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Robinia | 10:33 Tue 09th Oct 2007 | Shopping & Style
328 Answers
Will you be rushing off to the new shopping centre in Derby (I won't) or, if you've already been by the time you read this, what do you think?


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heehee... lovely yuletide pictures, everyone...
Brilliant ! While Vinny washed his socks by night ...oooo that's tickled me !
We have lights ! Mr S (bless) went into town first thing and got some . I can now replace the sign at the front of the house which said welcome to Casey's Court with one that says Peace on Earth .
That piccy is nothing to do with Robi - it's our Vinny in disguise to get away from the cops!!!
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well he's really inconspicuous in white satin & sandals in this weather...there's a freezing wind here that's whizzing straight up to where the sun don't shine....

mmm, very creative with the porch light there shaney

well I didn't venture into town...the local stagecoaches were almost at a standstill....
Have to say that it is sooo cold here, and of course these old houses aren't built for it, no damp course, although lots of damp! very cold tiled floors, although we have carpeted the bedrooms which makes a difference. Raining and I love it!!!!
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oh lordy I've come for sit down, I've been in hysterics...I thought it was just me stion495565.html

Hi Robi and Neti - that's so funny, Robinia, I want somebody to turn that into a documentary!

Ha ha ha you stole his pants Vinny, I love it I love it I love it! / I stole cheese and perfume at a department store when I worked as a director's assistant for hardly any pay. Never got caught but the tension was too great for me so I had to give my life in crime up.

Daydreaming... I wanted to be a pirate or a can-can dancer or anyone who shoots with a bow. As a pirate I was gonna wear those three quarter pants and I was gonna sport a fresh wound (still bleeding) on my right leg just below the pants. Achieved that one two summers ago shaving my legs with cheap blades to wear them clam digger pants, ha ha.

Come on biddies, let's plan a heist.Since we all seem more or less crookedly inclined, which villain are you.

Erm, I can't take the test myself right now... <Kit does the test over and over again trying to crack the code to score as Cat Woman - it's so damn close!>...but I'm very curious to view your results the next time around. (I did the hero test, I'm Green Lantern - whoever that is?)

Camel walk, boogie chicken, mash potato and more for Jude.

Bye now, my back is playing up worse than usual so I should do some walking. See ya!
That test doesn't work - says I'm 2 faced - as if!!
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ha eat ya heart out Sweedie I am catwoman!
I know nothing about these super heroes ...I'd rather be a character from Nutwood
Hope your back eases soon!
I never send cards to my neighbours ..only old Dot next door who is a dear and bedridden and I go in and take her a card and pressie and we have a sherry .
The rest of them round here are soooo snobby and think they are sooo special and if they can't be bothered to say good morning or anything else for that matter for the rest of the year then they can whistle at Christmas ! I gave up trying to be friendly to them ages ago !
No wonder I am a villian called Poison Ivy !
Ha ha - am I intelligent? I missed the last half of that quiz, anyway have done it now and am JUGGERNAUT!! DON'T MESS WITH ME BABES!!
er, who's Juggernaut? Come to that, who's Dr Doom?
Nice one Kip.
You must be an Imposter..! .Im cat woman..where's me lion poo..chucks it at ribena..
Thats a nice pair of jugganauts you got there netti...(:O)
Well I'm a Mystique, motherly, beautiful companion, but most of the time a deceiving vixon. LOL. I think I'm a bit of a liar as well.

Good night all got a big day tomorrow. Retail Therapy with my sister. Got all my prezzies so can treat myself to something Christmassy.:o)
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Well I've just spent hours on catching up with you all ,read the whole thread plus The Neighbours Christmas card thread and couldn't stop laughing ,I actually came on here to say Goodbye .My depression has had me in some dark places plus a load of other miserable stuff but you have all saved my sanity and I thank you for it .
Will write more later in hope of being able to ,must just say I couldn't become a career criminal (too scared) .I pinched a shilling once (during the war) and I dropped it down a street grid before I could spend it ! In my case crime did NOT pay . Haha .
Morning all.
And nice to hear from you Dolly.keep yer chin up ole girl.(:O)
Well Ive just heard its the posties buisiest day of the season,which reminded me of a time when I was a postie in Eastbourne.I was stationed in a lovely little place called East Dean spec juggernautnetti will know where it is.It was just a small shed with a chimney.We sorted the post there,but I was told the first morning they dont do junk mail.They burn it and we were doing the village a favour.We had a roaring fire every morning and it kept the shed lovely and warm..haha.And no junk mail was delivered in East Dean fer the 18 months I was there.
lovely and sunny and cold..braaa..!
later dudes..(:O)
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morning-ish....<hisses at Woollycat> :o)

oh hang on in there Dolly it will pass & you'll be back in the light. I've managed to stay reasonably balanced (!) so far this winter but these dark days are a trial.

lol Vin now we know why you love your chimbley

looks like Jude's found a way to get rid of her junk mail
she's made a xmas tree for her neighbours
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mail Vin! can't get onto beta to pm....

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