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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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ah, dear old Essex... well watch out for the coin dealers, they'll give you a penny for each 2p coin you've got and tell you it's a bargain... Have avoided Essex but made a study of pargeting in Suffolk this week - Clare and places like that - also stopped off to observe Trafalgar Green...
a'noon's bit overcast here.

ooh, shaney supermarket shopping ain't my idea of fun either...had to laugh at your post - I thought it said sonny jim threw up in the back of the car! ...hahaha...couldn't understand how he was driving from the back seat. NO, please don't tell me you were driving?

could that be a break in the clouds? if I go out I'm taking a flask of hot sweet tea & a barrel of brandy....don't need any more surprises.

beautiful song - amazing pics!
(look out for the polar bear ....haha)

The best bits are Robbie swinging her guitar and the final bit with a sign from Vinny!!!!!!
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I hope you took in Lavenham on your tour round Suffolk Jno ..the church of St Peter and St Paul is lovely apart from the horrible victorian stained glass ..but some lovely carving . And lots of pargeting round about. Long Melford is nice too and Kentwell Hall.My brother number one lives in this area.
I wasn't driving Robinia ..,I can't drive ..although I drive the child up the wall by keeping on with "Mind that cyclist ..the lights are still amber you have to go so fast " and so on He's probably only doing thirty miles an hour ..but my stomach is usually way behind on the bypass somewhere !
I don't travel well in a car.!
Have a nice time in Southend Vinny ..they have sprout flavoured candy floss you know !!
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Oooooooh .....runs and hides the chs under the chunky wool !
that was my aim, shaney, but when I got to Long Melford there was a cop diverting everyone south down the green away from the church... goodness knows why... so I ended up not heading for Lavenham after all. Next time maybe. I once stayed at that boutiquey hotel in Lavenham - the Swan, was it? - wobbly medieval corridors and warped timbers, very nice.
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Yes ..The Swan ..lovely old hotel ..had many a lunch there and they have a beautiful garden at the back .
If you do go that way again Kentwell is a must ..lovely old moated house and the people who have ressurected it have done a grand job. I went there last year with my niece and her grandson ..we had a lovely day .

Hmm Googly bar has gone bottom upwards I can'tt paste anything ..I expect Vinny has been poking at it with a knitting needle ....
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It's gone all dull and dismal out there after a lovely morning ....poop !
I suppose Hurricane Vinny is on it's way
Good Morning....wakey wakey...!
thats a brill vid little mouse....(((*_*)))*,,|, hehe..!
sprout flavoured candy floss...yummy shaney...I shall send you all no..I insist...!
lovely vid ribena....hiya probs sheila....bloomin forget me eh..! crosses of tooheys from me beer list.(:O)
catch you later dudes.........(*_*)
time I was on my way
Morning knits - my dishwasher is now up and running after being in the shed for 2yrs. Am washing everything in sight! Lovely day here, although we are supposed to be having rain!
Morning all Hope you are all well today. Got me washing out blowing in the wind but it keeps clouding over but not for long so I'm leaving it out.
Great Vids on this page - really enjoyed them.
Went to my local haunt last night and would you believe it was warm enough to sit outside and have our drinks.
Going again tonight as the Midnight Pumpkin Trucks are on should be a good night. Packed as usual when they appear.Going to weed my garden a bit today. Don't know what's up with me I just might be getting the gardening bug after all these years. Lol. See you later :o)
morning peeps...

well that's very handy neti you can do mine...just look at this! ...
<holds popeye-esque arm out....> a bug bite gawn bad....I had to sit with an ice pack on it yesterday, it's so painful. So I won't be knitting this weekend, just painting by numbers for me, & I so wanted to do a tank top for Vinny. Have a good time Vincent

Hi Robi, Neti and Vinny Have a good time Vinny
My Son has gone to Wales this weekend and I'm on Cat duty. Then on Monday he is driving over to Wembly for the match. Lucky him, I wish I was going. Never mind I shall probably go round to his house and watch on Sky. Up The Rams!! :o)
Hi jude and Robi poor thing, I also suffer from big mossie bites. Used to have monthly injections to prevent it.

Don't bother with a tank top for </>el Vinny he get's tanked up enough!!
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Oooh dear Robinia I am a bugs haven too ! If they are going to bite they hone in on yours truly .When we lived in Holland we had a dyke running right along the front of the house ..full of mossies ...all the houses had gnat nets ..but not ours ! I woke up one morning with an arm like an elephants trunk and it was so bad we had to call the doctor. Another time I got bitten by horseflies in Germany and had another arm which I had to go to the doctor with as it was infected .Get yourself some antihistamine asap !!
The other night we had a ruddy mossie floating round the bedroom buzzing in my lughole .....Use your imagination jumping round the the room with a tin of fly spray while Mr S .snores his head off !! But the worse one was on holiday in Greece where I had been bitten so badly we lit a citronella candle thing and it set light to the curtains while we were asleep ! The hotel owner wasn't best pleased with me !

Poor Vinny spite of holey tank tops ..I hope he is having better weather in Sarfend than we are's dire ..raining and cold ..Poop !!
oh a'noon shaney...(neti, Jude & anyone who knows me)...that was well timed...I'd just got up from my warm nest on the settee to feed the hound & thought I'd see if anyone was 'out there'.
Just watched a Colombo - could write the script but I still love it - I feel horrid, not sure if it's the bite or the anti-hist's. Nice to have some sympathy thank you, people who've never suffered think you're being mardy....until you show 'em! Pharmacist darned near fainted when I had one like this before.
Better be careful what we say about the sproutman - don't think he's going until tomorrow...he might be watching to see whether we gossip about you know what he said in b&s.....?...oooh......

totters back in

*For the benefit of our off-shore visitors & those who don't have the latest copy of 'Speek Robinia' you'll find an explanation of "mardy"

it's rather funny, especially the bit at the bottom, 'OtherStuff'.
Hi all. I've come to say goodbye to the biddy threads. My heart is heavy but this is what I feel I must do. From your perspective I must have seemed like a madwoman lashing out last Tuesday and I guess I dare not believe that you'll be able to trust me again after that display of what must no doubt have seemed like such petty-minded behaviour.

There's so much I want to say. I won't say it. It would only leave a bad taste in the mouth as it would seem as if I were trying to explain away what I did. I could talk till the cows come home but the fact would still remain that on Tuesday last I jumped to the wrong conclusion. And even if it had been the right one, there still was the choice of how to handle that situation. Again, I fear the choice I made must have made me seem like a loose cannon to you. It is true I allowed myself to blow.

I've written a couple of emails to Dolly and she has accepted my apology for the way in which I handled that which I was handling - or wasn't - and in no way whatsoever has she implied that the two of us wouldn't be able to be in the same 'room'. (Nor have any of you.) It's my decision entirely.

My email remains open. This was never about not wanting to communicate. There's not one among you that I wouldn't be overjoyed to hear from and I'm certainly hoping to run into y'all in other categories too.

(jno I'm sorry if you have no idea what I'm talking about, but I trust you have our respective email addies tucked away somewhere and that you will know how to go about finding out as much as you want to know.)

I'll say my individual goodbyes in a separate post. Hang on.
well Kit I've no idea whatchoo talkin' about & as we say here..."stop bein' a dozy b*gger & get the kettle on, you ain't goin' anywhere....."

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