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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
hmph, well, not a great morning so far. The slightly wobbly tooth needs to come out as its root has split in half, I can't get a crown because there's no root to hold it, so another implant is on the way, plus the two old crowns next to it are infected and I need root canals and new crowns. Then the car lights flashed STOP at me on the way home and the temperature soared, so that's going to need surgery as well.

I wonder what the afternoon will bring.
oh argh jno, teeth and cars...blooming money pits.
Sis is at the hairdressers so I am lolling about waiting to pick her up.
ooh noo jnoo, that's not good. I thought my day was bad enough, head spinning and still waiting for the aerial man. It'll be dusk soon, it's gone very cloudy.
oh poo...why do they wait until 4pm to tell you they're 'unfortunately not going to get to you today'?!..and that was only after I'd chased them up...they had my number...grrr...don't promise 'same day' if it's unlikely to happen...rant...grumble...

sorry, in comparison to jno my problem is miniscule...and my grammar's a lot grimmer too :)
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Oh dear ,poor Jno .Not more agony in the dentists chair and wallet .
That's typical Robinia wait around all day and nobody turns up, so annoying .
No plates in Wilkies either .All leery patterns and the bone china ones were too fragile for butterfingers.It was lovely out though,quite springlike. Clouding up now though .
I've just checked this post for spelling mistooks :)
Cous cous was really nice esp as I thought I had not made it to standard
, but was fine.
When on phone I cannot always be bothered with commas or capitals poking here and then on another page thingy.

Waiting for Corrie, oh poor Rita but she is very staid.
She's not a bad looking gal for 80.
Oh I did enjoy "silk". even though I had to get up from my bed in the middle of it and trail laptop and cables into the front room as Mr N wanted to go to bed!!

Also enjoyed Corrie.

Hope you are feeling more cheerful now jude and jno's teeth aren't being too bad.

Oight oight
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Silk was very good .I like Neil Stuke .
Goodnight all ,sleep toight .
Goodnight all. I really do feel a lot more cheerful today thanks all for helping me to get there. I finished all my ironing watching Silk which I enjoyed. Not doing the ironing - Silk.
Sleep tight!
yes, I enjoyed Silk. Shopping in town tomorrow, looking at new beds.
oh well, this afternoon's news is that I think I'm getting a cold. It's been creeping up very slowly indeed, since about Friday, and I'm still not sure it's really one rather than just a sore throat, but we shall see.

I think I will just sleep in till next Sunday and hope that everything's gone away.
1.24 a.m. I thought everything was going tooo smoothly. Feel sick again now. Listening to Janice Long on BBC 2. I really hope you are all fast asleep.
Morning all... what a lovely morning for going up on the roof and shouting 'I'll fix it for free madam!' No, I don't think that'll happen either. Twixt 8 and 10 they said...hmmm.

Sorry you felt lousy Jude, I wasn't good either, but I slept first and woke at 4am. Ive noticed it's lighter earlier if it's not a dark morning ...Oh, you know what I mean.
Tis done and I'm 75 quid lighter. :( That was just rectifying the problem, new lashings & brackets or some such but I couldn't stand another night of rattling & banging, the neighbours could probably hear it, I never asked. Of course there was the recommendation of a whole new set up at 175-190...eek!...but I decided on a fix it job. Hope it's not false economy.
Good morning, on bus back from Ibiza, it us so hot!
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Morning all
Dull and dreary here ,looks like rain .
Hope you're all ok . That was a dear do Robina.At least it's fixed though and one less worry .Nothing doing here .Not going anywhere so might find my microfibres and do some buffering .
Yes shaney, repairs start with £30, plus the parts and vat and it all adds up. I'll put in a cosmic order for my money back, with interest. Weather's taken a downturn now :(
oh the path was deep and wide with pollen leading to mi casa

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