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Jude123 | 17:38 Sun 13th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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Can somebody please give me that answer to 11 ac.

In the former USSR etc.....



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First of all let me thank everybody for your Good Wishes on our 6oth W.A. I am now walking in the same circles as jno i.e. after a phone call to Buckingham Palace (made by daughter) we have received a Congratulatory Letter and Photo of the Queen and also one from the Governor -General of Australia and one from our Prime Minister on the occasion of Our Diamond...
00:24 Wed 04th Aug 2010
It's been glorious here all day but very windy .My child has just cut the grass for me .
Haha ..woofie ,I'd like to see what he would he would have made of old Shaney .( Big old Mr Guardie Barker who cringed at men in workboots :)
I have never kept a dog and barked myself :))
Pay no attention .He doesn't believe in religion either but that doesn't stop him from banging on about it ad nauseum .
oh cool I'll go and find some of his religious threads and put the stiletto in :-)
While you're at it woofy tell him the hounds'll be waiting if he comes here again. I'd like to see him, or anyone, try to train Charlie. I used to teach him something until he'd got it...tried again 10 mins later & he'd forgotten. He'll ask to play ball, so you throw it for him & off he goes, straight past it & on to a more interesting leaf/blade of grass/something only visible to a spaniel. I've given up now, he says he's king by name, king by nature.
I am not upset or even particularly cross I just HATE bad manners and abuse...its the last refuge of an ignorant debater.
.....anyway we had a good day here, went to M and S and bought about 6 tons of meat, freezer looks bras I am going to email them now and complain. I did get some of their value shampoo and conditioner.. a quid a bottle and its really good stuff, I have given up my 14 quid a pop Ojon for it.

weather grey and muggy. the tortoise is out stuffing her face and pacing round her pen looking for more. She has feasted today on baby sweetcorn (huge treat, too much is bad for torts) and Waitrose chicory...the high life.
Ooh I bought some lovely body spray in Marks last time I was there ,Bergamot and Lime ,smells lovely
.I can't find a bra in there either Woofie in spite of scouring through them all .I hate those padded type foamy things they have now .I just want basic underwired plain T shirt bras,no bits,lace or any other trimmings with seamfree cups.
Shaney was really good with a ball .He would run after one all day long ,but would he bring it back to you ? No way ! You had to run after him :)
thank heaven for padded type foamy things, hahaha :o)
I've started buying M&S bras but the white don't stay white, they go a yellowish colour (that could be down to the sun, which doesn't always bleach white.) I got a black cotton one there last year but it's really ugly with thick straps, but fits well 44c. I also buy their high cut knickers, but the sizes are all to c o c k, some 12 fit, and then 16 are too small, so I give up!
shuttit chestineti....never hang your whites in the sun!
Good grief Robinia ..if was to wear one of those foamy padded things they'd be reaching the corner before the rest of me body :)
I wear them so people know which way round I am shaney :o)
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Lol you biddies. My Dad you used to say to me turn sideways and nobody would see me. I'm 38B now ~ what a waste!! I don't look as if I am, it's just my broad back He always called me Spadge (sparrowlegs) No wonder I grew up with no confidence. Now I don't care!!
what a nasty thing for a father to call a child, Jude, and I'm glad you've gone beyond it. My parents never called me names and I've never called jno jnr names.

Waste of time needling needling the atheists around here, woofgang, they don't do self-awareness but they do self-righteousness big time stylie.
Well just had a good read on here and I think it should be made into a book -it would be a best-seller (well actually all the Biddy threads would ) never a dull moment ! I remember those padded foamy things well 60 yrs ago Robi ,definitely don't need them now ,as Jude says what a waste ! trouble is my tummy practically kept up with them !
We had a (semi ) surprise party on Saturday night for our Anniversary ,arranged by our youngest daughter .It went off beautifully as much of the family as possible was there (some live too far away) and loads of friends that we've gathered over the years .Much laughter,conversation ,photos galore (most of which are now on Facebook ) Champagne ,two beautiful cakes -one of which had a copy of a photo of Mr.D.and me on it to my surprise .
The guests ranged from 2 months old to grand dame of 87 years !
Next day further celebrations -party for our granddaughter Megan who will be 17 on the 11th -thankfully still at school and wants to go to UNI. to take up nursing . Well I wish you all well ,bye for now xxxx
Morning all, g'nite Dolly! Glad you had a lovely time and will look at photos onFB>

Was up at 6am to collect daughter from a night out, she has to work at 15hrs!

