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Jude123 | 17:38 Sun 13th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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Can somebody please give me that answer to 11 ac.

In the former USSR etc.....



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First of all let me thank everybody for your Good Wishes on our 6oth W.A. I am now walking in the same circles as jno i.e. after a phone call to Buckingham Palace (made by daughter) we have received a Congratulatory Letter and Photo of the Queen and also one from the Governor -General of Australia and one from our Prime Minister on the occasion of Our Diamond...
00:24 Wed 04th Aug 2010
Just read up on that bottom thingy and it's under men's Health! and often follows an orgasm, well mine's followed about 20yrs later!!!!

............and as for champagne and illicit affairs, I'm forever clearing up cat hairs and cat vomit! Had my glam years 40yrs ago. There's still two dead cockroaches outside the back door waiting for Mr N to get rid of them, I do the dead animals birds etc you name it but not cockroaches! I cleaned up there and sprayed it with a cockroach killer (ZUM) so now I have bodies, only yesterday one of them was sticking wiggling it's legs in the air!
Hi, thanks for the tonic threads Woofie. I couldn't be without my animals. Much better than medicine even though they drive us mad sometimes. Meggie spends hours and hours in our garden supervising mole hills!!

As for pains in the bum, as well as being one, I have always had them for as long as I remember. Sharp stabbing pains and sometimes following a sit on the loo. I definitely had them in my teens and that was at least well, lets see, ermmmm, yes must have been about 20 years ago!

I have used some flea spray in the glory hole where I am now sitting and am about to go and treat the upstairs bedrooms. Then I am going to sit an sort out months of paperwork - a job I put off and then never mind doing when I actually get round to it.
Mr LL is about to go mad with the hedgecutter!!

See you later.

Big cuddles to Shaney. (and the rest of you lovely lot)
Morning all
Dull and dreary here and I've got the usual lone fly buzzing about :)
Lovely doggie stories . I used to get that pain too but when I was young .
Hope you all feel OK today .Back later .xx
Hi Shaney. It's sunny here on the other side of the county. Doubt if it will last though. Take care x
interesting that its under men's health, the website I found says its more common in women...I just assumed it was cramp, I know that you can get cramp in any muscle...there was a lady on TV who gets it in her tongue. I get it in my calves and insteps.
Dogs are out in the garden in perfect peace. I am going to go to Tescos in a mo then come back and make some reason, just for pleasure. I have a friend (well friend of my late Mum actually, he was very good to her), the flats he lives in are part sheltered and they do a sale each autumn for treats for the folk who are alone so I make cards and send them to him to sell. I get the enjoyment and he gets the cash, its a perfect arrangement.
It turns out that DH is a bit anaemic so we are going on to an iron rich diet for a while...oddly the foods that he needs are the ones he really fancies at present, he's not usually a great red meat eater but right now, he can trough steak for England...isn't the body clever?
Haha woofie ..I've been shovelling liver ,kidneys ,steak and spinach into Mr S on a regular basis lately .He's just had a fried egg ,three cold spuds fried up ,three slices of bacon ,mushrooms and bread .Didn't touch the sides .
I must go and get washed and dressed ..lazy moo I am .
I get cramp in my 2nd and 3rd toes individually and they stick straight downwards, very painful but easy to massage, just stretching the foot will bring it on. Have just done the shopping, grrr, crowds and crowds and Mr N always stands at the end of the longest queue (cos he's cool and doesn't do panicking) whereas I run around like a blue a**d fly but I always find the short queue so then I have to shout and point and he will (eventually) saunter over with laden trolley to join me! (as do many other shoppers who have spotted my antics) so I have to fight them off til he gets there! Men!!!! I wonder if bottom cramps are anything to do with IBS!
He, he Neti, Mr LL is just the same. Cool, calm, and quiet and I rush around panicking. Opposites attact perhaps!!

I had muesli for breakfast! and now fancy fried bacon and tomatoes!! No bacon in the house - pehaps fried toms on toast for lunch.

I haven't started my paperwork exercise yet. Have been defleaing upstairs. The spray can seems to have lost its pressure for some reason, so it's taken ages.

I always though my bottom stabs were to do with pressure on the veins in my bum rather than cramp. They used to be dreadful at period times way back when I had periods. I never worried about them, but sometimes they were dreadfully painful, but the pain went as fast as it came!!

Nice subject this!!
But I do get cramp in my toes and in the top of my feet as well and it takes ages to shift. Wakes me up at night quite regularly and seems to happen when I overuse my ankles.
I meant overstretch not overuse.
<Robi faints at Lottie's mention of glory hole considering the recent topic of convo :o)>

Any muscle, no matter where, has the potential to go into spasm...I used to have horrendous ones in my feet at night caused by nerve damage that made them arch & turn inward. I think I've got one in my head today, bad ache going on. (change of weather, typical it's lovely, I get a pain). Talking of cravings I'm into walnuts - they're supposed to be good for your brain, haha, bit late I think. Oh & I keep fancying those long yellow fruits that you slip on...full of potassium aren't they? Can't say the word, Lottie'll thwack me.
Ha, ha, I have sprayed my glory hole with flea treatment. I did it last night!!
I've just had one of those long yellow things with a skin and a coffee with a drop of something in it :)
Cheers for the sun Loftie ,it's just made an appearance over here and hopefully the sodden towels which are drooping on the line will soon dry .
Funny you know those pains up the rear . . I can remember,as a girl ,many moons ago sitting on the bus going to work and getting these shooting pains up my bum and always when the monthly guts ache was due to appear .
My ma in law was a walnut fan Robinia .She said they were good for arthritis .
computer says yes about bottom cramps and ibs.
lol at your orgasm comment London busses.
DH doesn't "do" offal. He can't stand the smell of it either so when he goes out for the day, me and the dogs stuff kidneys and chicken livers.
Oh that's a shame Woofie 'cos liver is a good source of iron . Mr S will eat anything. He's never been picky he eats whatever you put in front of him ..I suppose growing up in Germany shortly after the war they were glad of anything to eat .

I'm sure if I gave him leg gel on toast he'd give it a whirl :))
I used to eat offal an offal lot, but I can't face it these days, although a bit of kidney in steak and kidney pie is nice. I used to make chicken liver pate a lot too. Can't face that now.

Nice to know that Mr S hasn't lost his appetite Shaney. A good sign!!!
Mr N will eat anything! I used to do liver but not anymore so liver, hearts, kidneys and brains (yes he's tried them) are defo off the menu!! Just had lobster and rice yummy!
We have guess what for lunch today:

Courgettes fried with tomatoes and some fish!!

No doubt some courgettes will be in with tonights stir fry as well.

Can I interest any of you in some cheap courgettes!!
oooh, some 'big blokes' eyeing up next door...actually it might be better if a builder buys it & turns it around quickly, my poor friends had diy going on next door to her for years, and she's the arthritic/migraine brigade so likes peace and quiet.

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