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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 14:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Morning all.

Glad sis is there with you you woofy, wish mine were with me!

Nothing much happening here today, will go for a coffee and that will be my excitement for the day!
lovely sunny day here, I am off to Kensington Palace this afternoon to sort out their tourist problems. (Whatever they are.)
Opened front door and was hit by a blizzard ( of pollen) it is everywhere, I try to clear a path to the door so we do not tread it into the hosue, but it floats everywhere, another grrrrr!!!
Morning all...sunny but very cold...
You might want to sort out their uniforms jno, as we say here, I don't reckon much to 'em.
Of dearie me, no to those uniforms.
goodness, the St Bernards won't have any trouble finding them in a blizzard
Will they all be out on the mountains then Jno?
I am enjoying a coffee on a pavement cafe but am turning yellow due to the swirling pollen, I should keep moving.
I have shazam on my phone and love sitting here finding out what all the songs are which are being played at the cafe.
Damn - three Germans have sat next to me and they are so loud, can't shazam now!
They're awful, they look like 1970s uniforms...the ones no one else wanted. Where's Gok when you need him? :)
I bet you snigger when you see someone wearing it jno... Think of us all sniggering behind you. :)
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Morning all ....just
Lovely sunny day here ,hope it's nice where you all are .
Blimey ..those unifroms are loud .Sniggers :)
Any idea how to record TV on timeshift?
I just cannot work it out.
Everything is again covered in yellow pollen, even this screen and keyboard, it's a pain.

Saw a lovely film called The Book Thief, I recommend it, it is about the war but nothing too nasty and shows how the normal people lived, I loved it.
....and now some burger has lit another bonfire, luckily I do not have any washing out, but having to shut all doors and windows !!!
oh arrrgh, HIDEOUS, looks like something that Virgin Airlines turned down flat.
We are waiting for sky repair man to arrive, he is due before 3.
funny, most of the staff seemed to have taken their jackets off. Possibly because it's quite warm inside. There's something to be said for making staff easy to spot (Tesco could try it), especially since the palace is very badly signposted, you never know what room you're in or what the things in it are or which way you're supposed to go next, so you have to ask the staff. I put it all into my report and marked it "For Kate's eyes only", so I trust action is imminent.
Still coughing for England and very weak but feeling a bit better I suppose.I keep lying down and having 40 winks too.
Will be pleased when it's gone.
Can't even be bothered to moan anymore. Laters 'gaters. From Irish Stew! I think that's the nearest I'll get to being Irish when I've eaten a bowl of it.
Yayyyy we have tv back!!! on which note, oight pight all
Good morning.

I wrote a post for jude last night, telling her to keep having 40 winks if her body needs it, but the post isn't here!

Well done woofy on regaining your TV, is it a new box? Wish we could get BBC etc, I really miss it.

I have exactly 2€ to my name, so don't know whether to go for a coffee today or save it until Monday!! Such problems.

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