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Robinia | 10:33 Tue 09th Oct 2007 | Shopping & Style
328 Answers
Will you be rushing off to the new shopping centre in Derby (I won't) or, if you've already been by the time you read this, what do you think?


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Puts er xmas lights in the wardrobe...scratches head..yo there all on that there sherry..(:O)
Vin... luv you all xxx
Morning all - lovely sunny day here, if a tad chilly. How is our local villian? Off out for lunch later.
hmm, that's an idea, a life of crime, or an afterlife so to speak. I wouldn't actually do break-ins and stuff myself, I would be a criminal mastermind and just give orders, as befits my age and girth (think Richard Griffiths in The History Boys). You were just before your time, Vinny, these days they would investigate a crime like that for about 90 minutes then give up.
They'd send him away on holiday as he is obviously disadvanged!!!

Oh - I lied, it is now pouring with rain and freezing, we ate in a Chinese Restaurant and fled home. The red xmas tree is now brightening up the laundryroom as I didn't want all the golden balls to get wet! Snow in Palma, Mallorca.
Well...if he could just nick me a set of Christmas lights from somewhere that are not in a tangle .....I shall have to untangle them somehow as they hadn't got any left up the High Street and I cannot trail into town yet again for not no one no how !
....sobs into gin and after eights
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A'noon....oh ne'er mind shaney think of all the bobs you'll be saving as well as the'll have more to spend on gin. erm, your 'help' link wouldn't open, is that ravelled up as well?
I don't want to go to town again but it looks like I might have to...grrr....buses...crowds....more grrrr...
my friend (yep, got one) went to Cologne last week for 2 nights & was so impressed by how clean & efficient it all was. She was amazed by the trams/tube system & the honesty of the travellers who don't ever seem to avoid buying a ticket but never have it checked...oh & the respect by motorists shown to pedestrians...I'm having to wear a day-glow hairnet to avoid being mowed down...they think I'm a belisha beacon.
Completely ravelled Robinia's only a little animal
of some description tangled up in Christmas lights !

Cologne ..lovely city ..we lived there when we were first married in a little flat in the Altstadt not far from the cathedral .. I used to commute everyday into D�sseldorf to work .Had some great times there .My old boss came to visit us as he was attending a photography fair there at the time .An Expo thing .
He came by ferry and car . He found us eventually and when I asked where he had parked he said he had left his car on Einbahnstrasse !
(one way street ! ) After a boozy night in the pub we had a job to find it the next morning !

I have chucked the bldy lights in the bin .
I shall have to traipse to Argos or somewhere tomorrow ....oh sd it !
"Bah humbug" eh shaney??
Oooooh I know ..but never fear ..Antiques Roadshow tonight is from Rochester Cathedral where I spent many an end of term singing "Jerusalem" and �He Who Would Valiant Be" so I shall wallow in nostalgia for my schooldays ...and you have to be very valiant when your lights are knotted .
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haha I'd love to think they were the kind that when one bulb goes they all go...
Oh Blimey.....I only want a few lights for the tree ..I don't want to light up the whole of Gorleston !
Mind you some have.. ..over the other side of the park one house looks like Blackpool Illuminations ! And it flashes on and off all night long ! God knows what their leccy bill must be !
Oh Crikey ...our neighbours are nothing compared to that .If I had to live opposite that all through Christmas I would be having a nervous breakdown by now .
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now come on woman get a can knit & crochet & you grew up with string bags so
just get busy...tut...
Here you are shaney I nipped into the old knitting thread and sat up all night making these for you - don't try to put candles in 'em!!

for shaney's tree!!
Good morning each and every - where is our very own rebrobate today???
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morning..I think Vinny's doing community service

touch my sprouts dude & you get this crook up yer ooh arrrrr....
im a good boy now....well mostly..(:O)
yo (*_*)

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