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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
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Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
I've just watched the King in the car park .
What an annoying woman .Anyone would think she had single handedly done it all herself .I just looked at her Ricardian website about up herself.
I think some of the scientists and archaeologists had the hump with her especially where she insisted they put his standard on the box of bones and the osteologist said no .
It was all about her and not a mention of thanks to the bods digging about in the muck. It's a wonder she didn't want to take him home with her and sit him on her sofa .
I hope you got your machine going Woofy .I came home once and the water met me by the door .Shaney was paddling in it . Good job we had wood and lino and just rugs .I have never since left a washing machine running and gone to bed or gone out !
No snow here as yet .
I love those Actimels .I'm sure they are what have settled my tum and I drink two a day now .One first thing and then one after my main meal .
We watch "Pointless" first and then "Chase" on +1 later. Hate these light evenings, we haven't had a winter yet, grrr!!!
I don't like Pointless neti but I love The Chase .I usually watch it on catch up though as I'm doing the dinner round about then so that I can watch Railway Journeys .I'm turning into a couch potato whose life revolves around the teevee lately :) Roll on warm weather .
Spoke too soon's snowing away merrily now !
Must rattle some pans .Have a nice evening folks .
Good evening. Must learn to read things properly. Just opened up t he thread and what caught my eye was that read that all the scientists and archaeologists had humped some woman!!!!

Swow has settled here. I am feeling a lot better but now have a raging appetite!!

I love the Chase but really dislike Pointless.

Woof, have just booked a three night stay in Linwood in March in High Corner in. Two nights B&B for the price of three and they take Meggie Doggies. Do you know it at all?

Thought about having a break in the sun in Ibiza or Palma but it works out far too expensive and then we would have to pay for cat kennels as well. So I am praying we have a March like 2012 which was our summer last year.

See you later. Have to go and get some more food!!!
INN not IN!!
lottie no good coming here in March, no flights! and not much open! Shame though!

Mr N doesn't like Pointless but as he doesn't always get home in time for The Chase, we watch that on +1 and so I fill in the time (and he has too now if he's home) with Pointless. We then usually sit around the TV and eat when The chase is on.
Neti, I think we were in your village (S.E) in 1974. We got free flights and were so inebriated at the end of our journey that we fell onto a Clarksons coach and just got off where we liked the look of!!! We stayed over a cafe in a very small pension for a week. It was Easter week with a lovely procession.

Just think we might have met up!! We spent a lot of time in a bar run by an American who had absconded from the American forces rather than go to Viet Nam!! Great fun.

I actually quite like going to Spain when nothing is open and only the locals are about. I like eating and stuff where the locals go. And besides I don't like hot weather.

We have spent some lovely long weekends in Majorca in March. I don't like tourists, even though I am one!!
Easter must have been in April that year.
It might have been 1975!!! Oh to be young again.
Lottie, that was Frank's bar, and we were always there. We were all such friends in those days, he left to live in Ireland and his pretty longsuffere¡ing wife divorced him and remarried. The bar was usually full of Americans, draft dodgers, artists, filmstars am moi!!

That was the bar which poured garaffe gin (big cheap bottles) into the coffee machine by mistake and we were all legless drinking coffee, Mr N came in to tell me dinner was ready and I fell off the stool, hilarious, and another time we found that his store room (which led off from the loo) was unlocked so we were queuing for days to go to the "loo" and we drank him dry for free, happy days!
come over then, you'll love it. BA does a direct flight on Sundays and Thurs and although I paid £350 return I'm sure there are cheaper tariffs. We could have such a laugh!
I don't know the High Corner Inn Lottie but it looks lovely.
The washing machine has decided not to give up the ghost I am glad to say.
I make easy yo yoghurt and eat that for my tum. The "and cream" ones are very delicious, more calories than the basic flavours but much less than those pots of cream puddings. I've made strawberry and cream this time, but there is also peach, raspberry, and cherry and chocolate.
Sis arrives on thursday so tomorrow is sort out and shopping.
Neti. Yes it was Frank. Mr LL tells me that Frank himself wasn't a draft dodger - he apparently just went over on a Court Line flight from Luton and never went back. Yes it was full of draft Dodgers. Frank was an author or a journalist or something and mixed with with lots of actors, musicians, etc. Perhaps you were in there when we were in there. Mr LL was in there more than me. One night I think he was in there all night.

Perhaps one day soon we will come over for a week. I like Ibiza!!

Yes, Woofy the inn does look lovely. They allow dogs to eat in the restaurant with their owners - my sort of place!!
(I shall come when Ibiza is 'open' though!! It will have to be a cheap flight!!!! x
Yes Frank worked for the First National City Bank in America, he was a lovable scoundrel. We would definitely have been in there in those days, and you would probably have seen Terry-Thomas there too, but no one made a fuss, he was just one of the group. Lovely carefree days of yore!! (deep sigh)
I think the whole week was spent looking through an alcholic haze!!

Oight, oight. xx
I don't know whether this will work, but this is where we are going to stay next month
Lottie it worked.
It sounds like the roof is coming off here so we have started off downstairs
oight oight all
I'm still floating about waiting for the dishwasher to finish chugging .
Having a small nightcap ...watched The Mary Berry story part two .It was so sad when she visited her sons grave .She had a job to hold it together .I was blubbing along with her .
Then I had my dose of Dallas ,second series ..JR is still in it atm,I wonder how they'll write him out .
Oight Oight gals ..stay warm and safe .

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