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95 Percent!

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Sinead_O | 13:56 Mon 30th Oct 2023 | Science
112 Answers

I was shocked to recently read this statistic-Ninety-five per cent of the ocean is unexplored. 

What’s down there? Why do we, as a race, spend millions on exploring space, yet who knows what is only a few miles away- seven miles at it's deepest?  



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As far as the oceans are concerned is there any reason to think the other 95% is much different to the bits we have explored? 

We don't know, that's where the exploration bit comes in.

Exactly Andy.

Naomi - If my 'silly argument' matches yours, what does that make you, apart from reverting to Enid Blyton schoolmarm patronizing, as you do when flaws are pointed out.

andy-hughes, You were wrong.  Accept it.


newmodarmy, //is there any reason to think the other 95% is much different to the bits we have explored? //


We'd probably discover life forms as yet unknown, but apart from that for human beings it would be the same inhospitable environment.  

Yes Miss, sorry Miss, climb down off your high horse Miss ...

Andy/Naomi, get a room!


TTT, do you have any thoughts on this?

Yes naomi- but it depends what we mean by unexplored? And what we mean by 95%. By volume or by area of sea bed?

Take any sea or ocean, say the North Sea. We have probably only explored 5% of the volume of that. But if we explore say one square mile of one section of the sea bed there is it going to be any different to the square mile next to it, or the one next to that?

Doubt it, newmodarmy.  Water, water and more water.

I think space exploration has been hyped up by all the fiction, films etc over the years.  It's become sexy.  Not so ocean exploration.  No way do I think there will be humans living on other planets.  No way can we do anything to change the atmosphere and temperatures. The humans will have to evolve or live their life in goldfish bowls.  

//No way can we do anything to change the atmosphere and temperatures.//


There are billions of planets in our galaxy and billions of galaxies in the universe.  Perhaps we won't need to change anything.

Much the same as space NMA,   just space, space,  space and hoping to find something something new.  Who knows what lurks at the  bottom of any ocean.  There will be different things in different oceans in different climates and things like foods that  could feed a hungry world.

I find the oceans far more interesting in  general  than space.  Perhaps because we had a Royal Navy oceanographer in the family and no spacemen;0)

//just space, space,  space //


It's not though.  It's home to billions of planets and billions of galaxies.

/There are billions of planets in our galaxy and billions of galaxies in the universe.  Perhaps we won't need to change anything./


Pigs might fly.  This is getting silly now ;0)

You know what we're likely to find?  Clever!

I don't claim to be clever, just realistic!

As I said earlier, Stephen Hawking said that man would eventually have to seek a new home out there among all those billions of planets.  That's realistic. 

09:40, my thoughts were on page one, removed. Space is far more important and yeilds a lot of tech progress. Sure there are unexplored oceans depths but they can be mapped as needed. If people want to go down fine but there is no point "colonising" the seabed when most of the land is uncolonised. It's a dream of Stromberg from the bond film TSWLM.

I'm with Prof Cox on this one. Our existence is only a blink in the time the universe has existed. Maybe other civilisations have existed elsewhere and will exist elsewhere but the chances of us temporally coexisting are extremely extremely small. 
he also believes that we should concentrate our efforts to our own galaxy as the chances of interstellar travel between galaxies is nil  

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