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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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is that Flit I can smell in here?

hi Jude... if all of my long lost cousins appeared I think I'd have a job recognising fact they could be living around the corner!
Small world intit tho? I had a gardener for a while ('til he went all 'contract' & too expensive) who'd grown up in Nottm a few doors down from my grandad at the cakeshop!..... booger, missed out there.

now don't be daft neti, I'm sure Vinny's done some odd things whilst under the 'fluence...but fathering a george??

then again....

hahahaha..!lol robinia...(:O)
one of my bestest tunes ever......
peace man............................................
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Happy Fathers day to all dads ...bless 'em.
Hope you are all OK on this dry (so far) day. Had a lovely time yesterday but feel a bit cream crackered today .Of course there was a thunderstorm just as we left the house !
How do people manage to tit about in high heels on a regular basis ? My feet ache like bggry today and I am having to hobble ...and what with the headache to crown all headaches ....Tut ..... crawls off to make yet another cup of tea ....Yikes's clouding up ...where's my pacamac ?
jno or anyone - what type of electric plugs do the use in Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Finland and Russia. I will be taking an English electric kettle (multi voltage) and a Spanish travel iron (2 pin) so what will I need over there. Oye! Kit are you there????
Robinia I have to tell you that, although I don't always mention them, the piccies you post are hilarious - love the Hippy George!!!!
hehe neti I think they should start mass-producing him as the dudematic george.
Are you visiting all of those places?! Is it your pole-dancing farewell trollop tour?

Glad you had a good day sound like me with the shoes. To think I used to strut about town in stilettos & platforms carrying bags of shopping & running for the bus.....!

ooh Vinny that song always whisks me back to me flowery frock with the kipper tie on it...such a dedicated follower....
power sockets of the world
ooh stilletos, memories. It's fancy flatties and low heels for me now. My feet have spread with age and I have to have a 7 now instead of a 6.

This is my favourite of the moment

Thanks jno.

I have very high arches, so wearing stilettos was very difficult as my feet fell out( from the middle). In my hippie days I was barefoot for about 2 yrs. Now I am getting broader everywhere, and find it very tiring walking on the pavements in England, as over here it's mud and stones, til I reach the village.
hey knitwits -
feast your hooks & eyes on this!
and look where she's from...Biddyford!!!! hahahahahaha
Good Morning...peeps
Thats brill robinia.I saw the xmas tree,it was amazing....must go along and take some pics when the house is on display....erm...might even try one of those cake's...(:O)
blimey...thats what you call knitting needles...(:O)
glad to see you made a contribution Vinny
I love a man who can knit :o)

morning clickers...that was a funny night. I'd shrunk me pj's - now I know how how a mummy feels.
so is AB accepting submissions today? Every time I tried to post words of wisdom and encouragement last night it just froze... and now I've forgotten what I was going to say. The world will be the poorer, you mark my words. And wetter <peers out through midsummer grey drizzle>
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Ooh I say ..a warm woolly house ..just what I need on another dull dreary day .
That is brilliant .
I saw something on TV recently where someone had knitted a car
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I had the same problem yesterday Jno ..I thought it was just me .It kept timing out on me and all my Xword answers were way behind everyone else although there was nothing there when I posted .The pages took ages to load too ..I gave up in the end .
oh that looks like a car that I could least I couldn't do much damage in it.
Dreary here too so I'm wandering round with a paint shade card - waste of time, I know I'll just have it beige the same as ever - & a scraper & I'm creatively visualising someone doing the job for me. <sigh>
p'raps I could knit a handyman. slow on here......
So nobody likes my music then LOL !!

I saw the knitted house and stuff on telly last night it's brill and must have taken a lot of patience. :o)

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