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Robinia | 10:33 Tue 09th Oct 2007 | Shopping & Style
328 Answers
Will you be rushing off to the new shopping centre in Derby (I won't) or, if you've already been by the time you read this, what do you think?


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Hi possums. Oh so we've been doing funerals again have we. And now we're being boring...? A step up, then. "Morning has broken" is a good one for the occasion Robinia - I'll go to yours if you go to mine, ha ha. I've prepared an ordinary ring binder with instructions and wishes - not going anywhere in a hurry but you never know - and one of the songs I want played is I wish I knew how it would feel to be free from Nina Simone's divinely gifted double cd Sugar In My Bowl, the very best of Nina Simone 1967-1972. Only problem is, it's track no. 10 on disc 1, where track no. 9 is a song called Go to hell. With my luck the "disc jockey" will probably be drunk, and... yeah.


They're selling Christmas trees (no red ones strangely enough Neti) in my little park now. The path leading up to the vending place is lined with whatever they're called on both sides and it looks lovely from my window.

Vinny your (alleged!) tree camouflage reminds me of what happened with one of my neighbours who isn't in the habit of paying his television licence. He dreaded the detector people and would throw a blanket over the teve whenever the doorbell rang. One day it really was them and they had this really absurd conversation where they had spotted the object under the blanket but my neighbour didn't let them past his doorstep. He claimed that the thing was his budgie in its cage and the blanket was because it was asleep and no he didn't want to remove the blanket as he'd much rather not wake it up... The detector people were rubberneckin' from the doorway but my neighbour didn't cave in even when they triumphantly pointed to the cable leading away from "the budgie cage"...

better job for jno
Nitie nite!
thanks, Kit... roll on retirement and then I can go out bopping every night like Jude instead of putting rubbish on websites, grrr
I missed the middle bit, I "did"the 60's and then I retired - err what happened??
well, you missed out on punks, new romantics and pit strikes, neti, so you're thrice blessed
Oh yes, I was living the hippie life-style in old farm houses without leccy or water and it was the best damned time of my life!! <<<deep joy>>>
I sometimes wish I had a job to go to but I cannot stand on my feet all day every day any more .
Retirement is alright when you have things to do but sometimes there is only so much dust that you can flick from one place to another and I am easily bored !. I have to have something to do and have taken up hobbies and things .
A friend of mine retired recently and she is fed up already. Says that there is no structure to her days anymore .She has no hobbies or interests ,work was her life and there is more to life than work as I keep telling her !
I am structuring a Christmas tree into a strategic position today ! You can bet the lights will be in a tangle and then the air will be blue . One of these days I will put them away carefully each year instead of chucking them in a box in a heap.
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morning....just shufflin' on through...waiting for my limo to whisk me away to the land of a thousand neck- breathers...
funny how life goes through my reckoning I should be in for a monumentally good one...mmm?
60s I was bit young - ahem - 70s mostly fantastic but very very busy...start of 80s best I'd ever physically felt followed by the biggest fall to the bottom of the well & then ended the 80s & started 90s with the best times of my life ....since 2000 it's been well....erm... *****, haha
wish I'd been a hairdresser...not the top of the career tree for most I know but I love hair!!

who'll let me have a practice?...I'm very good with curling tongs...honest...where's Vinny?

