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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Good morning, my printer has run out of black ink!
am so fed up with waking up and having to wade through all this pollen, it is disgusting, but have washed the bedding, so hopefully we won't be sneezing and snuffling for the next week!

Juse and Robi hope you are both feeling better today.

My spine was curving for the last two days (it gets on the move occasionally) and my hip was in agony but I remembered that I do have some tablets for this pain so took one last night and it's fine today!

Apart from that the weather is fine and I am off out!!
lol @ mouthworm...
Morning all...lovely one it is too. whispers I think I'm feeling a bit better, I hope it lasts.
Yes, I dread pollen season too neti, I don't think birch pollen does me any good, and I'm surrounded by them, it's notorious for being allergenic (if that's the right word).

You're all barmy....we're all barmy....I do the 'switch off, five minute warning, switch back on' thing too. Printers are the devil's invention. Mine refuses to accept the paper but just as I'm about to give up it angrily snatches it out of my hand and scares the life out of me....and it's under the desk like shaney's.

Today's earworm is ♫..dah da da daaah dah....dah da da daaah dah....♫

Well it' hasn't got any lyrics, that tune, :)

I name that tune on 1.

It's the dah dah song!
it's not that computer bit in Close Encounters, that was more dah dah dah dah daaah.

Nice and sunny here, the garage man has rung to say the radiator is about 90% rust and I need a new one for £300, phew, thought he was going to say £3000.
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Morning all
Lovely sunny day and I've got some washing flapping which makes a lovely change from having to hang it on airer .
Hope you're all ok .
Lol ...I'm always arguing with the printer .It's got a mind of it's own .
Shouting at it usually works .Glad you feel a bit better Robinia and I hope Jude does too.
I think that's the Dadaworm song by the Earwigs .
morning all. I turned on the laptop this morning and it said to me that the network wasn't working and should it fix it? I said yes, it obviously spoke firmly to the printer and everything is working again!
We had fish and chips for tea too, M and S plaice, lovely. M and S tomato ketchup is pretty good too, spicier and more tomato-y than heinz
Oooh, it's a fresh breeze but at least it's ddry & sunny & people are walking upright instead of 45 degrees.
Co Op's own brand tom sauce was lovely, but they don't have it now, it had cinnamon in it. Maybe made by the same people who produce it for M&S. prizes today...It was

Good. Afternoon Biddyfriends. What's that about feeling poorly, I've no idea what you're talking about!! Seriously though, today has started better than any in the last 11 days. So, fingers crossed, I'm on the mend.
Haven't done a deal. Cleaned up a bit, house tidy again for a little while. Sorted out what I'm having for lunch which, yet again, is a positive sign.
The Dyson is ready and waiting in the lounge. So another job lined up.
The sun has been shining all morning. Cold but fresh! My only regret is not having done any washing to hang out.

Laters 'gaters!
Just sat and listened to that rousing music Robi Brilliant! I was just going to put wasn't it Wagner when the first page appeared with the title and everything. I bet you don't believe me!
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You sound better today Jude .
Ooh that's lovely stirring music Robinia . Nice to swallow your Ibroprufen to .I think I'll ride down to the library and Superbug while it's nice .
I can't find any nice tomato sauce .I've gone orf Heinz ,they seem have made it so sweet now .Kraft is my favourite one but you can't get it here .
I do believe you Jude, I do! You could probably hear me singing(?!) it couldn't you? I had lots of classical downloaded onto my puta and some weird virus removed it all...oh well, at least it had taste :) Carry on recovering but don't do too much too soon, that's what I did last week and I slid back down again.
I see Yahoo mail is Yaboo no mail again...tut...oh well, I need to carry on dusting anyway...
oh, I always sing along to that
Well done jude on Wagner and getting better! Just to quote woofy, take it easy!!

I would have known that tune Robi but you did it in the wrong key and wrong tempo!!

A doctor boyfriend took me to the Liceo Opera House in Barca years ago to see Tristan and Isolde, by 'eck almost put me off for life, great fat woman singing, but I do love opera and most things musical!

In answer to jno's link!! and to keep in the theme!!
......and that will be today's earworm!!
Oh no it won't neti...It's 'kill the waaabbit...' now...bloomin heck.
it's wather wuined Wagner for me
This has wuined the week for me...a yellow warning for snow on Fwiday! Nooooo! Still, it could be worse...a warning of yellow snow.

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