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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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Snap ! I had a flutterby flit into the bedroom earlier .I had to find a glass and shiffle him out of the window . I did a bit of pottering ,cut back the fuschia but my back and hips are singing me a song .
I have been out cutting out the brambles in the tortoise pen. I can't use weedkiller in there and they get in from next door so all I can do is chop and chop grrr. Tortoises are enjoying the sun though.
All this fresh air, I'll be lucky if I stay awake for Midwife & Mr Selfridge. Puta says 18C and spring is definitely sprung...

I've had some's the beast of Robimoor :) grass looks awfully long from that angle, I must find a mowerer :(
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Lovely crocuses Robinia ..Lol..I went out to get me bloomers in and Tinkerbell was perched on the wheelie bin.
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I'd better rattle some pans here shortly .Never thought I would see the day when I bought ready crumbed schnitzel :)
An absolutley fab day here, my bare arms looked like chicken skin, yuk must get out the night tan tonight if this weather holds. We went to N:W: of the island for the famous omelette (and chips this time) bottle of plonk and fizzy lemon and dalad, delish, place was crowded although it is hard to access and very small but at least now thay have a phone so I could book in advance. Was so hot sitting on their terrace, my face was a becoming shade of puce, Mr N loved it as he loves the sun. Since being home for the last 3hrs I have tried to book a flight with BA online and am stymied cos of verified by visa??? won't do it can't do it! Will have to go to the bank tomorrow to get it sorted, tried online but can't change Mr N's card number to mine.
Beautiful flowers Robi, so blue, you must collect the stamens and sell as saffron! very expensive.

We have wild freesias all around the smell is lovely.
They aren't as bright a blue as that pic makes them look, they're more mauvey.
Saffron crocuses are special ...and they're autumn flowering (I think).
I call the cat Sooty for obvious reasons, I think he might live over the road. He often stops by to say hello, sits around for a while, meows and ambles off :)
I've had verified by visa since I started shopping online and thankfully never had a problem. I just chose a password and sometimes I'm asked for random parts of 1st, 4th and 7th letter/digits.
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Verified by visa is a pain for me .I've tried to set it up in the past but I have to phone First Direct and go through an inquisition if I want it .I do a quiz for Macmillan on a regular basis and donate through Just Giving but they want Vbv .I just get Picky to do it and give him the money.
I've had to give up on the BA flight I wanted to get as there is no way I can find to register my card, it only comes up with Mr N's card no. or my old one. I've had this card for a while and am sure I've bought other flights with it but just can't today, what a blooming pain, and I'll have missed the cheap flight. The web page is all in Catalan which is OK but no where for me to register, sick of it.
It's the last midwife tonight by the way...I might watch the Crufts highlights. I'm a bit uncomfortable with 'show dogs', they're all lovely, but I enjoy the doggy stories and agility. I saw Ricky the standard poodle win utility yesterday and he seemed like a happy chap. I hate that fancy poodle-do, lol, but he showed it off well. I think I'll go and make some egg butties and bag a front row seat in the tv lounge :)
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Have your hankie ready for the midwives Robinia .I think it may be a tearjerker . It's tray for us too with all ready made by someone else :)
ahhh, gorgeous day, we went to see the Barbican conservatory, which is open to the public on Sundays, then had a pizza, then ventured out into the country to ye olde market towne at the end of the railway line but because of ye olde shoppinge hours almost everything was shut by ye time we arrived, so we had a stroll and caught another train back. Conservatory was free, train travel is all free, and the pizzas were a bogof with my taste card, so total price was two half-price pizzas and a soft drink, which is pretty good for a day in the sun.
Hi Jno. Glad you had a good day.

I am recording midwife as I want to see the end of Dancing on ice
oh wonderful, I have got the United Nations on my case

Dear Beneficiary, IRREVOCABLE PAYMENT ORDER VIA ATM CARD The United Nation secretary general has actually authorized the governing body of the UNITED NATIONS Monetary Unit, to investigate into the unnecessary delay on your payment, recommended and approved in your favor. During the course of our investigation, we discovered with surprises that corrupt officials of the Bank who are Trying to divert your funds into their private accounts have unnecessarily delayed your payment. Based on this regard; This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract /inheritance as next of kin/Wining file and found out why you have not received your payment. We have been informed that you are still dealing with these none officials/ex-staff of the banks, which made your entire attempt to obtain/secure the release of your fund to you, proves abortive. Please know that all these people you are dealing with are no longer working with the Bank anymore, the UN have investigated that they were dismissed for corrupt misconduct, TAKE NOTE We wish to advise you that such illegal act like this have to be stopped, if you wish to receive your payment since we have decided to bring a solution to your problem. To forestall this, a security for your funds was organized in the form of your personal Identification number (PIN) ATM-CARD and this will enable only you to have direct Control over your funds in the ATM CARD. We will monitor this payment ourselves to avoid the hopeless situation created by the Officials of the bank. The World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on your Payment have issued an irrevocable payment guarantee. However, we are happy to inform you that based on our recommendation/Instructions; your complete Winning/Inheritance funds as next of kin/Contracts have been credited in your favor through ATM CARD and this is accessible only by you the beneficiary. You are therefore advised to contact: Mr. Michael Ritz Ruthven Director ATM Payment Department (United Nation Special Payment Envoy in South Africa) Contact Email: [email protected] Direct Office lines: +27-737222883, Fax: +27-865408061 Contact him now for the delivery of your ATM Card. As soon as you establish a contact with him, an ATM card will be issued to you immediately which you can use to withdraw your funds in any Bank ATM Machine globally, but the maximum daily withdrawal limit is USA $10,000.00 Equivalent in your local currency per day. So if you like to receive your funds through this means you're advised to contact (Mr. Michael Ritz Ruthven) with the following information as stated below: He is the united nation’s payment envoy in South Africa. And that is where your payment has been allocated /dispensed from. 1. Your Full Name: 2. Nationality: 3. Country of residence: 4. Address Where You Want the Courier Company to Send Your ATM Card: 5. Copy of your Passport/Divers license: 6. Occupation: 7. Cell/Mobile Number: 8. Administration and processing fees of ($450.00) only and nothing more. NOTE: You are advised to furnish Mr. Michael Ritz Ruthven with your correct and valid details. Also be informed that the amount due to be paid to you now is (USA$1,000,000.00) One Million United State’s Dollars only). We expect your urgent response to this email to enable us monitor this payment effectively thereby making contact with Mr. Michael Ritz Ruthven as directed to avoid further delay. We are sorry for what you have passed through all this Months in trying to secure this funds. Congratulations. DR. ALLEN SCOTT. DONOVAN Compensation committee Director (U.N.O)
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Gosh get some interesting email Jno .
All I've had today is reminder that my library books will soon be overdue and did I want to renew them.
Midwives was good .I'd worked my way through half a box of tissues by the end . I think that's it though .They tied a lot of loose ends up and I can't see there being another series .
Looks like another lovely day tomorrow .Goodnight all.
it's going to be partly cloudy here. Ideal for having a couple of root canals, in fact :-(
Good morning Biddyfriends it is exactly 4.22 Monday. I'm wide awake! One if those nights when I've had a really good sleep and would like to be up and about but it's a bit early. Never mind eh! Looking forward to another lovely sunny day. Well that's what's been promised.
Would you believe it I can hear the birds singing their heads off. Love it!
See y'all later!
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Morning all,
It's a lovely one so far .Hope you're all ok .
Good luck at the dentist Jno .

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