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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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I think neti is practising to be a tweeter...

Lottie, I managed to have pins and needles in both arms last night: I was sleeping on one of them and the other one was sort of twisted to have my hand under my pillow. (Don't ask me how I perform all these gyrations, I was asleep.) It doesn't actually happen all that often, but it's doable if I put my mind to it.
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lol Robi, we have a cordless phone and when on hold with sky I have taken it oin the loo with me.
'Tis very quite in here. I am wondering whether they have moved elsewhere and not told me!!!!
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nope, I am still here, been out all afternoon.
evenin all...hmmm, puta still a bit stuttery, if it goes again they'll feel the wrath of Tarquin. :o) It was a right farce woofy, they had to keep the landline clear while they sorted it so were ringing me on my mobi at intervals. Mobi was about to go flat & between calls I put it on charge so couldn't take it to loo... thought I'd have enough time to go in between...rang back too soon...then some silly woman selling insurance rang my landline. I was picking up & putting down phones, watching my puta & dancing about with me legs crossed like some comedy sketch.

That's a lovely Wombly kitchen shaney, small but perfectly formed. Mine's only (at a guess) about a foot wider but I've got a back door on the left so it takes a chunk of wall away. P'raps if I have it bricked up...? It'll just mean I have to go in and out the dining room window to get to the garden..or better still I could have an inflatable chute from the bedroom above :o)

Well if that accu site's right about the weather it's going to rain all next week! If they are right it'll be the first time for Derby so I'm hoping they stay true to form.
btw I watched new Tricks shaney (fell asleep last week)..they're all looking a tad tired aren't they? The lucky coat, brilliant... I love grumpy Brian. :o)
Evening everyone. Are you all still there? I've had a good day, Tai chi, Lunch at a pub called The Plough at Sandiacre, Called to see my younger sister who lives not far from there and she was telling me all about her 'touring van' or RV or whatever they're called. It's sleeps 3 but she refused to take me :¬). she said she didn''t think they would be going to any folksie getogethers.
Then tonight I went to that talk I was telling you about at the Library called Notable and Notorious Derbyshre women. I didn't know Lady Docker was from Derbyshire. Or Angela Burdet who married into the Coutts banking family. It was very interesting and the speaker mentioned lots of women but wasn't boring. It was done in a light hearted way and amusing. I took all the names down - roughly 22 - and I am going to pick one or two out to google when I have time. Some of them were quite randy little so and so's and some had toy boys and some married men 20 years younger than themselves. And one of them apparently wrote a book on the lines of LCLover.
I'm going to school tomorrow afternoon as I missed yesterday and they break up next week for Summer Holidays then I have one more sssion next Monday and that's it till August or whenever they go back.
Robi, I'm with Virgin
Media for phone and broad band and they have been ok. Broadband has just goine up from £7 to £8 month and I get free UK calls on my phone. I have never been with anybody else and once they gave me a huge discount when the signal went down on and off for a week. So perhaps if you push them they may do the same for you. I can't remember who you said you were with now. Was it BT?
Jno I get cramp in the night and someone told me I should eat more salt. I never cook with it and never put it on my food so perhaps I should start.
I have also had today another letter from the co. in Atlanta. So I've sent the returns envlope back without a stamp. Aren't I childish! Anyway I don't expect the British Postal Services will send it.
I've done 2150 clicks so I'm off to bed see yer later 'gater(s).
Have a good night All.
Derbyshire women, famous for their notoriousness. Or is it notorious for their fameness? Whatever. Was there any mention of anyone we know, Jude?
Well I don't think I can mingle with these Derbyshire women, they make the Ibiza women look whiter than white.

Morning all.

Hija is off today so I could stay in bed til now, but had better get up. Have an appointment with our accountant at 12!
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Good morning, knackered again.
Shughy decided he needed a pee at midnight last night...fair enough we all do sometimes. Anyway I let him and his bro out into the garden and the next thing Rab is back indoors and there is this almighty yelping whining yodelling coming from the bushes....Shughy has found a hedgehog.
"Boss, boss, theres this new thing in the garden, i'll bring it to you" (picks it up) "Ow ow its all sharp and spikey" (drops it) "Its moooving! I'll poke it with my nose....Ow ow by poor dose....bad bad spikey thing I will smack you with my paw....ow ow sore paw boss" and so on ad infinitum till I force my way through the bushes with a lead and bring him indoors. "Wow Boss, that was fun wasn't it...can we go and do it again huh can we please can we?"


