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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 14:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
why not take your banjo down to the beach and do some busking?
good morning all, its a lovely day. We didn't need a new box, Neti, we needed a new dish. I am so glad of the insurance, it would have cost a bit to get it done otherwise. My DH used to play the banjo, not on the beach though
Problems solved, I found another euro, so having 2 coffees. I have some money saved but it is for hija' s Vodafone bill. We are expecting some from our investments soon!
Morning all...chilly but bright 'n breezy. I went to the shops early, to beat the mob. I don't like it round here on a Saturday, too many 'weekend people' (I'm being polite) and their unruly kids running about and wiping their Greggs pasties down the back of your coat.

When I win tonight I'll send you the price of two coffees an hour'll be buzzing round the island like a blue @rsed fly :)
I am feeling out of sorts today.
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Hello all
Lovely day here but chilly .Hope you're all ok .
Nothing doing here .Same old .
Morning all I feel a bit better again today so things are on the up. Still no appetite but eating a bit now and again. Thanks Neti yes I keep dropping off still and don't fight it. I didn't see your post. I've never stayed in a whole week since I can't remember when.
Hope your feeling goes away Neti. I've been asking whoever is lolling after me to make me better but I think he/she must be busy with more important matters.
Anyway I've actually hoovered up and I'm going to try and get my ironing done later. No trousers to wear except my walking ones. So they will be priority.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend and wherever your aches and pains are hope they ease off. Laters 'gaters.
Lolling = looking. :)
Just back from shopping with Mr N, he says when the investment money comes through I can book my flight to England :-)
poor Jude, can't imagine you being in one place for a week! You don't half get about.
I don't mind not going out, just as long as it's by choice. In fact I'd be happy to hibernation between the middle of November and the end of March.
Hibernate not hibernation...tut...I'm half asleep.
What the heck?! I've had Mauritius following me for the past week on this site...has anyone been?
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Me too ! The little outings I had this week have completely kernackered me .
The hike to the hairdresser and then shop 'til you drop with my brother.
I wish I could go out and about more but my back , hips and knees won't let me unless I'm high on 800mgs and two paracetamol or gritting my teeth .
Being a dizzy dame is no good if you happen to come across an admirer or someone you want to dodge
It's not the stagger that draws the attention shaney, it's the tiara over your headscarf :)
I have to go out everyday, cannot stand being in the house all day. Mr N is making fish and chips for dinner, he bought some cod and is now battering it! We are trying oven chips!

There is a big demonstration march in Ibiza town now against the oil rigs that some Scottish company has got permission to erect to probe for oil right off our little island, it will ruin the view. Of course the Government is after the money they hope to get!! I would demonstrate if I felt really bad about something, but just walking the streets of Ibiza chanting ¡Eivissa diu no! not for me. I feel a bit hypocritical as we all need and use petrol and plastic etc.
Fisn n chips were delicious, he whipped egg whites etc for the batter (yes he is mad!) but so crispy and light, oven chips had to be finished off in the fryer. But, by 'eck the kitchen was a mess and that is so unlike him, but I left the sink full so he just couldn't clear up. I don't mind this once!!
I have used a new shampoo for blondes and fear I shall be blue rinsed in the morning as it looks a bit suspicious now! Will have to get out the twinset, pearls and brogues.
oh and yay, I got my allowance!!
That meal sounds lovely Neti. And that's a first for me to fancy something this week. I had apple and grated cheese sarnies but couldn't manage all the bread so I just ate all the filling.
Happy you have your allowance now. My pension is due in the bank this week so I'll be happy too.
Couldn't speak to Steadier today so I text hm and promised to ring him next week.
Off to wash pots I've gathered all day in the sink. What a lazy madam I am!
See yer later 'gater(s)

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