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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 14:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
I love scallops (vieras here).

It's OK I always talk to myself!
RHS is holding a free day at its gardens tomorrow so we are going to Wisley, if it isn't drisley.
I used to live near wisley (st John's)
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Have a nice day Jno .Wisley is lovely .
Part of my morning tomorrow will be spent at the hospital where hopefully they will discharge Mr S .
Goodnight all.Sleep toight.
shaney, what do you mean "discharge Mr S?" have I missed something, or do you mean no more appointments?

Btw I was perusing internet for my American redneck programme that I love to hate, and noticed that The Americans are already on Series 2 episode 2 so have downloaded them, not on Brit TV yet I think.

Am trying to stay up a bit later as haven't been able to sleep very well for the last two nights and that just isn't like me, but Mr N has been coming to bed at 10 ish and that is too early, I wake up at 3am and then ponder the world's troubles for hours, it's getting me down and wearing me out.
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His last scan was ok Neti ,so hopefully they'll give him the complete all clear. I expect the consultant just wants to give him the once over before waving him goodbye .
Good morning all. Have caught up with all your comings and goings.
Pleased you enjoyed your time with sis Woofy.
Hope Mr S gets discharged from the hospital Shaney. What a relief it will be for you all.
Robi hope you are feeling much better now. I definitely am thank goodness!
Neti I sometimes go to bed too early cos I feel really tired then wake like you about 3 and can't drop off again.
You sound like you're getting out and about Jno have a good day at Wisley. Hope it's not pouring down like it is here. We've been promised sunshine sometime today so fingers crossed.
I'm shopping today (Sainsburys) and I was hoping to do some walking locally if the rain stops.
Hope you all have a good day whatever you're up to. Laters 'gaters!
Morning all...yes Jude, it's a grim, wet day so far but it is supposed to brighten up. I thought it was Saturday, realised it wasn't and had to jump(?) out of bed at 7 to put the bloomin bin out....and they still haven't been....grrr. Fingers crossed for the weekend but the forecasts are mixed.
I'm still battling the sinus earache thing, what's the secret to seeing these viruses off?

I didn't sleep too well either, I don't know how the neighbours function after some of the nights their little screamer has...maybe they sleep through it.

Enjoy Wisley in the drisley jno...and I hope it's Mr S's last visit today shaney.
that's funny, I posted best wishes to Mr S last night and now they're not here. Oh well. We are going to Wisley anyway even though it is already drisley and is predicted to be pisling down when we arrive. Supposed to be clearing up this afternoon, so I may get out of the car then.
your curls will go frisley...
Good morning, you all sound remarkably cheery. Lovely sunny day here. Just having a relaxing coffee but the council ate digging up the road and the noise is awful so won't be here long.
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Morning all
Drisley here too.
The hospital refuse to let Mr S out of their clutches ...he has to go in April for an endoscopy through the stoma .I don't really understand why because his scan was clear but they say it's routine procedure .At least they are thorough !
Hope you are all ok today and not too grisley.
oH SHANEY, MAYBE THEY ARE JUST KEEPING AN EYE ON THE SITUATION sorry not shouting and cannot redo it! Maybe they will always check up on him, so not a bad thing.

My beloved sister had put some money in my English accosunt so I can get my flight to England for the wedding in June as prices are going up and up. 213€ one way with Ryanair!

Have washed all the throws on the settees and replaced them with cream ones, looks really nice until Mr N and his work clothes and dribbling mousey sit on them!!
Robi I am still very snotty and my eyes and nostrils are continualloy running, I hate this, I think there is still pollen about but I don't see much of it on the patio anymore.
Shaney you're right, they're being thorough and that can only be a good thing. When I went for that scan recently I kept apologising because the pain had eased & I felt like a time waster but the doctor was lovely & said keeping the appt was the right thing to do. I've always had mixed feelings about being released by consultants...on one hand I'm glad to be free & on t'other I feel I've lost the on going reassurance....dumped, lol.

I'm bloody grisley cos, along with the hired help, I do my best with the garden but the neighbour's is now smothered in weeds & they'll seed through to mine.

Neti I don't want to resort to antibio's but the pressure in my face, post nasal drip & soreness behind that flappy oojar at the back of my mouth is depressing now.
Robi I still cough a little bit and feel a bit sinussy but I really do feel lots better. I hope you do soon. The sun is out now and I have washing out yippee!!
The young girl attached never does her front grass so when she's not in I dig on her side along the concrete divider about a foot and that does stop some of her weeds spreading onto mine. I even leave what I dig out on her grass and believe me she never mentions it or tidies up! Mind you she probably not notice as her grass is so long.
I agree with the others Shaney. Mr. S is being looked after isn't he and like you say they are being thorough.
I'm now in the mood for a bit af a walk so I think it's time for me to say laters again.
Hi Jude, so glad you are feeling better, still take it a bit easy for a while, we know you!!!
Thanks Neti. The sun is shining and I've been for a steady walk. Stopped at Thorntons chocolate shop and treated myself!
evening all, nice sunny day after all, I watched on raintoday as the band of rain suddenly veered off towards Norfolk. Lovely day at Wisley and no more than three billion other people there with queuing back to the M25. The Honest Sausage ran out of sausages and the sandwich joint ran out of sandwiches so I had their last slice of carrot cake for lunch. Lots of flowers and trees blossoming already.
Question Author did veer off towards us Jno ,we had quite a downpour but it got out lovely this afternoon .Glad you enjoyed your day .Wisley is well worth a visit.

Yes you're all quite right . I just thought by the way they spoke last time they wouldn't want to see him again but he saw a different chap today and it will be followed up if this test is clear on yearly basis anyway,which is good .

Anyway this tickled me .....and just proves that women can never have too many handbags.

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