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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Good moro good biddies!

Am just clocking in, am still doing the early morning run to work for hija, hopefully Mr N's van will be back next week.
blue sky in the morning means rain without warning

sun in the sky means it'll be cold by and by

heat in the air means get your winter woollies out to wear

... from Old Jno's Weather Almanac
Good morning Everybiddy. Lovely day here at the moment. I'm off to Belper for a walk with a friend. I wonder what she's organised for me. Usually it's up hill and down dale as that's what Belper's like.
Hope your weather warning isn't true Jno.
Have a good day all.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Good morning.

Chilly, grey, windy and a bit rainy here!!

I am a happy bunny - I now have enough old fashioned non green lighbulbs to last me for at least ten years!! I don't care if I am being non-green, my eyes will not be suffering any more!!

Got to go shopping :o(
email Jude and Shaney

Sorry Nets, none for you today!! xxx
I am also non-green regarding lightbulbs and luckily we can till buy loads of them here. The only time I used a earth saving one, it blew after a week and cost nearly 10€ - beggar that for a game of soldiers.

Very overcast anfd windy here, but still very humid.

a friend of mine had her tube4s tied about a monthy ago and has been in agony eversince. She is now in hospital as they ruptured her bottom bits with the ring, even they said they couldn't fit it properly.
Oh that is nasty Nets. I hope all goes well for her - poor lady.

I really must go shopping!
Neti. Have you been drinking!! Ropey typing this morning ;o)
email jude!!!

Ya boo sucks to the rest of yous!
emails everybody!! (except Neti) he, he.
<<<< stomps out slamming door! >>>>
Yes i have just noticed that lottie, sorry, can only think it is changing between spanish ad english keyboards cos yes they are slightly different, on the other hand it may be the 10 mojitos I had for brekkie!!! I f I type quickly some of the letters do not touch base!
My friend has an absess in her bottom, she is in agony!
oooh ouch!!
morning..sorry a'noon...bright 'n breezy here, the weather that is, not me, I was far too domestic for my own good yesterday...I thought I was turning into neti but... <looks down>... seems not. I was going to bed early but sis phoned & we sat talking for about an hour & half...well, being grumpy about incompetent vanmen and gobbldegook on business type correspondence mainly....does anyone actually understand their utility bills anymore? I told her I'm going to have a new file for all this stuff...labelled (as Tarquin often writes) What The Funicular :o) That made her laugh anyway.

Think I'll go and stare at the garden for a while...
Afternoon Robi. Too cold for garden watching here!!
Hi folks
Thanks for the weather forecast Jno .No blue skies here in the morning or any foreseeable morning at the moment .Grey ,raining and blowing a gale .Very grim out there today and Mr S is being a grump .

Haha ..I think I've got enough lightbulbs to see me out . I don't like those green ones either . By the time they warm up you may as well use a torch to get upstairs . Something else they foisted onto us .I had to resort to one in my bedside lamp recently until I could get a proper little one for it .it drove me mad .Horrible dim light and it kept buzzing .
I don't want those ugly bulbs in me chandeliers :)

I hope your friend soon feels better Neti ,sounds very painful .
I'm bored silly .What can you do in this weather ?

Oh yes ,you need a degree in Utilty Bill Reading these days Robinia :)
Oh yes .Ps .I read that article Lofty . What a horrible person .Stealing from The British Legion as well .She deserved to be locked up .
Mr S has just informed me that he's heard on the news they are closing our coastguard station after all .Well that's just great .I shall definitely be writing to that an excuse for an MP now, after all HE keeps sending ME unsolicited emails :)
I shouldn't feel happy because of what has happened to her Shaney, but I do. What I really feel annoyed about that I knew what she was like in 1997 Remind me to tell you. Her husband died in 1997 and she wasn't left with no dosh at all. She is just a rotten egg through and through. And no doubt when she gets out she will live happily on benefits for the rest of her days.
God doesn't pay his debts in money and old shoes Lofty .
Many moons ago when I worked for Sainsburys I had a job with the grand title of Chief Display Assistant ,second in command to the Grocery Manager and I was leaving as we were off to The Netherlands .
I had to train this obnoxious woman up to take over my job . She was a mare .
She made my life a misery .
Until she got caught wheeling stuff out of there without paying ,on a regular basis !
Revenge is sweet sometimes :)

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