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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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later on that night as we passed,his van was turned upside down,and it was on fire.nothing to do with me..I met this bunch of French hippys and They invited me to stay in there massive was great..they had loads of food..and the girls were very..erm..obliging�hehe.!�!I knew Hendrix would be on soon,and got right at the front..(Id seen him in Bournemouth winter gardens just 3 weeks before)�that was his last concert�..he was dead a few weeks later.The sound of jethro tull and his flute echoing all over the site was brilliant,the groups were just brill.On the Sunday I moved up to the �hill�where all the hippys who didn�t pay to get in were ,there were these guys totally out of it(in the nude),and one jumped of the cliff�thinking he could fly.By some magic�he lived.on the last night we pulled down all the stalls used by the traders and burnt the wood to keep warm.There was tons of bonfires..but I don�t think the organisers had a clue,the hippies just pulled down the fences,and the security done a runner.all in all ,it was an experience I will never forget.
I could have wrote another ten pages�(and got banned)but sometimes you just gotta shut up�(:O)
the last yo..yo3 (:O)
ah me, happy times Vinny... just remembering the first Stones concert I went to, I was about 30 feet from Jagger (more like 30 miles these days) as it was in our town hall, which was kind of poky, and they sang their latest number 1, Little Red Rooster, which was probably rude but everypne was so amazed a genuine blues song got to the top... However, this was well pre-hippy, so bong-free.
Wow...what a memory jno..! I remember seeing the Fleetwood mac with pete a pub...they bought me a double barcardi...they had an old bedford van....after that>>>wow..(:O)
brilliant Vinny! - and now the pictures please...hehe
were you one of the naked?
...suppose we'll just have to imagine the parts you missed unless there's a book in the pipeline..... enjoyed the musical backing but yo2 didn't work...perhaps it was the Magic BiddyBus. :o)

oh well, better put me wincies back on.
I should add that I don't recall obliging anyone of either gender before during or afterwards...
Good Morning citizens..
its raining...yippee...!
hehe jno...! you dont remember were'nt on the Pimms in them days to...(:O)
yo 3 replaced yo2 robinia....cuz I did check I wincies....piccys please...hehe..!(:O)
spose shaneys lapping up the ole sun rays as we speak.....throws back the sun cream>>>
coffee break .......(*_*)>>>>later dude's
Morning Biddies Brill story Vinny wish I had been there, but I think I'm a bit older than you and I was having babies at the time. Hee Hee! I'm scooting round getting stuff done so I can watch the tennis. My favourite sports Tennis and Footie. Can't wait for next footie season. Hope everybody is ok today. It's really warm hereand we haven't had any rain yet as we were promised. I have had an email from Kit about a week ago which I answered, I hope she keeps in touch.
Went to the quiz last night and won Sunday lunch for 2 and I still have the voucher for the same I won just before Christmas. Must get sorted out and use them.
Well I'm off now, hope you all have a good day. See yer later alligator! :o)
<tea & tart break...>
...noooo, I haven't started batting for t'other side, I'm talking raspberry jam.... :o)

a' wincy anything today, it's been lovely so far & I'm shattered...think I've got RSI - repetetive snipping injury. Hope you've got some sun shaney.

These new evening moddies are quick on the ball aren't they? It was like a conjuring trick watching Q's whizz off & appear somewhere else.

Vin I'll bet you can remember Rainbow Chaser?...I can, great song, but like bensmum on here I can't find it to listen to either.
Hi Possums, guess I'd better take a curtain call before our Vinny drives you all up the wall waving at me. Vinny I wrote you an email yesterday but it kept on bouncing back. The failure notice daemon said it wasn't delivered because it would put the account over quota (hey it wasn't that long...) and that the problem was permanent and that he had given up - you know the kind of hard luck stories those daemons are always telling - but my internet cafe proprietor doesn't believe that your mailbox could possibly be full. (Why, the gall!) He says the most likely thing is that your email program is "misinterpreting the situation", so I was wondering if you might have a word with your mailbox and find out just exactly how it does interpret the situation. See if you can solve it won't you, and then I'll try again. There are sauna piccies included, you know. (Not really, biddies, I'm just trying to jumpstart him.)

Next: Neti, wrote you too, regarding the date for your Stockholm visit. Hope you got it?