Shughy paces round the house whining till 2am when he finally gives up and settles down.

Wouldn't mind but he did the same thing last year too.

PS no hedgehogs were harmed in the making of this soon as I had removed idiot dog, the hedgie uncurled and wandered off.
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PS I really like New Tricks
Morning all.
Lol Woofy
If I'd known he wanted something to play footie with I'd have sent you the loaf of bread . Won't be buying a breadmaker ! What a disaster that was .
Didn't feel well yesterday afternoon .Had a funny turn so went to bed early .
I felt all hot and shaky then shivery and had to stuff myself with bread and jam .
It' s very miserable out there this morning and a tad chilly .
Hop everyone is OK today . See you later .
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Shaney, get Wrights breadmix at the supermarket...its idiot (me) proof and lovely, especially the ciabatta.
Morning all, just popped in to see if I'm still here :o) Chilly here too, my curtains are chugging round in the washer so it had better not rain.

lol woofy, I can picture the scene, I remember Charlie's first encounter with a hedgehog. They're not content with prickling their noses once, they have to go back to check it really hurts :o)

Love the notorious women... having a much younger husband isn't something invented by modern celebs is it. Lady Docker, haha...I haven't heard anyone use the phrase 'she thinks she's Lady Docker' for many years. Don't suppose they'd know what you were talking about nowadays.

Funnily enough I came over a bit unnecessary yesterday shaney (I thought there was going to be a storm or something) so I left all the pots in the bowl & just flopped & watched the tele. I watched that wartime drama on beeb2, The Night Watch...ooh, the things they got up to...well filmed though I thought. Still got the kitchen to tidy now :o(
Hope you are recovered now shaney. I wanted a bread maker, but most people use them and then they just collect dust. Can't get breadmix here either.
That wartime drama was well acted and the photography was great, but to be honest I found it somewhat boring - it was naughty though wasn't it.

LOL at Woofy's hedgey story!!

Shaney, what on earth did you do with that Breadmaker. I have had three now and they are just so easy. The only disaster I had once was forgetting to put the water in.

I experiment with all sorts of flours. I usually do a mix of wholemeal and white and I get lovely well risen and nice textured bread.

What sort of breadmaker is it?

Sounds as if you had a really good day yesterday Jude.

Cool and cloudy here and spitting with rain. For two pins I would go back to bed, but I am going to be good and do things around the house.

Hi all. I've actually done some housework this morning! All upstairs windows and everything. Can't believe it! And all my white wash is in ready to be done during the night. When I say that, it usually starts about 5 in the morning so I can put it out in the morning if the weather's ok.
You are lucky to have hedgehogs, and little birds that come close to you. I live in a much more urban area so don't get much like that. I know I had goldfinches but they have never been back and then there was my Blackie with the white feather last year and that was special but that's about all. Oh no, I had a frog the other day, the lad who was trimming my shrubs had to stop as he was frightened of cutting it but I haven't seen it again.
I'm off to Sainsburys in a bit then to school later. Quietish day today no dashing about. It's the kitchen.s turn now while I listen to Popmaster on 2.
Have a good day everybiddy. Laters 'gater(s)
Well ...
I buy that Diamant Roggenbrot mix from the German Deli and I always bake it in the oven and it's lovely ,but to save myself all that faffing with kneading , standing to rise etc I thought I'd try it in a breadmaker .
I only make it now and again when we do an order from them which is every couple of months .
It's a Kenwood breadmaker and I followed the instructions to the letter !
I borrowed it from my brother who's welcome to have the bloody thing back !
I'll just have to schlep to Asda for Chleb Polski but not today :)
Mr S will have to have a bog standard cob from the baker :)
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A good day after a disturbed night.....sleep well all......
Hope you are all alright and have been ok today. I'm off to bed in a little while. I love getting into a bed just made up with clean linen. Just a quickie about bread makers I had one given to me as a present and I gave it back to them. Not straight away of course. I really wanted one but I was hopeless at it. :¬)

Goodnight All Sleep tight. Laters 'gater(s)

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