36. An anagram of special is involved in the answer which contains 'down' cryptically and in reality!
42.Second word means 'giving a heavy blow'.
49. Put 0 in a word for a false malicious report and then look up Chambers.
Good luck!
Hello again Badger4 and Gen2. You've been helping me as well as Mtsgirl because I was stuck on some of the same clues
Mtsgirl, since you're addicted to these quizes like me and can't settle for not completing them once you've started, you might like to ask for the latest edition of Chambers for a present. I did a couple of birthdays ago and I've made good use of it since. I hope you've got the answers by now.
About 39, who is Mona; is nelson invoved; does the word clutch come into it? Help please!