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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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<I'll have woofy for that :o)>

♫...we are sailing, we are sailing ...♫...haha

Perfect day for a wedding shaney, bet they were pleased.

Oy've been aboard a Farewell Trollop, oooh arrr. Tarquin came over & we went a drive out to my sister's narrowboat, about 35 mins away. I'd never been 'cos it's a bit of a pain for sis to come out there to fetch me & then back again later. It's very nice, just smallish, you can't fall out with each other, nowhere to go, haha. We didn't go anywhere on it, sis was on her own & it was very hot so we stayed in the shade. Lovely family of swans came to see us, parents + 3 young ones, just beautiful...I'm just starting to bob up and down now. I like the ground beneath my feet....and s...p...a...c...e.

<ha! let 'em get that out of their heads>
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I love messing about on the river, just sitting on a boat is lovely but yes I couldn't live on one....DH and I used to do river holidays but I couldn't do the jumping on and off at locks now.
We had a good simple day here and are heading for bed...nothing planned for tomorrow, dogs aren't going out early as my knee has flared up, if it's not one thing it's another. They actually love a lie in and are happy to potter in the garden and annoy the neighbours odd days so I don't feel guilty.
Sleep well all.
So pleased Mr W. is home and feeling better. Hope you both have a good night Woofy.

I've just got home from a barbecue. A young couple i know came to see me this morning and asked me to go. It was lovely, only her partner's family, her grandad and me and the dog Lola. Small but enjoyable. I've known her all her life, in fact i think I've mentioned her before, about her having a bad time when she was young and she likes to talk to me.

I'm quite tired now. Not missing my car yet but I expect I will on Tuesday when I have to get out of Derby. Bus station here I come!

I'm off now so I'll see yer later 'gater(s) and have a good night all.

P>S> I loved the muppet's song. Sent it to all my friends who think I'm barmy anyway!!
Morning! Hello! <taps spoon on table>...tut, what does one have to do get one's big white cup filled around here? And some toast and marmalade please? I've been awake since 5am, woke with a bad sinus headache but I fetched a cuppa, para's and an ice pack & fought it off.
Think I'll be in the grounds 'til tennis time. I love my garden on days like this.
Morning all.

Had a lovely time at the party, glad I went, I tried Mojitos for the first time, scrummy, so delicious. We meandered home sometime in the early hours, and I wanted a coffee and although there were several bars (cafes) still open Mr N kept marching on, so I had a swim when I got home instead.

What time is the tennis final due to start cos I want to go out for lunch but not miss a thing!

Looks slightly overcast but still jolly warm.

Hope all biddies and menbiddies are hale and hearty!!
Morning all
Beautiful day . Hope all's well with everyone .
Sounds like a pleasant time you had there Robinia .I hope they didn't make you swab the decks :)
Tennis starts at three I think Neti.I shall be decamping into my grounds shortly .
Checks list ..sungles,book ,bell. ( to summon the butler) newspaper .
Have a lovely day folks and enjoy the weather .
Finals are 2pm neti (our time)
oops shaney, you snook in...the wimbly site says 2, so if they don't know we're all lost haha.
No, no deck swabbing :o) All people with boats seem to do is work on them, the air was full of the sound of sandpapering. I've never seen so many swallows and I spent most of my yoof by water. All life is out there along the canals, I swear I saw maxine :o)
Oooh is is two o clock . Good job you're on the ball Robinia .I must have been reading the Radio Times upside down .I'll have Neti after me for giving out wrong info . New balls please :)
Haha ..I love Maxine .
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Just about good morning...all well but sleepy here just had breakfast/
Thanks for info, that'll be 3pm here then so gives us time for lunch, although I think Mr N may be feeling slightly "headachy" today ha ha!

Must hunt round for some more mojitos!!
Good morning all. Lovely day today.Washing blowing nicely in the breeze and I've been for a bit of a walk to get some vegetables for my lunch which I forgot.

Just to let you know ~ Lottie has lost total internet connection and will be back as soon as she can.

Hope you all have a good day and enjoying the weather, I have a feeling it is going to change a little bit later in week.

I've got my cds on at the mo and am having a bit of a Dylan day.

Enjoy the tennis all who will be watching especially Neti. I hope Nadal wins for you.

See yer later 'gater(s
ooh, a trip on the water, sounds lovely, robi. I spent a while at the Bank of England yesterday - it was open to the public for some festival or other, but only on guided tours, no photos, no pocketing the gold etc. You are allowed to lift a gold bar, I think it was 2lb, and very heavy though not very big. Also spent another while swanning around One New Change

and blow me down you're not allowed to take photos in there either. Have cameras been outlawed when my back was turned?
Just back from a very quick lunch. I'm not too sure that Rafa will win today, just hope so!
We went to The Bank of England Museum years ago Jno .I remember having to buy bookmarks ,notepads ,pens and tubs to put said pens in .

I've just watched Sue Barker chatting with Boris Becker and McEnroe .Boris is still very lovely . Garden is winning over tennis though .I can watch the highlights later .
I had to come in to seek long cold whisky flavoured drinky :)
At least no cooking today .Mr S has said we'll get something delivered .Hooooooooray!!
That One New Change looks interesting .I've saved it to peruse later :)
Rafa who? Oh I am so fickle!

What a trouncing!! That's all I have to say on the matter.
got raffalled round the boa did he?
"I have nothing to say"
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ooooh Neti, I feel your pain.

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