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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Just done the shopping in San Josep, got lovely strawberries for 2€ for 1,040 grams, and they are delish!!! New neighbours at the back are having a barbecue against my back wall which I am sure will be OK and not set my house on fire, but the smell is awful, nothing worse than greasy burnt meat!! I have eaten a banana baquette even though bananas have 7 teasp of sugar in them.

Really spring like here, lovely but I am sure it will not last, I seem to remember that we also shouldn't cast clouts until May is out!!
good Heavens jno, you must have the award for best answer for the longest time.
envy is such an unbecoming trait, neti.
Indeed jno, but please do not envy me with the lovely springlike weather and strawberries, just think of all the good things in your life!!
ooo Neti does a zinger!
Well it brightened and warmed up a tad but it didn't go Balearic...after I'd dragged myself out this morning my sister phoned to ask if I wanted to go shopping. Well I couldn't say no, I needed some things from a bigger-than-the local-Boots while the 3 for 2 offer was still on. By the time they've subtracted all the offers, coupons and added double and extra points to my advantage card I swear they're paying me to shop there... so, anyhoo, I didn't get my rest but I did get the feast....lots of ding dinners from Sains :)
They had some Spanish strawberries the size of small lemons...apparently Waitrose have got English ones in. The world's gawn mad.
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Anything to keep her quiet :)
Thank you dear Shaney but I am above such things!
Am enjoying the second series of The Americans, not that I can remember who's who, and what's what!
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Ooh great , I've just looked it up .Season 2 starts here on 15th March .
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You can refresh your memory here Neti
Thanks Shaney, the beginning is a bit confusing about the shot mother but I'll watch it again to see if it makes sense!

Have eaten loafs of strawberries, they were yummy.

Oight oight
I do not mean loafs I mean loads.
strawberry loaf and paella... nope, no envy at all.
Good morning biddies. Lovely and sunny here. Still lolling in bed with a cuppa, it's nice for Mr N to be able to have a lie-in as he gets up every day at 7am.

Hope you all slept well and have recharged your batteries. Robi, you had better take things easier and recover. I slep very well.
bright sunny day here, going to be 18 degrees
☼ Morning all ☼'s glorious intit? I hope it is everywhere.

Ok, so who burnt the toast at 7.20am? I can't blame Vinny...well, I can, he's not here to defend himself, haha...bloomin smoke detector went off and I haven't moved that fast since 1989. I'd already been up at 6am, fetched tea & tablets and gone back for an hour so I wasn't really asleep. It might have been a creepy crawly setting it'll be deaf now :)

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Morning all
What a lovely day .Wall to wall sunshine .
Lol..I miss Vinny and his boiled eggs with tst :)
morning all lovely sunny day here. We are having a sleepy start.
snack break...There are butterflies! I've been pottering and snipping mopheads. I'd like to snip the heads off the twerps who had a stinky bbq and fireworks.....what the hell?! grrrr..

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