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Ok how are you at Old Money...

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askyourgran | 21:48 Mon 11th Oct 2010 | Riddles
89 Answers
Can you reckon up how much we have here, in old money:

1. Part of a large monkey's leg.
2. Royal Headgear
3. Sick Sea Creature.
4, Bicycle
5. Pluto, Andromeda Galaxy, the Black Hole,
6.. A Singer
7. A leatherworker
8. A Mans' name
9. A stone
10.Certain kind of Pig
11 Hit repeatedly.


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I missed number 12 off........ So Sorry........50% of a pair of panties

ttfn sick squid £6. prudie got that one, but prudie there were three far things there. And not a smacker but it's still a pound.
thought 3p were coppers
Oh I see so it's 3 farthings for 5
Half a nicker for 12 - 10 shillings?
12. that'll be a nicker (£1) then..
thrupenny bits = tits
50 panties = knickers = £50
(A pair of patriotic knickers = £2)
10. (guinea) pig - £1.1s
doh 50 pairs ttfn! = £100 sorry gran
What was wrong with astronomical amount ? <<gonna sulk now - pah>>
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A Nicker was a pound so half a knicker is 10.bob ttfn and you haven't got no.10 right.
Ape knee right X Ray and boxy.
There didn't seem to be a decent question to put for a florin tambo, but see if you can get no 9 and no.10. they haven't been answered yet.
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Nothing wrong with the astronomical amount ttfn but is was 3/4d :-) . If you get 9 and 10 could you add them together (in old £ s d) to say how much it all adds up to?
9. A stone - £14
Am I getting something wrong gran? You put 50 pairs of panties so 50 x 2 x £1 = £100
That might be wrong though as it could be new money as well.
Question Author
No you are correct felly

ttfn 50% of a pair of knickers > that is half a knicker (50%) 10/-
I am full of contrition gran - I do beg your pardon. I never saw the % mark. Humble, humble I am. Actually I am not having a good evening and cant see the screen for the tears falling down my face with all the laughing tonight. I shall bow out as quietly as I can ♥
Wouldn't 50% of a pair of knickers be one knicker (if there was such a thing) ie £1
£32 17s 8 1/2d
<Trust matron to come out of the meds cupboard when all the prep has been done ♥>
10. Gloucester old spot?

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