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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
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Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Mr N's dinner was superb, absolutely delish, we ate the lots, I had 3 portions, he added asparagus and vine toms, so we had a glass of wine with it, are we the dizzy things??

Just cleared up and am now in bed.
We had totally posh lunch today. Venison sausages and fresh mango for dessert.
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All I've had is toast and soup .Mr S went and got himself some fish and chips.
These blasted tablets have upset my stomach .I shan't be taking any more of them .So much wind I could have passed for a hot air balloon :)
Sleep tight all ,hope you've enjoyed your birthday outing Jno .
thank you for your kind wishes. Had a lovely day in Portsmouth the trains were only a tenner return, the sun was out, the Mary Rose was fascinating (though it will be more so when they finally remove all the big tubes and everything, but that will be another four years), enjoyed the harbour cruise though rather blustery and chilly, went round the Victory too but had no time left for the Warrior. If it dan't been for some twonk halting the train for 10 minutes by pulling the communication cord on the way back.... I say cord but I couldn't actually see one, so I don't know how you go about stopping a train these days. Text the driver, I suppose.
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Sounds like you had a lovely day Jno .We went round the Victory many years ago .I'd love to see the Mary Rose but very much doubt I'll ever get there now.I would imagine the artefacts are fascinating close up .I've looked at on on line gallery and it's very interesting.
Good morning. Glad you have an enjoyable day jno, but then you always seem to, apart from health visits!

I'd love to go to Portsmouth to see all that but would need Mr N at my side to do the guiding and map reading, so guess that'll never happen as he really does not want to visit Britain again. Nothing against Britain but there's no one there for him anymore and he gets left out if I natter to my sisters all the time.
Shaney does Mr S drive?
Glorious day here. I have just spotted that I am a messy eater now that we eat on the coffee table with the tv. Yhe throw and carpet are covered in red stains, from last night sohave dabbed the cover and reversed it and carpet swept the carpet and removed suspicious stains from there too, oh I am getting old, missing my mouth - whatever next???
another nice day here too, and considering it's still March. Shaney, the artefacts were fascinating, though they have so many they're mostly not labelled, but you can tell what they are. There are a couple of mystery objects. One well-to-do gent had his own pepper grinder, which was probably just to swank. I'm sure the French would have been well impressed if they'd captured him.
Morning all...sunny and milder here, yesterday turned out dull, very windy and cold so after the shopping was done I did booger all. Got up feeling very discombobulated this morning so out of curiosity I checked the moon phase....yes, 'tis a full one (about now actually).

I'm glad you had a good day jno, my sister & OH went there last year and it was bitterly cold but they enjoyed it.

Sorry the pills have upset you shaney, I've heard people say the same but I didn't want to plant the idea in your mind before you'd given them a go. My friend's just had to give up bendroflouwatsits 'cos she's developed gout. There's always a snag. I watched Week with Marilyn too, it was lovely.

I still haven't found a new gardener so I'll have to put in a louder cosmic order, maybe all the garden machinery makes 'em deaf.

oh, I didn't know bendrothing caused gout. But I already take allopurinol for that, so it probably balances out... one pill in each hand.
I am bored and waiting to go out for lunch!
I am still bored and I am still waiting, he always leaves it up to me to decide where to go, and I am fed up with deciding as I just cannot think!
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Morning all
Lovely day here .Mild and sunny.Stomach still giving me gip so won't be going far or doing much today .Hope you're all as well as.
Mr S can drive Neti but we haven't had a car for years.I can't see him taking up driving again either !
I need a gardener too .If you get anyone Robinia ask him if he's prepared to travel :)
hello all, overslept here today its a lovely day though.
Just back from lunch, it was very nice but I am bored with going to the same place.

Back in bed for my wine induced siesta.
oh so sad....bored with going out for lunch to the same place lol.
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Lol..I can't remember the last time I went out for lunch unless you count a Bogoff at Burger King as lunch :)
Sorry, it's just a boring in general day today.

Shaney did you watch The Americans? I've just seen the 3rd episode, oh I do like it.
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Yes I did Neti.The first episode was aired here last night on ITV .Brilliant .

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