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Ok how are you at Old Money...

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askyourgran | 21:48 Mon 11th Oct 2010 | Riddles
89 Answers
Can you reckon up how much we have here, in old money:

1. Part of a large monkey's leg.
2. Royal Headgear
3. Sick Sea Creature.
4, Bicycle
5. Pluto, Andromeda Galaxy, the Black Hole,
6.. A Singer
7. A leatherworker
8. A Mans' name
9. A stone
10.Certain kind of Pig
11 Hit repeatedly.


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11. Pound
Gran 14lbs = a stone?
<I want my mummy>
In fairness they have all been guessed and added up
I make the total £33 7 shillings and 8 pence
Gran, so what's your answer? Need to go to bed!
what's the betting boxy - with or without vat?
Sorry 33 pounds 7 shillings and 8 and a half pennnies - I still think 12. is £1 not 10 shillings
As long as it's not from 1st April 1973, I was working in the brewery when it was brought in,
felly - I need brownie points here - 20 shillings to the pound ;o)
1. £25
2. 5.0
3. 1.0.0
4. 11/4
7. 6d
9. £14
10. £1.1s.0
11. £1
Total £42.17s.7¼d

dont know No.5
1. 0.5d
2. 5/-
3. £6
4. 1.25d
5. 0.75d
6. £10
7. 6d
8. 1/-
9 £14
10 £1.1s.0d.
11. £1

Now I have to go to bed................... ♥
12 10/-
total £32.17s and eightpence ha-penny.
5 is three farthings (three far things)
12. If you substitute knickers for panties you have 50% of a pair of knickers. A pair of knickers is £2 so 50% of £2 is £1 not 10 shillings?
nite all!!!
night boxy - sweet dreams and ttfn♥
Question Author
ANSWER: £. s. d
Part of a large monkeys leg ape knee - 1/2
Royal Headgear - crown 5. 0
50% pr of knickers -half a nicker 10. 0
Sick sea creature -sick squid 6 0. 0
bicycle -penny farthing 1.1/4
Pluto,andromeda,blk hole 3 far things - 3/4
A singer Tenor 10. 0 0
A leatherworker Tanner - - 6
A mans name Bob 1 - 0
A Stone Fourteen Pounds 14 0 0
special kind of Pig A Guinea 1 1 0
Hit repeatedly Pound 1 0 0
32. 17. 8.1/2

Hope you enjoyed that, I see you still managed the old lsd after all this time.

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