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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
here's an Owl Moth sipping some pineapple juice thoughtfully laid on by the RHS
Shaney please tell me when I want to put a YouTube link on I can never do it like you do. I thought I just had to copy and paste the link where it says at the top ^ Help.
that's right, Jude. It should start with
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Wow ..what a super photo Jno .That's a photographic competiton entry if ever I saw one .
I just copy and paste it into the box Jude wot Jno said .
ooo urgh shaney....
that's a great photo jno.
I should have done loads today but i didn't.
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Just cruising past to say goodnight ...Lol..Woofy it made me giggle. I hope he wasn't short changed :) Someone sent it to me in an email.
Have a good sleep all .Over and out for now .
good morning.

Love that shaney, he should have put the money in the front!!!

Normal allowance has been resumed so am off to buy some boots!!! The sun is shining, what a lovely day.

Woofy may we see a piccy of new bedroom when done?
Well my little niños and niñas you are going to be hotter than Ibiza to today but how long for? Enjoy it, get the bikinis out and drink el vino!!!
Morning each...dull and cold at the moment & I doubt there'll be any casting of clouts here in Derbys. The met say cloudy all day, accu says part cloudy. Either way my poor joints are feeling the change....and I did too much yesterday, it turned out glorious.

Amazing pic jno, I hope he didn't hitch a ride home with you, just think of the holes in your woolly vests.

lol, I love that shaney, it's off to my sister's inbox toot sweet...I'm ok on this big puta but suddenly I can't watch youtube on my kindle (since yesterday) so if any technibizas could help me I'd be very grateful. I can't ring Tarquin today, he's got a race on so he'll be 'in the zone'.

this is warmer than Ibiza? Poor neti must be wearing a fur coat to cope. It's supposed to soar to 15 degrees later on, but it's not exactly midsummer.
Ahh -we are equals then. We are 15° atm. Have bought a pen drive for Mr M's TV progs. Another pair of ankle high trainers and a short sleeved white light jumper.
No idea about kindles Robi, try reinstalling it.
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Morning all
Hotter than Ibiza ? Lol..misty and murky out there at the moment .
I've done a load of washing in anticipation too .Perhaps it'll brighten up later.
Morning all. Great photo Jno. Your day sounded good even though the weather didn't really help.
Thanks all for the tip about YouTube. If I think about it I don't put the www link. I just copy the one that says share where you get the options of mail, FB, etc. and I think that isn't a www link. Am I talking rubbish!! :). Probably!
Off to see the Rams play today at Pride Park. I must be feeling better. Just hope the sun comes out. Have a rest today Robi. (That came out as have a feast today - predictive)!
In fact I've started a job today I wished I hadn't. Stripping the wallpaper in the spare bedroom. Not a good idea! :(
Hope you all have a good weekend. See yer later 'gaters!
Copy and pasting should do it Jude.
Well summer hasn't arrived here yet, I was glad I copied passers by and put my big padded coat & scarf on to shuffle to the shops...just grabbed some essentials and scurried back. The good news was I found a tenner in the coat pocket, I love it when that happens :)
I like the sound of a rest and a feast Jude, I'll see what's lurking in the freezer. Enjoy the match, it'll probably have warmed up a degree by then. I daren't strip any walls the last two times I did that it was a plastering job.
Forgot to say thanks neti....I'll ask T when he gets his breath back.
Neti are you sorted for the UK wedding yet? I found you some shoes..
good morning all. Bright sunshine here and the tortoises are up and feeding which is excellent news. Its always a bit worrying before they start to eat.
Yesterday i managed to bleach a pattern on a new sweatshirt and grey jeans with a leaky bottle of mould and mildew remover grrrrr.
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It's got out lovely now but the east wind is chilly .You need a warm coat on Robinia .It's not as Ibizaish out there as it looks .
The washing is flapping away though.
Oh that's so annoying Woofy .I managed to splash bleach up a fave T shirt a while ago .

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