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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:00 Sat 18th Dec 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
143 Answers
The Club is now Open

Good evening everyone. Once again it is a cold and wintry night, but the log fires are burning brightly and the Aga is almost red hot. No doubt drinks and nibbles will be available shortly.

Any raffle prizes will be welcome.
So far we have :

a pair of slipper socks (hardly used)
a bottle of eucalyptus oil
half a box of chocolates (hard centres only)
and a tube of steradent.

As it is Christmas time, tonight's raffle tickets will not be charged for...
donations to the building fund and staff wages will be quite acceptable instead.


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Thank you for the specs, annesquiffy, but I am fortunate in that I do not, as yet need them for the raffle.
Hands off my pheasant starbuck! Send Mike111 back outside to find a goose or rabbit instead! I suppose the moat is too frozen to catch a fish?
This old girl aint half bad tonight thank you milady. And you are absolutely correct in what you say

ANY raffle prize will be welcomed ☺
Question Author
I'm afraid the moat is completely frozen , flicrat.
Lordalex , Uncle Joe and their pals were out with their stones and brooms this afternoon having a bonspiel.
Joe fell asleep on the ice and they had to tie a scarf round his ankles and drag him back into the house.
My how we laughed.
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I wonder if Mike1111 would consider the post of gamekeeper ????
I can prepare them if necessary. I know how to skin and paunch a rabbit and I can easily get rid of all the feathers, head, wings and legs and unmentionable insides of the pheasant, oops, sorry flicrat, goose. I've done the survival course.
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Well, that's impressive, starbucky....but I don' tthink we like to use the word 'paunch' around here. Some people are sensitive, you know.
No, M'lady. I have heard the phrase, "Poacher turned gamekeeper", but in my case it would be " Poacher turned poacher with knobs on". Best for you to keep tight a hold of what you've got.
I apologise my lady, I don't want to upset anyone this week. I'll have to think of another word, or perhaps forget it altogether. By the way, what would the gamekeepers duties be, besides keeping game?
knock-knock, please may I come in?
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Would you like to apply for the post, starbucky ?

OK Mike 11111. I'll keep my hands on my own. How are you getting on roasting your nuts ?
hello mike(wink wink) how are you dear,have you missed me since last week???
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Bobbisox you are more than welcome. Do come in close to the fire and warm up.
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Hello slinky kate.
Why are you winking at Mike 11111111111 ?
Starbuck,i repeat, hands off my pheasant, but I will happily join you in preparing birds or rabbits for the table.We kept rabbits and chickens in my youth and I had to learn how to deal with them,as my mother was allergic to fur and feathers. ( Allegedly!!) Dunk the chickies in boiling water first - much easier to pluck them!
well I thank you lady ;-)
Well I am game if Alex turns up for the dance floor tonight Starry! He has promised me one ☺ btw I am good at filleting fish - we would make a fine addition to any kitchen. Just warn everyone to be careful when we are wielding our very sharp knives!
Think Slinky left her glass eye last week

Hi Bobbi
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Please, please stop...some of us are of a nervous disposition and do not want to hear about fur and feathers flying.....

Starbucky, the post of gamekeeper has an attractive salary......
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whispers>>>>>> Mamya, get the direct debit forms, I think I may have a live one here<<<<

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