jno, we had a power cut recently I was so glad of my ipad! (smug smug) Its now mega rattly here. Amazing how we can't do without power though (and computers) The local garage can't serve folk when there is a power cut, the pumps work but they can't take the money. I was in the Range not long ago and they lost power, all the till girls had notebooks and had to write down the barcode of everything they sold and add it up on calculators. One till was doing old fashioned hand credit card slips and the rest were cash only. Actually I was impressed. Most of the staff are in their teens and they were managing all the old fashioned stuff really well and all very cheerful about it.
Jude I expect your friend will be so pleased to be out of pain, the elective patients usually do better than those poor folk who fracture because the post op pain of healing and exercise is peanuts compared to what they have been through, also they are used to using pain relief and take what they need.
Lottie, i am so so glad you are feeling better, nothing like a good offload.
Anyway probably oight oight. I couldn't sleep last night, not the wind, just an overactive brain.