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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Woofy I'm so pleased that Mr W. is home and feeling better. Have a good sllep tonight both of you.

By the way, we do have a Brit in a final at tennis. He is a Junior about 17 and his surname is Broady pronounced Brody. His final is tomorrow at 1.00p.m.
I'm pleased about Nadal for you Neti but I want Djokavic to win on Sunday as he is a Serb and my nephew has lots of serbian relatives through his marriage and anyway I prefer him to Nadal so we'll be on opposite sides again.

Thanks for trying to sort out the name of those flowers for me. I'm useless not only do people tell me what they might be I can never remember when someone asks me what they are called. So is it decided that it is a Marsh Orchid?

I have to water my garden tonight as we haven't had a drop today. It's been lovely and I've been in the house watching tennis. Never mind there's always tomorrow.

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Neti go all Regency and use a fan to hide your seductive smile.
or wear a burkah! :0(
sllep - what's that all about!! :~)
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Well I am deffo slleppy
Night all
'Night Woofy SLEEP tight x
Night woofy, so pleased mr w's back home. How long does it take for him to have one unit of blood? Just curious....Hope yo both have have a peaceful night.

Well pee po pumpkin bum...he's a killer isn't he. Apart from a couple of sloppy shots Andy has nothing to be sorry about, he did his best. I'm not keen on Djokavic but of the two he's the one for me. Liam Broady is so good Jude & a good looking pleasant lad, he'll hopefully be drawing in the crowds from next year onwards.

It's a lovely evening here & the garden looks good after a mowing. I'm watching a robin outside my window taking mealworms away somewhere, they've been really busy this year.
I'm just listening to a great Friday Night is Music Night on 2. They have a tribute to John Barry and all his lovely music.
So I'll say goodnight allbiddies everywhere as well.
See yer later 'gater(s)
oh deep joy, I haven't found any clothes I'd forgotten about but I have found a multi pack of flakes :o)
Well sling us a flakeplease Robinia :) I have no chocs,no cakes ,no nothing !
I need to lose a few pounds so doN#t buy any thing then find myself swigging the Golden Syrup :)
I put some washing out earlier ( yes ,fingers crossed ) and watched the Goldies .They are comical.
One perches up on the teevee ariel and chatters to the one perched on next doors ariel .Then they flit back and forth and chatter to the ones in the trees .Lovely birds .I wish I could get them to come into the garden .There are loads round here .They sing so beautifully .
Off to watch L&O so will wish you all a peaceful night especially the Woofies x
Is it there yet shaney, I flinged/flung/flang it as hard as I could?
I've got some Mr Kplng trfl bkwlls too :o)
Yes we're pleased to have goldies here this year, they don't hang around for long but they do like the sunflower hearts in the feeder.

sleep tight all x
<sigh>.. I hate getting ready for bed, all that dismantling & stuff :o)
I have loads of little Goldies at the moment. Greedy little things, but so, so lovely. They were all having a bath together this morning bless them.

I am off to bed, I have a somewhat errupting tum. I have eaten too much today and don't I know it.

Night night, sleep tight.
Hahaaa.. ..I'm now humming some song I don't know the words to .Something along the lines of
♫ doooby do dooby dooby dooby do ..... Fling flang flung,fling, flang, flung ♫

I had to make do with an apple and bit of chs.
Oh go to bed Shaney fer gawds sake :)
Night all .
Morning all. You didn't expect me here at this time did you! Walked to the paper shop and there aren't any Derby Telegraphs because of a break down at the plant and I don't buy any other National except on Sunday. Hope you all had a good night. It's a beautiful morning here but how long for I don't know.
See yer later'gater(s)
Morning all, lovely day.
You can read it online you know Jude? Not the same as having a paper to spill your tea on but I just have a quick scan through it sometimes. I haven't bought it for years, they took out anything interesting or humorous & it was just misery & moaning with the same old same old reporters.
Make the most of this lovely weekend all...I'll be mostly sleep walking - crip night's sleep.

♫...If I were a carpenter.... & you were a lady ...♫

<haha, that'll be chipping away at them all day...>
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morning all crip nights sleep here too. DH has bounced up like a teenager and gone off to dialysis. Anyway the weather is lovely and I don't have to do anything particular today. Have just showered so at least now I am clean...laters all.
Morning all.

Did weekly shop and it was dreadful, the worst I have ever seen it over here, so many girries (grockles), took ages, I would shop online if we had an address. mr N says we'll have to change our shopping hours ie Friday evening but i am beggared by then, and sunday morning the store is empty and they don't refill anything! Even the girries were saying "Tesco could teach them a thing or two here".
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Just for Robi (fighting back ha ha )
Hi all
Lovely day here .
Hope all's well with everyone .Nothing doing here .Pottering about in and out the garden and doing crossies.
Someones tied the knot ,the old Church bells are giving some it welly at the moment .
Take care all .Enjoy the weekend .
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Have just been out for shopping and a light lunch with DH. Very nice indeed.

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