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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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brr... had to put the extra blanket back on the bed last night... where's me microwaveable slippers? where's me brolly? I'm going to Portugal on Friday and would you believe it it's not looking much warmer in Oporto than here. To think it was only last month we had that global warming stuff too. Have you noticed how much worse it's got since the new AB Sports section was set up?
well, as blank pages go, your link is very pretty, Robinia... maybe if I sit and stare at it for a while something will appear <settles in with rum toddy and rich tea biscuits and warm blanket>
It's a bit fresher here today aswell - although still sunny and t-shirt weather.
oh, tut! it works for'll be mrs s' boiling knobby greens steaming up the screen....
Hi all still on about sprouts are we!! Vinny will be pleased we haven't forgotten him!
Thanks for you hoping The Rams win Robi. I know how much it means for you to say that. (Not a lot.Lol) Thanks anyway.I have been to see to my son's to sort out the cat and the telly ready for this afto. You know what I'm like with technical things. He did tell me 'press this and then press that' and he says it so fast I am supposed to get it the first time which of course I don't!
See you later - cheering or crying!!

enjoy it Jude...I do appreciate that it's good for morale of the city if their footy team does well... I remember being caught up in the revelling in Derby back in 1972!
And a former...erm.... suitor of mine was once nominated rams supporter of the year. How impressed was I by that....?? ....hehe
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Well...I have made a victoria sponge with raspberry jam and whipped cream ...................................I have eaten half of it already .
Good luck to anyone who has the guts to go and play anything in this lot !
Poor old Shaney's legs are crossed so tight I'll have to put sprouts on his dinner to get him going .....Oh well I had better go and stare at the fridge and hope that some dinner appears by magic .
Abracabara ..........some cold spuds and bit of cold meat !!
What can I conjure up ...hang on ..I've found a bit of chs and a tomato....Hmm.
how dare you come on here & say that when I am without cake, cake deprived, sans gateau.....
<in tragedy mode> suis d�sol�.....

oh lordy! prepare to be kissed & hugged.... stand back - here comes Jude!!! Derby WON!!
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I can see her now ....Oh dear ...poor cake less person you are then ...! Lucky was nearly all gone !
I managed to take a cross legged hound out but it's still piddling down and it's B cold .
ooh, lovely thanks...I could have made the sponge part but it would have had to be sandwiched together with ketchup & topped with strawberry yoggy.
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Well hurry up and eat it and go and back me up me up in News !!! Lol !! Take yer zimmer frame with you though !!
We're goin up, We're goin up, We're goin up!!!!!!!!!!!
You've got me to a T I have been leaping all over the place at my sisters and she hates footie.She had to tell her neighbours it was her sister making all the racket LOL.
I had a change of plan when and went there instead of my sons. Better than being on my own. Her partner has a broken rib and he could hardly move so I had to do all the jumping about for him, well that's my excuse!! :o)
it was you was it Jude? thought it was thundering...I'm pleased for all the fans & it'll be safe to go out tomorrow :o)....expect there'll be some high spirits tonight!

take cover shaney prepare to be pointed at by the square nail army....
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Hahahaha ..Biddies rule ....OK ?
Passes the Sanatogen and Farleys Rusks.
Yeah -<< punches the air , and falls down >> we told 'em!
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It's not too bad actually ..this bad weather ..I am wandering around AB annoying people .I do love to be bolshi at times .....

♫ Talkin' about my Generation ♫... da da da da dee da dum ♫

♫♫Just because we get around...dododo dodobedobeedobee ....♫♫
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But ..I must dash ....New Tricks is on in minute ..Dennis Waterman....old but sh .... lovable ...Yes I said lovable !
Paul Merton in China for me - although usually have to watch The Simple Life with daughter.
well, shaney, if those people in News knew that you were in reality a black Romanian lesbian asylum seeker, their blood pressure would just make them explode.

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