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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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There I was sitting in the shade using my Android and enjoying my coffee, and ¡que sorpresa! Mr N came and sat down beside me and frightened my Android away! We do not sit together in the village very often (well every Sat in fact) so it was nice to be seen together for a change. I was in the middle of Birthday shopping for him, so will have to finish that tomorrow.

Lovely car woofy, not worried about saving the planet then!

Now what is all this flower nonsense on this thread, it is a big white cup thread!!

and Robi are you being PC by calling us all white, I am after, slightly tanned!!!
Predictive text is OK but this thing on my Android drives me mad, it's alright but then it decides to write what I do not want simply because I have forgotten to Ok one letter!!! grrrr..............
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lol Neti....Me and Jeremy Clarkson....
Right you are, stripes it is then jno. I was wondering who the heck in the world was those red shades...then neti came in :o)
Neti I though everything had to be white in here to match woofy's big cups, we don't want you having a mis-matched colours tantrum.

I love predictive text, I got a really funny word yesterday, I'll try to remember what it was. My sis won't use it.
well I've popped in & out of here all morning (waiting for mowerman) and who let all the weirdos out today? ...Bats in the attic feeding on blood?...haha...I've got a couple of workmen feeding on chip butties imprisoned in mine, is that illegal?
ha, ha Robi. We just get rodents, but I don't feed them!!

Strange people around.

Jude and Shaney emails again.
I am going to send myself and email !!

Hope you all feel left out!
neti - email !! :0)
OK Neti, you win. I will now send you an email. But it's a big secret - you mustn't tell jno or Woofy!! ;o)
neti is sitting forlornly by her email just waiting and wondering!

Aha lottie, so you have won lots and lots of money, what a secret to have
I presume you still have the same email address Nets. I get confused.
I knew you couldn't keep a secret!!!
yes email received and I am very jealous!
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sitting here with no email like wilhelmina no mates .......
Bats in the attic ?
Jno is striped ?
What have I missed ? I didn't slouch into town .Too many grockles and I can't be doing with them so may go on Monday when it's quieter .
Did some ironing instead and have much reduced the basket .I found some trousers I'd forgotten I had !.
I've looked at some times Lofty .Will mail you with a list asap.
I take it you haven't been to Lidls yet :) For the perfume .
I've just found the bats .Well....words fail me ,for a change .
Saucers of blood for bats ? Gordon Bennet there's some strange folk walking the streets .
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Neti and Rafa sitting in a tree........
I was thinking what to buy for my sister's birthday and remembered that last year I sent her a pair of white trousers and a blouse, then I remembered that I also bought myself a pair, so I delved (dove dived, jno will know) into the "unused, just in case" bag of clothes and there they were, am delighted, so snap shaney!!

Do your grockles walk through the town in bikinis and swimming trunks? with bulging muffin tops? I find it so revolting and repulsive, wish I could be a clothes warden and tell 'em off!!

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