As long as I'm airing my biddyself anyway and as long as it has pleased the Lord to expose my greatest teenage crush Dennis Locorriere on YouTube I'll take this opportunity to say happy birthday to him and play you all some good good music. Dennis is not the lead singer on this one, he's the one foolin' around all over the place, playing the harmonica and just generally making a darling a s s of himself. My mother was always saying how he was "far too mature" for me. Yes. Right. Seeing him now with a tambourine around his neck I do see her point... er... nnnot so much. Mum...?


Glad to see you all alive an' kickin' but I sure as he11 ain't staying around in a place where people see fit to step on my kn�ckebr�d (lol Shaney) so bye now...
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Hi folks
Lovely day here last !
I had to smile at Vinny's Hippy Hi Jinks !
I have also stood a few feet away from old rubber lips in Chatham Town Hall ..I also did not oblige any one for fear of the wrath of my dad !
I have RSI too Robinia Repetetive Scrubbit Injury .
My oven has decided to go on the blink I had to clean it before the man comes to look at it tomorrow.I hate oven cleaning so it was in a bit of state .
Only a man who cannot cook would insist on having an oven that has all these ruddy bells,whistles and fiddly bits.I was quite happy with my old primus stove . .
well our lovely day has gawn down the's been raining a while now & I think I heard rumbling in the distance...unless Jude's full of beans again.

hey Kit good to see you, hope you're ok!

....erm, hang on I'll just fetch my abacus....>>>>

right...... teenage crush?...... the lovely Dennis too mature?
<beads rattle>
does this mean you're not really a biddy at all, but in fact a mere whippersnapper? I think we'll have to have VinnyWizard to saw you in half to see how many rings you've got.
erm, maybe we'll look at your teeth instead

Thanks Kit I've emailed you.
Evening..kv�ll, afton..
blimey...its kip the swede....!wave fer kip
hows yer doing me darling....hehe..the E.mail thingy worked..only joking.Ive checked,and I was over my limit.
but there's room in there now bins all them dodgy e.mails (:O)
so glad you got some rays shaney....Phew...!! thats the last time I forecast the norfolk weather
Blimey robinia,Ive bin chasing the rainbow chaser all over the net...but bu66ered if I can find it.....
hiya jude ...glad you enjoyed my story.....I will tell you about my experiences of hop picking in kent one night....when Ive had a few lemonade's...robinia will have to remove her wincies again..hehe..!(*_*).
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Oooh I say .welcome back kit Nice to see you again ..the butler is so pleased he is in the pantry rustling up some K�ttsoppa with a few Raggmunk on the side .
I've told him he is not to knocker your knickerbrod again or was that knucker the knockerbrod .....oh dear I think he's been on the gin . He does tend to mumble .

Well..what a lovely day again ...... I don't think ..pouring down ....and it threw it down all night too .
Those few rays didn't last long .
We used to go hop and fruit picking when I lived in Kent ...all strictly supervised by my eldest brother ....I don't think there was any hanky panky <b< Vinny !!'s persisting it down here too & I'm feeling rather rusty & very old's my oldest son's 34th birthday !!!
Noooo, it can't be, I'm only 36.

oh heck...just looked out & I see I've been invaded by a flock of bedraggled starlings....I'll point 'em in the direction of Wooly.
Looking forward to an evening with the happy hippy hop picker......??? one around...
they need to multi-task like me
ha, that looks like my room (except I can't see a hoover anywhere in the picture?). I feel like I have been hit in the stomach with a cricket bat so have taken the day off work. Nurofens aren't helping, so I may have to try choclate. Goodness knows what caused it, feels muscular rather than digestive (though I was not aware I had stomach muscles, they certainly haven't done much work these last 20 years). So I shall sit here and feel sorry for myself and swan around the internet occasionally. Nice to see you back, Kit, I suppose you are enjoying 23-hour daytime up there now.
ooh, ouch...have you been overdoing the Keep Fit with Eileen Fowler again? You'll have to nuke your slippers & stuff them down your crimplene slacks. Hope you feel better soon.
Hello biddies - it is now unbearably stinking hot, just happened last night, I hate it, and I've also got a rotten stinking cold. Had stitches out today, they were running stitches so no marks, very impressive, except that I was howling like a baby. Have to go to this rehad for 22days and it's such a bither. Am off for a little siesta.

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