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Ok how are you at Old Money...

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askyourgran | 21:48 Mon 11th Oct 2010 | Riddles
89 Answers
Can you reckon up how much we have here, in old money:

1. Part of a large monkey's leg.
2. Royal Headgear
3. Sick Sea Creature.
4, Bicycle
5. Pluto, Andromeda Galaxy, the Black Hole,
6.. A Singer
7. A leatherworker
8. A Mans' name
9. A stone
10.Certain kind of Pig
11 Hit repeatedly.


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You'd think money is being given out on this thread they way it keeps popping up in the grey box. :lol

Now how much am I getting for entering? :-)
Well done to boxy then ! Nice one gran

Next time yoiu do one may I have a magnifying glass please? :o)
So the answer is 33 pounds, 7 shillings, 8 and a half (sorry can't work out how to do a half in figures) pennies
askyourgran - please read my post at 23.23 and tell me what you think
I remember a teacher at school, explaining how sayings can be distorted in transmission, telling us about the officer in the trenches during WWI sending a message to base, "Send reinforcements, we're going to advance". The message was translated as, "Send 3s.4d, we're going to a dance!"
£33/8/7,1/2 is close to how it would have been written
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Felly a pair of knickers is actually 1 knicker not two knickers I have a pair of knickers on now (blush). Half a pair of knickers (1) is 1/2 of 1 nicker (£1) which equals 10/-

You won't believe this but I typed out the £ s d columns with the old money in columns and it came out with the money at the side of the questions. wierd. No columns ??
or £33/7/8,1/2p would be even closer
baggsie me the booby for typing ¼d :)
2/= another name for that?
and why was it 'd' for pence, or am I wrong ?
LSD latin I think
2s was a florin.....are we going roung in circles now
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Lol mike.

Sorry felly it is confusing, we say a pair which looking at it you would think £2. that was how the question was written. I found no 5 the hardest to do, and most of you got that right.
LSD - isn't that the Beatles drug ?

No tambo - no yellow submarine :)
L.s.d -Libra (pound) Solidus (shilling) Denarius (penny) all from Latin. The florin was first struck in 1849 as 1/10th of a pound - a tentative step towards decimalisation of the currency. It only took another 122 years.
there was a Wren on which one? Drakes Golden Hind? Brittania?
Wren on a farthing. Golden Hind on a halfpenny. Britannia on a penny.
askyourgran - is it a competition? If so when will you know the answer? I feel very crestfallen that everybody else thinks 12. is 10 shillings cos I'm still not convinced but guess I'll get over it :(
For purely linguistic reasons I have to agree that 12 is £1. A pair of panties is a pair of knickers, and half of that must be one nicker. A quarter of a pair of panties would be ten bob.

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