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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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I almost caught her at it in 1997 Shaney. I couldn't prove it and the money got returned with a plausible excuse so I let it rest. She is an extremely cunning woman but not that difficult so suss out. I can't believe it has t aken so long for people to cotton on to her. This was happening in her local area where she had lived all her life. She thrived on village gossip - she will now be the subject of it!!
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Hello all, nice to see a bad egg get her desserts. Had a busy day today as I had to drop laptop off in town then go back later for DH's radiotherapy, also I have spent the day nodding off to sleep. No idea why.
ugh, no bad eggs in my dessert thank you. Well, it was cool and dull all day but now it's too late to do anything about it, it has turned sunny. Why do we only get summer in the evenings? The climate is skewed toward those who work regular hours.
Well sorry folks but it's been a lovely day here, 22C. A bit breezy but warm enough to potter about in the garden & I've done the bit I wanted to do. It can rain now if it wants, save me watering but it looks like they've changed their minds & tomorrow's going to be nice again.
Jude did you plant your viola seeds? I did on the 2nd & I've got....erm...6 growing. Hmmm, not exactly a grand result but maybe some more will appear, they are slow sometimes.
Have any of you tried putting chopped up mint leves in a salad? It is gorgeous only not too many as don't want to take over the flavour.
No I haven't neti but you have reminded me someone was going to give me some mint cuttings & I can't remember who...mine was in a big tub & it dwindled & disappeared.
An early goodnight. Will not be back on this evening. Can't keep my eyes open!!

Laptop has just packed up. Will leave it overnight and see what happens tomorrow.
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Mint leaves on chocolate mousse is divine.
Buenos dias xx
Laptop seems to be Ok this morning, it was something do to with Windows update, I was a bit frit as can't afford repairs at the mo!

Have cooked a breakfast, driven hija to work, done all my weekly recycling (have to take yellow, blue and green bags and household rubbish to a collection point, and if the police catch us doing it in the daytime it's a big fine, so I drive to an out of the way one)
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Neti do you have to go recycling in the middle of the night?
Robi, my mint came from a bunch bought in telco, I just used a bit and shoved the rest in some water where it all rooted.
Basically yes lottie, cos the household food stuffs cannot be dumped in the daytime cos of the rotting smells, but plastic and paper can be, but as it's all in the same place I do it all at the same time.
Morning each and every...pleasant day so far but all downhill from tonight so I'd better make the most of it.

Oh silly me, why didn't I think of that with the mint woofy? Mind you, our shops are unlikely to have fresh 'erbs can probably buy some round the back tho :o)...when my hippy friend had a plot in my garden there was every kind of mint here. I might start growing them all again.

Right, better move myself...I might treat myself to a new dishcloth...or I could see if jno's left an unironed vest about and cut the back off it.
waste not, want not, Robinia. When they're all washed out, sew them together for a handy bedspread. (Well, not sew them myself, obviously, the tweeny can do it.)

The young lady next door has just been around with a lettuce - apparently her allotment is booming, she gave us a courgette as well, and was off to offer more of her crop around other neighbours. She's a real sweetie, though aog would no doubt want her shipped back to Ethiopia.
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So rotting stuff doesn't smell at night???????
tea break...
haha, lol woofy...yes it smells but the residents blame the pong on the the great unwashed grockles :o)

ooh, lovely jno, I'd like a sweetie to grow veg for newbies are obviously more into privet production :o(
No woofy cos it's cooler and they empty it in the morning so it's not there all day rotting in the heat, or it's not supposed to be! We are supposed to throw it away after 22hrs but hey I'm in bed by then!

Jude, email :-)
aha! it's a full moon, so that's why I don't know whether to laugh or cry...
Why was Neti talking to me this morning at 9.28am. It got me all confused. I thought for a moment I had been posting in my sleep!! Obviously too much vino for breakfast, eh Nets!!

Well after yesterdays cold miserable day it is bloody too hot. Have come back from a trek across fields in baking sunshine and am worn out. Meggie has collapsed in a heap beside me. Shan't be going outside again for a good few hours.

Mr LL has gone into over production of lettuces and tomatoes. I can make use of all the tomatoes, but there is only a certain amount of lettuce you can eat - even the bunnies in the garden have had enough!!

Carrots and courgettes last night freshly gathered by moi!!

See you later xxxxx

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