in fine fettle, still thinking of Robi and jno and DH especially!!

<< hugs all round >>

Only ours was jet black and taller. When wet they are skinny things!!! He wasa called Perro which means Dog!!! He had ongoing fued with Sidartur, a Ibicenco dog (Podenco) and when they met in the main street it was like HIgh Noon until one or the other's owners grabbed them, but harmless to all and sundry.

what a strange creature... still, stick him on a pole and he'd be good for washing windows with.
Meggie doesn't seem to get frightened by thunder or bangs. Just barks like she does when she hears any strange noise. Yes, Neti, it is recommended that we don't console dogs when they are frightened by storms, etc and carry on as normal - it's hard advice to follow, but it does work to a degree. If we start fussing and consoling they think there is something to worry about.

Also nowadays I never tell Meg when I am going out or say goodbye, etc. I just go. She used to bark and whine for a while when I actually told her I was going. Now there is no fuss. Again difficult to put into practice, especially as I used to give her a cuddle, etc. before we left the house.

Those dogs are just lovely. I love the mop dog!!
Mop dog indeed!!! Yes he was a lovely kind soul, but started to worry sheep (he looked pretty much like a black one so maybe he was confused) so he was adopted by a lovely hippie family and went to live in India.

My poor cat has become very nervous, she jumps at anything, however small the noise is, I know she's getting old but she can still catch mice, lizards and birds, but I always stroke her and say "there, there, it's all right"! (that makes her jump too!!!!)
Morning all... that made me laugh shaney, have we all got strange potions in our fridges? I know there's some after sun spray in mine (mmmm, last used in the 1970s probably), some foot & leg gel, an eye mask thingy & there's usually a sprayer bottle of water for swooning moments. Other than that it's milk, cheese, eggs, more Lurpak, several wizened items, Lurpak (well it was on offer) and trifle.
Stay strong, I think Mr S's way is probably the best, just quiet determination to carry on. Cancer's a scary word but when you're in it, it doesn't matter what it's label is, it's a very unwelcome visitor that you need to escape from. (bit hippy that intit, but that's how I see it)

Was there something special about last night? No fireworks but some one across the back was having a party...they did all disperse about 11.30 though.

Love the both of the dogs neti...Charlie's not in the least bit bothered about noise (& neither was my last dog) he looks up at me now & then as if to say 'what was that?' I think the only things he's wary of are frogs, :o)
there's a saying here on the island that if the last podenco dog dies, then the island will die with it!
Nothing to add to the Biddy wisdom, you ladies have said it all..Shaney we are here for you to scream at or moan to...but you know that already.
The success rates for treatment are going up all the time and your Dad's saying is absolutely right. I will keep you in my prayers and regularly threaten God on your seems to be working OK for DH so far
I do try not to fuss the dogs when they are afraid and I certainly don't make a big deal of it. Last night I just got up and opened the door (in my pyjamas lol, actually the living room french windows) then flashed up my laptop and sat and surfed. One curled up next to me and the other paced around the house (guard duty?) I have never been worried by fireworks myself, my main emotion is usually steaming annoyance at having been woken, mixed with boredom.
Bouviers are lovely aren't they...we decided to go for short smooth coated dogs as tick management is easier...the UK Bouvier club says they are among the most flatulent of breeds lol.
i don't remember Perro ever being overly flatulent but then he lived mainly outside until the noises came!! and ys the ticks were awful as he had very curly hair and there was no combing him too often, was impossible but we are used to ticks and burn them and they go "pop".
Not sure what I came back on the computer for....hey ho...I just bought this dahlia, it's called Happy Kiss, pretty colour

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