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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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lol jno...
My step sis in law just sent me this
morning all...a normal service morning. Mild and drizzly
Tip if the day. If you are going to cut into your left index finger with a sharp knife, try not to do it when you are holding a lemon and slicing it in two as juice getting into the cut will make it an unforgettable experience.
PS I did sort the computer, DH most impressed.
Morning woofy, ouch, that sounds very painful, take care.

Our leccy clicked off this am in the dark, so I had to sort it all out, reboot Sky, computer and alarm clocks, while Mr N lay snug and cosy in bed!

Hija received a text message at 9pm last night and has a job interview this am at 9. Lucky she wasn't still in Barca!
our telly came on at 2am and woke us both us. That's twice it's done that - we'll have to check and see if it's a certain day in the month and it's resetting its preferences or something daft like that. Or I suppose we can just switch it off at the wall every night and save money.

Or perhaps it's the ancient jno family ghost walking the rooms seeing if there's any programme it can watch with its head tucked underneath its arm.
so that's your excuse for being late on here, then is it jno???
Good afternoon Biddies. Back from a late brekkie at the Garden Centre. Mushrooms, bacon and tomato on toast. Yummy and only £1.75. Home made wholemeal bread toast and large field mushrooms. I think I am going to buy myself one of their conservatory loungers and live down there. I might as well. I had a £14.00 voucher to spend as well and bought myself a really nice over the body bag.

LOL at your story of the television jno.

And I loved that link Woofy. See you later!!
Loved that ^^^woofy, so funny and so true!!
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A' I is....bit freaked out to read Lottie's bought herself a body bag, haha.
I'm going to go back over the posts & look at the pics which were slow to open but I just wanted to clarify that the gas leak happened during the service & not before - so none of my problems are due to gas.... :o)
Oh ha, ha. Robinia. Mine is a bit like No. 9 on here
So it's not the gas then. How are you feeling now?
But that is a big bag and mine is only a lickle bag, about 9" x 6". I try very hard not to carry large bags as they booger me back up!!
Welcome back Robi, I didn't think the gas would affect you as you would have smelled it eventually, it's npot like our butano!

Do any of you know about this cold weather payment. If you put your post code in it will tell you if you are eligible for it. My sister told me about it and apparently we are.

I'm now cream-crackered. I was awake at 3.30 watching Murray play his match until 7 then I got up and went to my friends and we went walking round Belper up hill and down dale literally. We did 6.26 miles. I can tell you exactly cos she has a gadget which tells you. It even tells you how long it took you and it calculates the length of your stops for a break. Amazing. It cost about £300 I don't think I will be having one

That ladie's speech is very funny Woofy. Me friend sent it to me a little while ago and I laughed then as well.

I'm pleased it wasn;t the in one way but concerned what is the matter. Have your headdaches stopped yet.

I'm going to say Bye for now. Don't know if I'll get back tonight so have a good one all of you. See yer later 'gater(s) (maybe)
Correction:- The sentence that went haywire was to Robi about the gas. I was saying I was pleased it wasn't the gas but was concerned what the headaches were all about. Are they any better now. I do hope so.
Jude, just put in our postcode and we have had four periods of cold weather that qualify. Does it come automatically.
Oh, you have to be in receipt of benefits apparently!! Just being a pensioner doesn't count!!
Oh well that's no good to us then Lofty .Throw another log on the fire and hope for the best .It's supposed to turn very cold again towards the weekend .Though anything is better than this damp which has seeped into me bones something chronic lately .

Nice bag .I'm still happy with mine and it's great when I go shopping .Hands free .I don't need to lug loads of crip about with me if I'm just going to the High Street .

I've done as much household engineering as is possible today and that's it .
I've ordered various cakes and a birthday cake from the bakers for Mr S for Saturday and now I 'm going to have a large drink and make some dinner .
Big shop tomorrow and wait for the invasion :)
Hope you are all Ok .Hope you're feeling better Robina and that Mr Woofy is alright ...waves to Kit ...Pip pip for now .

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