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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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our locals go to tesco like that when its hot...nasty
At least here they have to wear shoes and t-shirts in the shops here now!!
Am sitting in the cool bedroom watching the tennis and eating a tube of fruit gums because, hey are not making me fat........

Yes our grockles are in Morrisons today in such attire.

No perfume left in Lidls Shaney!

We keep a look out for your times.

Woofy. I had to mail Neti, she was driving me mad. I will send anybody who wants one an email.

Shaney's posting holds a clue.
Neti, you are as bad as me. I think I may have told you I found two pairs of brand new cropped linen trousers, white and black in the cupboard. I can sort of remember ordering them a few years back!!
Yes lottie I also remember you saying, what are we like........

I saw that Lidl's perfume on the Wright stuff, never thpought to check out our local store (half an hour drive away). Think I might like some.
Tsonga just lost!
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He is home, unshaven and tired but home. Apparently the last unit of blood he got might not have been matched enough for his high class picky antibody system so it threw a wobbly. He has had tea and toast and looks heaps better than when he walked in through the door.
Great News!! Now both of you just relax. It is really hot and sunny here. Is it where you are. If so, go out there and sit on your new garden chairs and just chill. You both deserve it.
Another email Shaney!
Welcome home Mr Woofy, yes as lottie says rest and relax and enjoy being together xxxxx
Love your avatar Neti. Wish I had found it first!!

Well we can come to some agreement (€'s and lots of them!)
Lol..Love the avatar Neti .
Pleased to hear Mr Woofy is home .Best wishes .Relax both of you and I hope he soon feels much better xx
Aaw ..look at this ..I subscribe to the Lion Brand knitting doings and this is a pattern from the birds and beasts collection .
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Goodness Shaney that's clever!
Dh has eaten dinner and gone to bed. I am watching Babylon Five (vintage junk sci fi)
Sweet isn't it .

There's nothing on for me until my Law & Order fix at I may just annoy people on AB or search around the library to reserve stuff or add even more stuff to my Amazon wish list :)
Hope a good nights rest sees an improvement for Mr Woofy .There's nothing like your own bed .
I do feel so sorry for Andy Murray, was even cheering him on a bit, but he's young and maybe next year he'll win.

Mr N is bringing home a curry which is just as well as am too tired to start cooking.

Well done Rafa. ! Molt bon!
Yes Neti ..that last rally was good .I was hotching about and thought he may just may swing it .
Be nice if we could get a British winner at Wmbledon .I think our last one was Ginny Wade way back in the Silver Jubilee year and next year is the Diamond Jubilee ! Where does the time go .
Am watching last night's Easties and Corrie, so I am fixed for the night, as Mr N has golf, golf and more golf.

Big party tomorrow, should be one of the best of the year, but am in two minds as to whether to go or not as tooth looks awful, the big gap in the gum, it's Ok if I don't laugh and smile genteely, but that's not me!

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