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Jude123 | 17:38 Sun 13th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
525 Answers

Can somebody please give me that answer to 11 ac.

In the former USSR etc.....



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First of all let me thank everybody for your Good Wishes on our 6oth W.A. I am now walking in the same circles as jno i.e. after a phone call to Buckingham Palace (made by daughter) we have received a Congratulatory Letter and Photo of the Queen and also one from the Governor -General of Australia and one from our Prime Minister on the occasion of Our Diamond...
00:24 Wed 04th Aug 2010

me going out in my garden!!!!!!
No no ...not a great ugly strap thing like that !
Mines just an elasticated thingy .Light and comfortable .The only other thing is perhaps ask for a cortisone jab like I had .That certainly does the trick for a while .
We have three sorts here, one like the above, one slightly thinner and one even thinner than that.
Like this ,no one can see it under your trousers !
He, he. That would put pay to Neti's suntan!! Brown leg with a white stripe, Go and get it diagnosed Neti. You don't know what is wrong with it!! Meanwhile, follow Shaney's advice and support it.
Right knee is now wrapped in a light knee bandage but it's hot!!

How are you shaney old girl, and mr s. stoic as ever!!!
That's the one I have on, but only wear a loose dress in the house. Cannot wear it out when I wear shorts, will look like an old woman!!! Have just put dark blonde streaks into the front and parting of hair and at first when wet, it looked awful, but now it's dryish, it look good, got rid of the brassy bit! Doctor will only send me to hospital (waiting list at least 3 months) and it'll be Ok by then. Mr N wilth a split meniscus(sp?) has been waiting since april!! Doctors here don't do injections and smear tests and mole removals, in fact they don't do much at all!!
Have just found that daughter has made peach jelly from Lidl, and they are delicious so am off to watch the Blood Diamonds trial and eat a jelly!!!
Yes he's OK Neti ,thank you .Low fibre diet today and then liquids only in prep for Wednesday .Enoy your jelly x
hav just verbally kicked ratter up the coccyx.....grrrrrr
Pardon woofy! what you on about???
my swollen hurty knee turned out to be a loose body (like Mr N's mouse) the physio offered me exercises or said I could get it arthroscoped and cleaned out. I took the exercises cos I am a big coward and its now fineish...don't get down onto the floor unless i really need to but everything else works tickety boo. Neti support it when you are wight bearing but take time to put your leg up and move the joint through its fi=ull range or your knee will stiffen.
orthopaedic costume optional

page two...thanks for the support Lottie
Ps my ex boss was a physio, she also had a loose body in one knee and wouldn't let a surgeon anywhere near it......
ha ha thought you said pyscho !!
psycho even!! spent ages trying to get that right ,damn it!!!
she was that too....lovely lady with a tongue like a knife....Swedish!
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Afternoon all.
Woofy you response to on the dog thread was brilliant. Just read it. He?She was very insulting to you.
Remember when I found that staffie roaming about recently I wasn't sure about it when it came dashing up to me and I just stood still till I realized it was being friendly and not aggressive but you really never can tell and if you've never had a dog you can be frightened by them. I was talking to a neightbour over the road and she said it's always getting out and has got into her garden until they sealed the fence, So I would say the owners are being a bit irresponsible.
Been out to lunch today again with a young friend in her 30's who I met about 5 or 6 years ago at a meeting and she has sort of taken to me and we meet now and again for lunch. We have a good laugh. That took up a couple of hours.
Next week on the Wednesday I'm off to see my eldest son and this afto I've been looking for a top to wear. I found one of those longish dress come Tshirt type things and when I got home and put it on I like it very much except that the back was a bit longer than the front, you know the 'shape'. Well I didn't want to take it back so I cut it to the same length front and back and it looks right now. Just have to take it to my Sister to machine it up for me.

Off to have me salad tea now.Later 'gater(s)
Well it was glorious weather here 'til dinner time...been cloudy & very windy since then.
Take no notice of ratter, he's always thought he was cut above. He called Derby a slum (or something along that line) but was quite happy to use our hospital for his hand operations. I think Prince Charles had an op here too, I didn't hear him calling the place when he phoned me afterwards. :o)

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