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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Sorry lottie, I was talking to woofy but keyboared must be playing up :-)(let's blame to tools!)
oh booger, I've gawn all slow on here again. I'm glad I didn't chose a more expensive option if this is the best BT can do, tut.
It's been glorious here & my poor garden's looking very tired and dry but it'll probably look like a tropical rainforest by next week.

...lets see if this posts...
<<< waves to Robi >>> aparently we can get BT broadband over here but I think I will give it a miss!
jude, that email is the most purple thing I have seen in a long while, I was most impressed!
Well I was right. Up Hill and Down Dale but it was a lovely walk. We walked for 2 hours then down again into Belper, It was mostly up hill before that. Then we called at an Italian Restaurant and had home made Meat Balls in home made Wholemeal Bap and salad. I finished off with a Latte. It was a lovely day and we sat outside. Then when I got home I had to dash to town on the bus and buy my sister a birthday present. I found her a white cotton fancy summer nightie in Primark and wonder of wonders she liked it today when I took it round. I wasn't sure about that. I knew she liked Primark lingerie and
nightwear so I was on to a safe bet
Robi my post of violas have been in pots since you told me how to do them and not a thing has appeared. I've come to the conclusion that I'm rubbish at gardening. I do try to rear plants etc. Even my pots this year are a bit of a failure apart from the odd tub. Never mind I'll keep trying.
Hope you are all ok and that the rain only comes when we're in bed tonight. I don't know whether to water my garden or not.
I'm having a quiet weekend except for going to Sainsbrys tomorrow. I have 2 vouchers offering me £10 of £30 so I am going to stock up on Toilet rools and Washing sachets and may some other stuff that keeps. I think it is a good offer.

Cuppa tea time now. See yer later 'gater(s)
jude, could I just remind you that I do not like walking far! (unless it round Primark, Matalan etc)
Right Neti I will send you another tester to see if it comes up as purple ok!
You can come and walk round here Neti if you can avoid the boxes ,bags and various other crip I have strewn all over the place .
Picky turned up this morning with a van and all I seem to have done is make endless cups of tea and sandwiches while he goes in out ,up and down and I help to heave furniture out .
i've got a ruddy headache .He's just boogered off .< Glugs whisky out of the bottle > :))
Lovely day here but plagued with these little black flies .
Hope you are all OK .
jude, whiter than white!

Shaney is Picky moving back in, I am lost!
Picky is moving out .Hoo bloody ray .
He's been half moved out a while but he's now bought his own home .
Yoohoo Jude .Sounds like a good day out .Have emailed you with piccies xx
Oooeeer, maybe hija could become his lodger.
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hello all bit of a busy so so day. The radiotherapy seems to have done DH's tum no good and he's off his grub again. GP (who I trust loads) and the radiotherapy team (who also seem to know what they are doing and treat each patient as an individual) are sympathetic but unworried so i guess we have to weather it.
Well the page wouldn't reload after I'd posted but I see it appeared. When I'm crawling along I get messages on yahoo that say something like insufficient speed for email. I hope it isn't going to like this for the neext 18 months. Oh well, I did say I was cutting down my internet time.

Oh dear shaney, hope Picky gets sorted asap... hope he's happy in his new home! :o)

Don't give up Jude, just keep them damp and warm.
Goodness me woofy, you are having a time of it. How is he in himself apart from not eating, is he feeling Ok, it is a worry isn't it.

Just made chilli con carne and rice, it's quick and easy and I can't be asked to make a fuss today. I think all this 7am nonsense is getting to me. However do grandparents bring up grandchildren, I am shattered.
Hello Robi, we posted at the same time.
HI Robi and all. Thanks for the tip on my seedlings I have an integral shed and have put them in there with a drop of water. I've look really hard and I think I can asee the tip of a shoot.

Woofy I hope Mr W will feel better soon and you both have a good day tomorrow.

I have just been singing at the top of my voice I don't know what my neighbours think. I was listening to Desmond Carrington and he played Lonnie Donegan singing My old man's a Dustman and I know almost all the words, my Dad used to love to listen to him. In a loved Trad Jazz of all kinds.

I'm getting really tired now but if I go to bed I will ba awake at midnight I not be able to go back to sleep

Still I'll say good night all. Laters 'gaters!!
Oh dear Woofy .I hope things soon settle down for you .
Here's me moaning on about my son and his "stuff " when you have bigger stuff to worry about .

Oh dear Robinia that all sounds very snail like . It's not good enough .They advertise all these fast broadband speeds ad infinitum .They must be paying Kris Marshall a fortune . Make a fuss !!!

We had huge probs with BT when we moved up here from London which is why we changed .We had to use dial up for about three months while they got their act together .In the end I told them where to put it :)

Here's one that may make you smile or not!! I think the Uke playing is brilliant! But then I'm a stringed instrument person.

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