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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:00 Sat 18th Dec 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
143 Answers
The Club is now Open

Good evening everyone. Once again it is a cold and wintry night, but the log fires are burning brightly and the Aga is almost red hot. No doubt drinks and nibbles will be available shortly.

Any raffle prizes will be welcome.
So far we have :

a pair of slipper socks (hardly used)
a bottle of eucalyptus oil
half a box of chocolates (hard centres only)
and a tube of steradent.

As it is Christmas time, tonight's raffle tickets will not be charged for...
donations to the building fund and staff wages will be quite acceptable instead.


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You have the undying gratitude of us all,i guess,. As TTFN says, relax and let us wait on you!
got to leave for a bit, I've got a visitor. Keep telling them not to call when I am at the club. But rest assured I SHALL RETURN!
may take you a wee while alex to get through her liberty bodice
Question Author
That's plenty, alexanderd. No hanky panky here. At least not in public.

Ena, I'll have a Wincarnis and tonic, please.
Help! All the first part got wiped out. I started " mamya if you are making the refreshments when you don't feel like partaking of them you have" etc.
Not making much sense,so shall go before I am snowed in with you all and outlive my welcome.Snowy dreams. F
And I am taking my pheasant with me!
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Bye, flicrat and starbucky...see you later i hope.
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Yes, life gets hoarder and hoarder as one gets old - or do I mean harder and harder?
Night flicraft make sure its the pheasant not the peasant
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We'll be on to the Pheasant Plucker and his wife next.......
ttfn Starry and flic - now would that be angostura bitters or some Thai fish sauce milady? I have threaded an anchovy on a cocktail stick already - cannot find the olives
is there a dance on here here tonight,,,like..;-)
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The anchovy on a stick would be perfect, thanks, Ena.
Don't work too hard now, you may still be a bit fragile.
Bobbi, Ena and I usually have twirl later but we need a few tailcocks inside us first
awww I was just in the

"Im in the mood for dancing, romancin'...."
Sorry, but the gamekeeper job is now a no-no. Just been offered a much more cushy and risk-free job. Lib-Dem Student Liaison Officer. Thanks, Nick and Vince.
Bobbi go grab a partner, dancing is allowed on the terrace, do wrap up dear.
I haven't got non one to dance wif...sob!!!

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