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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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Shaney. You are pretty still, well unless you have drastically changed since I last saw you.

I honestly know I have really aged since all the trauma with my Mum and Mr LL. I had no grey hair to speak of before 2009. I certainly have now and I just look older.

Must hoover through now and do a few jobs. I have been fiddling about on the computer for too long!!
Oh Neti, that is such a nice picture of you both. What year was it?

How young we all looked way back then - never dreamt then that one day I might be an old biddy!! Everything was so new and fresh and I had so much energy and enthusiasm!!
Been trying to upload this for ages .

Get some in girls for next winter...................
Lottie, we were married in December 1975!
I definitely will Neti. I nearly ordered some this year. I am terrified out on the ice. If I fall over I could really do my already damaged back a lot more damage. I get really paranoid having to walk on it.
excellent idea, neti. I wobble all over the shop, thanks to rather weak ankles that are easily turned.

Plus of course if i do get some, that should guarantee it won't snow from now till 2017.
Ooooh 3 years after us Neti. I was 24 approaching 25. Too young really.
My wedding day pictures at the Registry Office: May 23rd 1964 I was 23. My husband is no longer alive. He used to do a cool impersonation of Frank Sinatra.

I am definitely going to buy some of those grippers for the snow they look brilliant. I'm sure I'll feel a bit more confident when walking out in the snow and nice with them on.
Jude, you look so pretty, I remember that hairstyle although mine had to be backcombed like mad and sprayed with lacquer. Does anyone remember those little soft plastic bottles that one had to squeeze like mad to get any spray out.

We were registry office also.

Now I know how old you are lottie, and you are 4 yrs older than me (hardly a biddie at all in my opinion!)
jude, had another look, your face is lovely.
I saw 2 different photos, how did you manage that?
d'oh silly me, it's ok!
I am confused Nets. I thought you knew I was 63 going on 64. Am I 4 years older than you! How old are you then 59?

Jude a lovely photo and a lovely looking couple. You look pretty and he was a very handsome man. xx

We got married in a Registry Office too. I could hardly get married in a Church in a Purple trouser suit and boots now could I. We got married on a Monday, 6 weeks after we decided to get married. Everybody said it wouldn't last!!!
I'm pleased you worked it out Neti heaven knows how I would explain it to you about putting 2 on. Thanks for the compliments. It was a happy day even if i don't look too happy. I think I was nervous as usual.
Thank you Lottie I missed you then- you just got in before me.
I reckon I must be the oldest on here then!
The lady behind us is my younger sister who was 15 at the time and the eldest of the 2 little girls with her is now living in New Zealand with her young daughter. She is 50 now. Doesn't time fly!!
Ha ha lottie, bet that gave you a shock, I meant 4yrs YOUNGER than me! sorry!!

Jude you are always so humble. Don't know why, you were certainly a looker in those days. A lovely couple. I always wanted to be tall, like my sister and daughter, but daughter always bends her knees in photos so she doesn't look so tall
Ah Neti and you're lovely and caring. I always used to bend my knees as well like your daughter cos I towered over all my friends and husband. I had the lowest of high heels on then if you see what I mean. ha ha!
ooof quick pop in, haven't read the thread...spent the whole dat swearing over a new printer and an idiot in tech support...all sorted now but I have a techy you all tomorrow

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