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Jude123 | 17:38 Sun 13th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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Can somebody please give me that answer to 11 ac.

In the former USSR etc.....



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First of all let me thank everybody for your Good Wishes on our 6oth W.A. I am now walking in the same circles as jno i.e. after a phone call to Buckingham Palace (made by daughter) we have received a Congratulatory Letter and Photo of the Queen and also one from the Governor -General of Australia and one from our Prime Minister on the occasion of Our Diamond...
00:24 Wed 04th Aug 2010
btw, it's getting offally food orient-'tatered in here

> > > > > > > >
Oh gawd Robinia ...big blokes ..that means what I think it means ?
I have these next to me .When I saw them move in my heart sank He's a right ..I'm in charge type .He's about two foot nowt but has mouth that's six foot six .A swaggerer type.
I've got a .... and a .... also I've got a ....we've got , we're getting ..and so on . I just yes ..kiss my a rse and lick it ...hahaaa
And....they have a dear dog and never take the poor thing out and ..he's a concrete fan .
Well they were stood on the drive for ages shaney, wafting their hands & pointing but they didn't go in. Friend over the road says one of 'em's local...obviously got a load of plans in mind. I was hoping for a quiet gay couple, one a chef, the other one an interior designer, hahaha
You never get the perfect neighbours .I dread anything to happening to old Dot next door . She's eighty odd and I dread being surrounded on both sides by these sorts .
What a snob I am ..hahaaa.
I shouldn't be like that and am a live and let live type but these days some of 'em are so in your face and agressive .
hey mrs s! I am the perfect neighbour, hahaha. I know what you mean. People seem so noisy to me today, it must be a getting old thing. When he first left home my oldest son lived next door to a couple who argued all the time...well she yelled & banged doors, he was a quiet white-collar worker. Apparently she ended every shouting session with "...and another thing, you're rubbish in bed!!!"...even when he was outside leaving for work, haha. Poor man.
I have new neighbours (3 lots) at the back where for 40 yrs we had none and they are the cheapo version, forever banging on my walls, and one has been doing illegal building work for 6 months but I haven't said anything, only asked that on Fri pm between 5-8 it si quiet so daughter can sleep before airport job but no, so am gonna call the police when he starts again, am fed up as I've been very patient.

Am watching "To kill a mockingbird", loves it, and love Gregory Peck!
This mob next to me are unbelievable .He called her an evil old cow recently .Lots of door slamming screaming and yelling .She buggered off ,then she came back ,then buggered of again .It's the kids I feel sorry for .
One hers and one between them .
Yet he has the nerve to have a pop at me about cleaning the windows . He's always out there with his bucket and ladder .
I only have the front and side done as the extension roof is dodgy so I do those myself,and the kitchen ,back lav,bathroom etc .
When I feel like it !
He gets on my bazooms ...I asked him if was related to Kim and Aggie .
He moaned about the greenery again recently and I told him to poke it
I've got other worries . Mr S. is his usual self and just ignores him .I'm a bit impetuous though and tend to make sarky remarks to him . None of which hit home :)
I can't be a rsed with these sort of people .
I guess we are lucky with our neighbours, they are crazy bit about as noisy as we are so we give and take....oooh I'd love to live in the middle of nowhere with no neighbours though
I think that too Woofie sometimes .I lived cheek by jowl In London for years and never had all this aggro that we get here .I 'm not a person who wants to live in isolation as we have everything on the doorstep here and a nice environment really .Sea ,beach etc within minutes .Nice little High Street etc .
It's just big gob shaved bonce who spoils it :)
Oooh I'm being a bitch ;)
Shaney, will you please come and sort my neighbour out. It might just make him pack up and go. (I have just been naughty on a certain food thread!)
I'll come and give him one of my looks Loftie .You know that look :)
It' s a sort of "up yours, do you really think I'd bother with an oik like you " expression :))) hahaaaa
oh, has the dinner trumpet been sounding? haha Lottie

Yes, I'm practising my withering stare accompanied by a smattering of sarcasm just in case. I've been relishing the absolute silence this afternoon, there wasn't a sound apart from the odd bird tweeting...oh & Charlie's snoring but that's ok it's lovely to have him peaceful again.
My neighbour is banging away again, only I don't like to involve the police!
zut, this has plummeted to page 3, so just ducking in to give it a lift. West to leafy Hertfordshire to visit sis who is living in a lovely flat in a new block with river view, with a vast terrace - it is on the corner so it goes both ways so to speak. While I was sitting in the sun I got stung by a wasp but that is only to be expected with my record of attracting trouble... more later when I have more time
Oh that's just what I'd like one day jno, a river view apartment that goes both ways.

Well it's all kicked off round the Sunday dinner table...I blame those two biddies with the wooden spoons :o)
well, the bit of the river they can see is only a silly inlet that comes to a halt against a wall after 100 yards. But they are on the sunny side of the building rather than the river side, which I think is what I would also choose. I opened a bottle of bubbly and got the cork almost to the other side of the street from the balcony. It's all so new it's not on Google Earth - all you can see there is a big carpark. (You can probably see the wasp if you zoom in enough, though.)
It's not on street view? tut, I only want to live there if I can show off...good game though jno
Guess what the film is in half an hour???!!! Go on, guess!!
oh alright, I'll tell you...
It's GREENFINGERS! yay! starring CLIVE...yes
Bet I bloomin (geddit?) well fall asleep.

<calm down Robi, remember your bp, you'll be popping your eyeballs across the street))
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Phew! what a busy day today. Not working just enjoying myself. I went for a walk on my own this morning about 8. I walked for about 50 mins starting with going to see how the shopping centre renovation was coming on and apparently they were in the middle of tarmaccing (in front of Mr Scoop Robi )and that area and they said it would be done by the end of today. So we'll see tomoz.
Then I came home and read the paper and had me dinner then my sister rang and said would I like to walk so off we went for about 2 hours down the Castle. And thiis evening I ask a neighbour if she wanted to watch Avatar with me so I bought a bottle of rose ( should be an accent on the e but don't know how to do it) and she has just left. Didn't think I would like it but a young friend lent it me and said I would and surprisingly even though it was a futuristic 'fairy tail' it wasn't bad at all - fast moving with good effects.
I'm lucky with neighbours, They're ok except one side has informed me that they are going to live in Spain and he goes in October and she goes in November. So heaven knows who we will get. The other side is a young woman in her forties.who is a 'rare bird' with a family but she is a good neighbour and not noisy except on the odd occasion when she has a go at her kids.which isn't very often.

I hope you've all had a peaceful weekend.
See yer later 'gater(s)
He, he. I have really enjoyed the Sunday Dinner thread!

Hope you are enjoying the film Robi.

I'm off to my bed!

Nite nite everybiddy. xxxx

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