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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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My thyroid is still borderline which is OK apparently, I do not have diabetes, and my cholesterol is fine. So why am I getting so old????
oh pooooooooooooooooooooooop.....
just dropped my last jam tart - jam down of course & now it's got dog hairs on it.....grrrr.....

<squirts it with cream & leaves on view..... sits quietly & waits>

I'm just borderline human neti
"A hairy tart" the mind boggles - just wait until Vinnyreads that one!!
Morning ALL so glad we're all back. I didn't come on yesterday and when I went into Yahoo I had 22 emails to read. Hope you are all ok. Pleased everything is fine with your tests Neti
I've been to the dentists this morning and had 4 temporary crowns done across the top teeth. Been all frozen up for most of the morning. Have to be careful what I eat for a week so it's mash and mince today and ice cream for afters Lol. I cant remember what I've told you so excuse me if I repeat myself. I went ot see Pam Ayres last Thursday. She was quite amusing with her anecdotes and she did some of her most recent as well as some older poems. The one I liked best was We're Starling the Mrs. Meself and the Boys. Only because my son performed that one in The English Speaking Board exams at school and I recall him rehearsing over and over again for weeks before hand which paid off because he passed both exams with flying colours. Last night I went to the getogether with my friends from work to celebrate my retirement. there were 15 of us and we went to an Italian restaurant in town. It was great seeing my friends and I know I am missing that part of my working life already. They gave me a massive bouquet and some Vouchers for me to go and buy something for my garden so I'm thinking of a Terracotta Pot or a Chiminnnnnnnera cant spell it. But one of those things Vinny and no doubt others of you have.
Continued.... Sorry I didn't sign off properly, hope you all have a good day. See you later :o)
well, that's the kitchen floor swept, scrubbed & vimmed....forensics wouldn't find a hair but I'll probably go all my length on it now. At least when it was sticky it stopped me skidding in me fluffy boudoir slippers with the kitten heels.

glad you've had a good weekend Jude....shouldn't your favourite be
'Oy wish oy'd looked arfter me teeth'....? :o)
chimbley I think is the word & no, I dont have one....I just sit next to the outlet from the central heating....somebody said it's more economical if it's on all the time....

I'm so glad we're back home ! couldn't find my password for Yahoo .
I'll bring my tapestries along with me not done any for 7 years so I'll be very slow . I was also considering buying in lots of dark chocolate (Rum and Raisin variety) to help me thru this dark period of my life (namely an AB-less weekend !!)
Well done to Tarquin .And you Jude at the Dentist ,at least you've still got your own teeth to crown. Good luck neti with your op,perhaps it was all the gallivanting about which made you tired and weary !

Robinia if we go off air next weekend feel free to nip over and bring your oven -cleaning gear with you haha .
Shaney good of you to find this cosy little place for us but could you plse make sure we've got Cappuccino and Bourbon biscuits for morning tea ,thanks.

Kit you forgot to tell us what happened after you kicked your molester ! I think it may be getting time for us all to attend a womens Self -Defence class ,whose keen to go haha / Bye for now and thank you for the emails especially Robinia . Dolly xx
don't think they'll let me on a plane with all these chemicals Dolly....most of 'em were banned in 1965....well, how often do you squeaky lot clean your oven?..... tut.
It was a chunky Milky bar or two for me....
Hi Vinny nearly forgot you ,hope you're well and keeping up with the sprouts !!!
Dolly x
It's a self-cleaning oven and Mr.D. does it because I can't breathe if using chemicals and also it doesn't get used a lot thank heaven.
By the way I only eat chocolate because it's good for me and is full of anti-oxidants! well that's my story and I'm sticking to it !
hehe - mine too Dolly...but my taste's not as sophisticated as yours ... :o)
Well I've got a jumper I'm in the middle of knitting. It's taken me about 2 years. I unpicked one I had made before and decided to re-knit it but got fed up. It needs sewing together and the neck knitting on so I might just bring that to finish off.Lol. Not much good at any other handicrafts even though when I was first married I had a go at carpet weaving or whatever it's called when you do it by hand with one of them gadgets.
Oven cleaning Robi what's that! Oh you mean that thing you cook in - well not my favourite occupation but I do make the effort occasionally. :o)
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Knit one purl one drop one .....yarn round needle ..whoops ....dropped another one .I think it's fallen down the back of the chair .
Don't worry Jude I'm still knitting a swimming costume .Do you remember them.. they used to go all soggy in the water .
I can't rustle up any Cappucino Dolly'll have to make do with hbl tea and one of Robinias hairy tarts .
Is this the right place for tatting??
nope neti that'll be my closet....plenty of tat in there...
I'll carry on with this skinny knitted tie I'm doing for'll look dandy once he finds some studs & puts the collar back on his shirt...I'll give it a good starching for him, it's curling up.
Oh has anybody mentioned crochet. I can do it but not done any for many years. I made a blanket with all the bits of wool I had left over. Took me years to do and it's about the house somewhere. :o)
Mornin...oops sorry.ive stumbled into the knitting circle topic.
checks me bearings erm..its the right address..right scuse me ladys....I dont do airfix ribena.. I do BARS..! ...better move that funny looking machine with a needle and cotton attached...(((Bang Bang)).....((drill drill.)).....ermmmm...proper job....better go and fetch some becks>>>>>be back directly .....whoosh>>>(:O)
well, it's all very well having not much traffic, but if the buses don't run here it's going to take me hours; I had to get off at the church, walk through O'Riley's farm and hitch a ride with a passing cyclist egorized/sidecar.jpg
That was brave of you jno I'd never dare go through O'Riley's farm, strange folk there.

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