Just so we can get the seasonal stuff out of the way before Mischief Night, Bonfire Night and Easter eggs appearing in shops in mid- december are over, can anyone explain what bread sauce all is about?
I'm cheerfully expecting tumbleweed through this thread, because I don't understand the purpose of bread sauce either. Recipes are welcome though.
I used to buy a Coleman's Bread Sauce Mix and use it to make meatloaf. You mixed the contents of the packet (dry) with mince, onions etc. and baked it in a loaf tin. Always a favourite with the kids but haven't made it for yonks.
I have yet to photcopy my bum but I have snogged the boss. Well, he snogged me. God it was awful. My bosses have always been slobbery. Why is that I wonder?
I do love bread sauce though..... if I make it ......cloves and booze.