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Jude123 | 17:38 Sun 13th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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Can somebody please give me that answer to 11 ac.

In the former USSR etc.....



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First of all let me thank everybody for your Good Wishes on our 6oth W.A. I am now walking in the same circles as jno i.e. after a phone call to Buckingham Palace (made by daughter) we have received a Congratulatory Letter and Photo of the Queen and also one from the Governor -General of Australia and one from our Prime Minister on the occasion of Our Diamond...
00:24 Wed 04th Aug 2010
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Morning all. Not to bad a day weatherwise. Been for my usual cuppa and ended up helping sis get some convolvulus (Spelling??)* out of her garden. Then I set off home and stopped to talk to one of her neighbours and we stood for half an hour. We used to be on the PTA at our kid's school We had loads to talk about.
*(Just looked up the spelling and for once I got it right.)
Went out last night and saw a singer who accompanied himself on the guitar. He was really good. So we had a good night. Couldn't wind down so I surfed till about 2 then went to bed.
I don't know if this helps Shaney but my Mum had bowel cancer when she was 70. She had it removed and had a stoma. She went on holiday with us 3 weeks after her operation and had no problems with cancer afterwards. Truly. I know, like Neti, I think I would be a wreck but would I? No-one really knows until is happens do they.We just hope it never does. I've never heard your Dad's saying before but I think it's a good one so I'm making a note of it.
My little dog Shep used to hate thunder and would squeeze behind the telly and shake. when he got older he went deaf and he never knew when it was thundering.
Good Dog pictures Neti.mine was just a collie cross. I did have a 'Lassie' collie before she was very protective of children and would sit by the pram and not move even if it was in the garden.
Robi I was sorting stuff out the other day and found 2 sachets of something or other and when I read the label it was tanning flannels. They have been in the drawer for many years so I thought I'd have a go and used one on each leg. You just wipe it on. I ended up with quite a good tan also even after washing my hands I ended up with tanned palms.:-)
I think it's chicken Korma time now so see yer later 'gater(s) Have a good day. Thinking about you Shaney, Mr W and Robi in fact everybiddy!! :-)
lovely dahlia Robi. I am a big fan of the Bishop of Llandaff
You don't see lassie dogs very often do you Jude? High maintenance puts people off I s'pose. My brother's wife (high maintenance with all her bling, tut) had one when they got married but it quickly became his.

Yes woofy, I've had a Bish in a pot for a few yrs, I think this is the first yr the slugs 'n snails haven't nibbled it. They'll clash very nicely :o)

hmmm, that plan backfired. I thought I'd do some tidying in the front garden before they started forming a queue next door but I'd only been out there about 3 mins before a couple (younger than me, but not tooo young) got out of a car to look at the outside & then asked me some questions. I think I did an ok job, they burned some rubber as they left, haha.

Well I've given Charlie some normal food so anything could happen...thankfully he's very well in himself so it's just a case of feed him & cope with any consquences.
Jude, my grandad had bowel cancer at 72 and a stoma and died at the ripe old age of 90, from old age! The cancer never returned. I know quite a few people that are alive and positively kicking after conquering bowel cancel and the stats for survival are really good now.
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Hi Robi yes she sure was High M. she once got out when she was in season and we had to fetch the vet to give her a jab she was in such a state when we found her.
Lovely flowers. I wouldn't know dahlia from a Chrisanthemum.!
I was going to do a lot today but have found a Reminton Lady shaver that I've had for years and I'm trying to put it together with great difficulty. I've been on it an hour already. (took it apart to clean it and a spring popped out from somewhere and just wont go back in. lol
I am receiving sexy emails from myself, so if any of you receive some then I apologise, but they are not really from me!
oh dear, looks like you got it wrong then Jude?
<eagerly awaits email>
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Sorry Lottie missed your post. Got my mind on my b*****y razor. Yes my mum passed away in her 80s but the cancer never returned.

I've cracked my razor and put it together all I need now is for it to work after I've recharged the battery.

Lol Robi!!
<<<< slaps Robinia with a wet fish >>>> sober up girl !!!
oi neti!
Forgot to say I've got some Sally Hansen airbrush legs tanning spray (washes off), it's very good - was on offer a couple of weeks ago in Boots
But when one sweats, the tan comes off on seats etc so I steer clear of them, anyway I don't need artificial tanning lotions now. The only Non food items in my fridge are suppositories!
It says no transfer but in this heat anything on the skin just slides off! It doesn't absorb cos of the humidity.
you're forgetting sommink....we don't do heat here
so I'm not included in this then - storms off in huff -
is a lassie dog a collie cos my bro used to have one, and I was terrified of it, it was snappy!!!
Ever so warm here all day but sloshing down with rain !
Fireworks are a bloody pest Woofie .We get them here every weekend during the summer from the Cliff top festival thingy they have each week . Poor old Shaney hated fireworks and thunder .He wasn't exactly frightened he just used to try and out noise them by barking his head off :) Our other old dog Mickey used to run upstairs and burrow under the bedclothes .

Thanks all for your messages of support .I've had my eldest brother on the blower today and he gave me a pep talk .He had this last year round Christmas time and they removed a large part of his colon and as he says .."I'm still sawing logs and I'm 81 you know ". Bless him .We had a long chat and he cheered me up .

Mr S has just eaten a huge dinner .There's nowt wrong with his appetite .
I hope you all ( and yours) are Ok .
Keep calm and carry on :)))
thank you, woofgang. Goodness, shaney, you seem to be surrounded by it. Actually,the government has been sending me some pooh sticks which I should send back but I need to find out first whether oscopies have any effect on them (I suspect not but don't want to be sending off false negatives).

Woo, after all my complaining, the Met Office have finally sent me a downpour, and if they'd given me some warning I might not have been caught out in it, but they got the time wrong as usual.
This is what I find strange Jno .We both had those poo stick tests last year about this time and they came back clear !
Mind you when Mr S mentioned this to the doctor he said he wasn't impressed by these test thingies which they send out .He reckoned some people who had negative results went for oscopies only to find they had nowt wrong !

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