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Why is Pi wrong?

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ludwig | 12:24 Thu 07th Oct 2010 | Science
87 Answers
It should be exactly 3 but it's slightly out. How did that happen?
Could there be somewhere else in the universe where it is 3?


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If we are getting on to who designed the circle then this post should be transferred to religion and spirituality and that will bring in the believers and heaven knows where that will take us.
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*arf* *arf*
The circle was designed by the same bloke who designed the golden ratio and cocked that up too.
and the square root of -1.
and dividing by zero
what keyboard are you using doc. P is nowhere near B on mine.
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// Own up, which silly sod designed the circle, and c0cked it up. //'ve got it it docspock - you've just expressed my original question better than I did.

Squarebear, you're just not getting into the spirit of it.

I also heard on the radio that recent research suggests that constants might not actually be constants depending on where you are in the universe. e.g speed of light, gravity, whatever could actually change. And I was wondering how that might work for mathematical constants.
It must have been the Lord when he designed Solomons Temple (or the sea).
Personally I would like to know how all these old bible characters lived to be 900 years old.
The speed of light is only considered a constant in a vacuum, in any other medium it's speed is different.
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I've heard of a brer rabbit and a belgian blue but not a lop rabbit.
Just asked the ancient one (ma-in-law) why Pi is wrong. She thinks too many pi's are unhealthy.
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Like that docspock
If you want the circumference of the circle to be three times the diameter, you'd have to leave a gap in the circle so the ring didn't quite meet up. Would it still technically be a circle though.
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Try dividing 900 by Pi squared and you will see where the old testement went wrong.( different numerical system perhaps(base Pi))
Do they make a good rabbit pie

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