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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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I had already checked your shoes! I couldn't walk in anything higher!
By 'eck, we are a quiet bunch latgely.

Robi hope you are feeling better, get thee to a doctor, and I hope charlie is OK.

-11° in Barcelona yesterday and we are on red alert for snow storms, which is a laugh as although it is cold, the sun is bright and it's a lovely day.
Hello Biddyfriends. Yes Neti we are missing a few. Robi please let us know you and Charlie are alright and you have been to the Dr. And everyone else looking forward to hearing from you to let us know you are ok under your various circumstances. Or if not come and have a rant to us. That's what we're here for.
morning all, better today after a good sleep. I have mammogram today but DH is taking me for a treat afterwards.
"By 'eck, we are a quiet bunch latgely"

Yep, just proves who the noisy ones are!!! Morning Robi!! xxxx
Neti/Woofy When on Facebook, please do not think I have become part of a heavy metal group, ha, ha!! A very old (young) friend from Norwich, bless him. Things are appearing on 'my wall' that make me blush. Ignore!!
Black eye is now yellow, red and light purple - interesting!!
Robi, Seriously am worried about you! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
well, I trust nobody is worrying about me, as there is nothing to worry about. I'm just doing stuff, mostly to do with the millennial clearout of shelves, rooms etc. But don't fret, it's not like I've gone outside the house or got a life or anything.
jno, My massive clearout is in a state of interlude!! I cleared out one room and totally crowded out another one. I'll get there in the end!!

How are your teeth (tooth)?
i think I am in a parallel universe to the rest of my village. They were all wrapped like it's winter and I was only wearing a sweater, jeans and of course the obligatory boots. Everyone kept asking if I was I cold and no I wasn't ! strange.

Off to airport to collect hija at 14.30!
Some nice photos taken by my son on Christmas day in the afternoon - From the field behind our house. Our house is the furthest one on the right of the photo.

Looking towards the town

Just fields
I am just about to go out over those fields with Meggie!!

Bowl of porridge first though!!
Beautiful lottie, but scary!! I would be very scared to walk there alone, it's so desolate!

Am just eating a walls sausage sarnie , haven't had a walls for years, scrummy!
Would you really Neti? I get far more worried walking about a town at night than I ever do out here. In fact, I walk through the woods and fields without a care in the world. I rarely meet another living soul.

I love walking round our garden at night. We have no street lights, but we get to see lovely starry skies!!
It rained, walk delayed. But am thinking about going now. I won't be frightened!! ;o).

(Little Meggie will protect me!!)
I hate walking home at night (not that I do it very often) and am really scared of everything. Except if my hija needs me then I'll be there whatever the time or situation. I barged into Pacha one night (2am) in my pink needlecord dressing gown when I found she had escaped and was underage. The bouncers tried to stop me, but I was not to be trifled with, so they stepped aside whilst I tracked her down and dragged her out! She was mortified! But the that wasn't particularly dangerous, although spanish bouncers aren't the most stable of people and have had many a punch-up when been made to look small!
I'm not a nervous person Neti. Not in the least. Anxious yet, but not nervous. I wouldn't walk around a large town at night though. The countryside isn't frightening at night, no walls or alleyways for people to lurk behind. Not many undesirable people would be walking around here at night (except for my next door neighbour!!)

See you later.

Obviously son has discovered I am on facebook. He has put his photos on view to all now for my benefit. He usually has to send me a link to them. He only did that last night so not a coincidence!!
heavens, Lottie, it looks like the little house on the prairie. You don't get marauding bands of Apache or anything?
Ha, ha jno!! No apaches, but plenty of pheasants and rabbits.

I had a one hour brisk walk and the sun came out!! It sure was muddy out there on them there fields, Tonto!!

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