Pray tell robi, where am I supposed to hang my washing, it's non-stop sun all around the villa. (I am not hanging washing in the bathroom, I abhor that and it is forbidden in my house and twas ever thus!) am wearing a bra from Peacocks at the moment only £6 and really comfy, has bosom pockets which I like, bras have to be washed every evening as it is so sweaty here but being so humid, they do not dry!! (until they get n the sun!!!)

Woofy I didn't realise that you also have a hurty swollen knee, what is it with us biddies (I'm sure that should be we biddies - opinions please)and not as in wee !! I found some old Voltaren cream and bunged that on and it seems ok at mo!
Bottom pains have gone!

Hope mr and mrs s are feeling Ok, and DH is improving and all other ailing biddies too numerous to mention!
drizzling away here in the rainforest - excellent coz I spent an hour last night relaying (again) one of the trenches with a drainpipe in it as it had settled an inch or so below the surrounding lawn. So I filled it all up with compost, so it's now level-ish and needed the rain to help it settle properly and knit in with the surrounding soil. Hopefully it will now heal properly without scars. Then the sun can come out again, okay.

Glad to hear you had a big corroboree, Dolly, hope there weren't any poms turning up and getting drunk!
oooh, get a load of groundforce ^ ^ ^
Dimmock of Derby's got competition I see :o)

Morning biddy bazoom buddies...looks like being another lovely day here.

I had the pain in the derriere last night would you believe? It was only very fleeting & probably 'cos I'd been sitting on it far too long. I was chatting on msn to Tarquin, he's off cycling/camping again next week in the Hebrides! Sounds like a lot of ferry hopping & nights in the wilderness, I think he only does it worry me.

Neti, unless you live in a hamster cage there has to be some shade, so put your most delicate whites on a clothes airer there. That's what I do at the height of summer(?) but for most of the year I get shade from the cherry tree & the house. In winter my line has no sun at all so I drape it over the hedge...I hope the new neighbours appreciate that ;o)

Big blokes were here again last night looking very serious. I was doing my best to earwig on the state of the art bugging device I installed
I heard 3-4 weeks mentioned & the same amount of money I'd estimated to do the work (I watch homes under the hammer, I know these things). That's ok, do it up quickly, make it poshe & we'll get a better class of rowdies in.
Good morning all, Dolly, sounds like you had a great time! No early start for me today. Got up as usual but it was chucking it down, dogs wouldn't even go out for a wee so I gave them breakfast and we all went back to bed.

Dh has gone out biking again today, making the most of the time before he goes back to hosp. The Doc said yesterday that his blood numbers need to be a bit nearer normal before they treat him...we knew this but i think he was hoping to get sorted quickly. Isn't it strange this unreasonable prejudice doctors have against killing their patients lol?

laudry day sunshine here so god bless the tumbledryer
laters all
What is it with rain ,it's teeming down here -needed I know but it is the Exhibition Week this week and People's Day on Wed.a Public Holiday -wet weather not appreciated ! Oh well just have to get on the computer ,have just bought a "thingy" to use to put old negatives and slides on to the computer then ce on to a DVD (I think) .
Grandson coming to-morrow to rescue my Family Tree(s) and sort them out for me so maybe he will help with "thingy"! I hope so ,I'm not computer literate as you may have noticed LOL .Bye for now and best wishes to all xxx
he'll probably have his work cut out with the family tree - hope you've got some secateurs ready for him... and some shears for the black sheep of the family.

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