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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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The building on the far left of the photo with the big tree in front of it is the Church. Not that I go there!! You can see the farm as well as you go back from the church. That is where I have been walking this morning. I met one car, a middle aged holiday-making couple and a tractor and driver. Quite an eventful morning for round here!!
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Morning ...a'noon...whateva...Just a quick hello to say I/we is still alive...had gas service which couldn't be straightforward...oh dearie me no... had a leak, albeit a minor one, & no evacuations needed. Anyhoo, 4 men (none hunky) and three & half hours later all is well. I am about to go into meltdown & Chas is exhausted...who the fluff's got time to go to doctors?
Will be back after a suitable recovery time...thanks for worrying but there's no need.

Hi All. and good to see you Robi. 4 non-Hunkies what a disappointment ( I typed Junkies by mistake first). After all I said about opening all your links quickly, I can't open yours Robi.
Lovely pictures Lottie I would love to walk round where you live I like places like that. I'm off to Belper to see my friend who lives there and I'm taking my boots cos I'm sure she would like to walk before we stop at a pub for lunch.
Had a lovely chicken curry today at The Carpenters in Dale Abbey today after Tai Chi. Sat in there for 2 hrs having a good natter with my 2 friends.
Have to go and do a bit of house-work now. See yer later 'gater(s)
Lovely pics everyone.You look very nice Jude .Very elegant and I love the winklepickers :)
Nothing doing at Shaneytowers .Dull grey day
I've made some jam tarts and sorted out a bag of stuff for Help the Aged .How very virtuous of me .
Take it easy Robinia .Hope you soon feel better.
Net ,thanks for your offer of the film but I haven't got DVDx .
Hi Robi and Jude. Glad all is well now Robi. 4 Junkies ha, ha.

I take it they didn't look like this


Glad you have had a good day Jude. You are welcome to come for a muddy walk with me any day!!! x
Couldn't open your link Robi :o(

Hi Shaney, Waves across the county!!
Robi i wonder if the gas was what was making you and Chas feel bad? Back home after a ton of shopping. mammogram lady was the same one as last time who doesn't squash so much which is okay but I got a recall last time because there was a shadow that turned out to be unsquashed booby...I said this to DH and said if I get a recall, remember I told you. Dh is having a flap about the new computer and keeps moaning how do I and why can't I? He's out tonight so I have promised faithfully to sort everything then.
Will look at pics and read thread later as the moaning has started again.
Hmmm, could well be the gas causing both Robi and Chas's problems Woofy. You are right!! Headaches and dizziness, etc.
Make him a cuppa and shut him in the front room Woofy .That's what I've done with mine :)

He had three ( yes three) breakfasts this morning .Two slabs of toast with jam and quark .Then a bit later egg,bacon ,sausage and toast .Then when I had my breakfast ( which I had later about ten as I went to the shops early) he had two crusty rolls with salami .

<<<Waves to Lofty >>> Cold and raining over here .
Oh so glad Robi is Ok, I was a tad worried and I do not usually worry about other folk!

Just back from airport with hija, by crikey, they've changed the arrivals hall, totally in a different place and no cafe bar, just machines.
Mr SS is certainly eating well Shaney!! I am trying very hard to cut down on food and do some walking. Both Mr LL and I have put on about 4 or 5 lbs in the last month or two. Not surprising when the weather is awful and you can't get out. Me jeans feel tight!!

Talking of jeans I have just bought some from Marks (per una) that fit me and don't look like jodpurs. They are bootleg, so have just ordered a straight leg pair as well.

Shaney I have a virtually new pair of brown cords. Any good to you. Would be a good excuse for us to meet up!!! I need to see you!!!

Has a little bit of rain here Shaney, but we have had a reasonable day and the sun came out when I went for my walk. There was also some warmth in the sun.
I've got the German contingent arriving on Friday Lofty until Tues next as Mr S will be 65 on Saturday.But I may be able to to get up to Norwich the week after depending on the piddle clinic appt .
Just mail me if you are free. We are going to the Italian on Saturday evening with son and gf. They are treating us (with Tesco vouchers!!). I will raise a toast to Mr SS for his birthday.

You are going to be pretty busy then getting all the best china out and making cakes!! ;o)
hello all lovely photos, is it me or did some of us marry the same man?...ooof so many comments to make. Those ice gripper things are mega. I have got them on my hiking trainers and you seriously can walk across sheet ice with them on cos I have done it walking the dogs. Two things to keep in mind is that they will trash wood and laminate floors (and make you trip) and are dangerously slippery on hard floors like tile or mezzanine.

This is my attitude to the forest at night...
"Granny Weatherwax walked nightly without fear in the bandit-haunted forests of the mountains all her life in the certain knowledge that the darkness held nothing more terrible than she was..."
she's the archetypal biddy...I love Terry Pratchett
Hi Woofy, I think Terry Pratchett is a very talented and brave man.

Lottie I might take you up on the offer of a walk one day. I bet it's lovely all year round.

I have one last photo to show you of how thin I was and then they're going away I promise. On this one I was 30 and 7 months pregnant Ha Ha! Mind you I did feel good.
I love the Audrey Hepburn headscarf
Lol Woofy. I washed and wore that dress that many times as well.
That's yer lot...I'm off to watch some footie now.
Have a goodnight all of you. I'm out walking tomorrow....Later 'gater(s)
I do not believe this...slept last night, good day today and now I have got colicky IBS...have dosed myself with buscopan and peppermint oil and am now sipping ginger wine and making noses like a brass band tuning up....sooo unladylike
don't worry, woofy, I can hardly hear you

<locks windows tighter>

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