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Why is Pi wrong?

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ludwig | 12:24 Thu 07th Oct 2010 | Science
87 Answers
It should be exactly 3 but it's slightly out. How did that happen?
Could there be somewhere else in the universe where it is 3?


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I agree.
Pi has always been ratio of 22 to 7 which is 3.1428571
So what exactly do you think a ratio is, if not one number divided by another ?

One reasonably accurate rational approximation to pi is 355/113, which is good to 6 decimal places.
I diagree. 22/7 is a fractional approximation accurate only to 2 decimal places.
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Because 22.7 is not pi, just an approximation.
Why don't we all ask Molly. She'll know.
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I mean 22/7

It's just a handy rough guide if you need to use Pi when doing fractions.
Yes it's how many times the diameter of a circle fits into the circumference of the same circle.
I'm fed up with's a different question
Why is 101010 in binary the number 42
Oh my gawd ...If we had a numerical system base on Pi, Pi would be one. Get a grip, it doesn't matter. Pi is an artifact.
22/7 is 3.143, to 3 d.p.
As other ABers have explained, 22/7 is only a fairly inaccurate approximation to pi.
355/113 is probably more than close enough for most purposes.
because each column equates to a number. In our system of counting (base 10) we use these columns: thousands, hundreds, tens, units and so on. Each column to the left is 10 times the one on the right. The number 763 indicate 7 hundreds, 6 tens and 3 units.

Binary is base two and so the columns go 16,8,4,2,1 The number 101010 equals 1x32 1x8 and 1x2

32 + 8 + 2 = 42. It is the binary solution to life and everything.
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// So what exactly do you think a ratio is, if not one number divided by another ? //

A ratio is a relationship between two numbers of the same type.
usually expressed as follows... 22 : 7
Pi is a single number, but ok, I agree you can use that number to express the ratio between 22 and 7.

I'm just trying to provoke an interesting debate. I'm implying that whoever designed the circle got it slightly wrong - they should have made the circumference exactly 3 times the diameter, which would have been a much cleaner solution.
Thanks squarebear, I think I understand that now.
42 is the meaning of life so what will Sunday bring (Oct 10th 2010)
"A ratio is a relationship between two numbers of the same type.
usually expressed as follows... 22 : 7"

OK, if it pleases you pi is 3.14159265:1
How can you make the circumference of a circle exactly three times it's diameter? It wouldn't be a circle. You might as well ask why not make a square with 4 different length sides.

3.14 : 1 is the ratio of the diameter to the circumference. It is a ratio.
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