yes, shaney, I am thinking very carefully about what to do once retired... I could of course spend all day on AB but would prefer to get a bit of exercise. I feelvery fervently that work is not life, so that is not a problem. (I enjoy my work but since they restructured and put in rubbish new bosses a year ago I have had eeeenough of the actual workplace). Watching old movies is one pastime, also non-energetic (I used to do it while while riding an exercycle, till I did my knees in in a car accident and can't pedal much now although I'm ok walking). Then there's travel and photography, which I will be able to spend more time on, money permitting. So I am looking forward to having time on my hands. Sometime in spring, I hope.
Hiya I'm cheered up now. Went out last night to regular Friday haunt and had a bit of a bop. Saw my old Rock and Roll friend and we got together for a bit of chat. Also met up with someone who said they would like to watch the Pool versus M.United match tomorrow at a pub somewhere cos we haven't got Sky between us and asked me to go too so that should be good if it comes off. It's up to me to find a pub where it's on. Just been to my sister's for a cuppa. She's getting along fine now since her husband passed but we are all aware that this is her first Christmas and we are going to see that she has a peaceful time. She has 5 young grandchildren to keep her entertained. Hope you are all ok and that you have a good weekend. :o)
Wow jnothat's more than we have ever known about you. I would love a little morning job in a sweet shop with sweeties in glass jars, but they do not have them here, and certainly couldn't go back to teaching, not after having that little horror for 2 hours - couldn't cope! In the 3 month school holidays over here (without pay) I used to clean 7 holiday apartments every day, but I wouldn't have the energy now. But now I can't even be bothered to hoover through every day. I think I will, and then can't be bothered so it's feet up, Sky tv on and much the old Everton mints!!
shaney my friend is coming back over for a month so !'m going to have to beat her at the Telegraph
crossword. I do hope AB won't play up then or she'll know that I've been cheating!! and they all think I'm so brainy he he!!
This is how Mr S felt Jno which is why he packed it in
People with a bit of paper which said they could do a job but when it came down to the nitty gritty they hadn't got a clue .They messed up and he was left to sort out their muddles .I daresay if I hadn't got this wretched RA I would still be at work .But you have to adapt and if this means helping Neti with her crossword then I don't mind ! And on a good day we live in a lovely place for bracing walks by the sea .You always find something to do .
I wanted to be a hairdresser at one stage of my passing fads....but my Mother said no ..too many chemicals and things ...of course if she could see the alcohol that I have drunk in my time .......well !
This tree is doing my brain in ...I am having a teabreak .
I always wanted to be either a car mechanic or an electrician which was unheard of for girls down my way in the late 50's.So boring sec (NO Vinny, re-read it) college and then teacher training (on and off). I still love messing about with leccys although ammore frightened of it now!
Do not mention electrics ! Two broken fingernails and lot of cursing later I still cannot untangle these wretched tree lights
any which way . I must have sat there for over an hour fiddling around with them before chucking them across the room in a huff.
Even Houdini would have been flummoxed .
It's my own fault I just chuck them in a box when I take them down .I shall have another go tomorrow but I can see me having to go and get some new ones before I have a nervous breakdown !
<<neti smirks>> I always wrap the lights neatly round a cardboard tube and have no trouble with 'em!!
My name's Vinny....
And Im sitting on a CornflakeyoThink I wanted to be a train robber once...Or a Spy.But I got in to a lot off trouble.I remember one friday night,(2;30)I was stood on the doorstep, the door locked(I was 12)...And the woman next door reported it and this guy came in his Van and try to take me away.And me mum game round the corner and I was saved.Usual friday .the old man on the pisk and the old lady with her fancy man..shucks...
I just wanted to get the fluck out off there.But there was more trouble Hippies use to go to this pub and
there was this guy and his misses,everybody just hated them.He use to brag and wave his cash,quite often guys use to come in and ask fer there wages and if they were owed �50 squid he would chuck �40 on the table and say take it or leave it.They were always pisked and what really done it was me mate didnt come back from the bog and I found him in a heap of blood dripping from his nose...!
That was the night we decided to rob him.We planned it so it was a night him and his misses was out of there box.We broke in and went to there bedroom ,I took his trousers and me mate crawled round to the wife's side and stole her handbag
part 2
.I went downstairs and made some bread and jam.The next morning(bout 5:am) we got the milk train
and went to london.We went to carnby Street.I bought a brill suit.In the End it was me on the run from the cops...3 months..the other two had been caught.I spent a few weeks in chokey.It was the hardest time of my life.the Recorder (a judge)looked me in the eye and said your a whisker frum going away fer a couple of years ...I regret it...should have stole his car aswell im joking...tut..!
yo2 dude (((*_*)))
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I hang my lights on a hanger in the wardrobe in the spare room

ooh Vinny's a gangster...brilliant. My mum's biggest regret was that she wasn't one of the great train robbers...she said if you were gonna do crime, do it big style. And I love Bob fact
this is my favourite xmas song...

....and I thought I'd had a wicked life, I'm really a nun now compared to some!!

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